Kevin Fobbs's Posts (106)

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4063631375?profile=originalVoting Rights is an essential element of the foundational rights guaranteed under the U.S. Constitution. It appears the way that is currently applied and enforced in states that voted for Obama, that this basic citizen right’s train only goes one way. Election officials in Cleveland, Ohio, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and certain Florida counties are just a few of the areas where voting irregularities and voter suppression of conservative, republicans and many white voters, have left their rights stranded at the station.

2012 is the line in the sand and this time. Voters who value the rule of law should soundly reject the false sense of unearned republican guilt, conservative guilt or white guilt that liberals and mainstream media would like to heap onto them. This is the time for republican leaders and campaign officials to demonstrate steel in their backbone and challenge this election fraud as Congressman Allen West is doing in Florida!

It is not racist to confront Election Day irregularities in urban areas, because those urban areas happen to be administrated and controlled by black officials. After all what is the worst that can possibly happen?

Legitimate elections could spring forth and, accurate legitimate vote totals could be the result. In addition, possibly dozens of Election Day and city or county officials could begin taking up residence on the business side of a jail or prison cell!

Instead of repeating the oft used phrase, “I guess we’ll get them next time!” Voters, conservatives, republicans, and Tea Party members should ditch that nonsensical notion and fight for electoral justice. Voter theft and voter suppression is not right when it is used against any voter, whether he is black, white, brown, conservative or Tea Party supporter.

Grand juries should be impaneled in every single city or county where voter theft occurred or even if there was the whiff of voter impropriety. Civil rights which is guaranteed under the U.S. Constitution must be used if it is to have any true meaning or power.

Voter justice is sacred and it must be protected as well as insured, and its application must be color blind. Forget the guilt that liberals and civil rights Obama action teams would attempt to hang around your neck.    ( read more )

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4063630197?profile=originalDo you ever feel as if standing up for your U.S. Constitutional rights has allowed the liberals and the blame game mainstream media to paint a red target on your back as a Tea Party supporter? Well, it appears that since the election the reengineering of the election results are giving GOP moderates as well as alphabet soup network pundits’ greater incentive to bury the Tea Party movement in another shallow grave.

One of those pundits is former President Reagan Speechwriter, Peggy Noonan who stated on CBS Face the Nation, Sunday November 11th that , “The tea party style of rage is not one that wins over converts and makes people lean towards them and say, ‘I want to listen to you.’ I think a friendly persuasion has to begin now from the Republican Party to people of the United States.”

Exactly what type of converts is Noonan referring to? Is she asking that Tea Party supporters moderate their positions so that U.S. Constitutional principles become warmed over mush? Does Noonan and other moderates want Tea Party supporters to sacrifice deeply held foundational values on the Obama alter of socialist expediency? This is absolutely and categorically not going to happen.

The Sunday network talk shows are beside themselves with more than usual self serving glee to bury this genuine grass roots movement of millions of Americans as quickly as they can. The problem is clear, The Tea Party has not retreated since the 2009 continuous assault from mainstream media vicious mistruths. The goal was to label the patriot citizens as extreme, rabid racists who were only interested in destroying the failed tax and spend deficit policies that cooperative republican moderates and liberal democrats have forged for several decades.

Well, guess what, one of the most important color blind leaders to come out of the 20th century probably described the Tea Party movement best. Rev. Martin Luther King taught the nation to stand up against unjust systems. Rev. King stressed: “Change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability, but comes through continuous struggle. And so we must straighten our backs and work for our freedom. A man can't ride you unless your back is bent. “

The Tea Party movement did not bend its back or kneel to the constant and sometimes withering assaults from self serving civil rights leaders like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, but it stunned the nation 2010, with the results of a survey from one of its own: the New York Times.  ( read more )

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4063627637?profile=originalDo you truly believe that conservatives in Ohio, Florida, Colorado, Virginia or any other state in America were just too, too far to the right for Mitt Romney or any Republican to win? The notion is incredibly meritless on its face. The facts are quite simple. Obama saw a drop of nine million plus voters from his 2008 vote totals for president. 1.6 million less blacks voted for him than did in 2008 as well.

The true fact is that Romney received nearly 2 million less votes from conservatives than Senator John McCain did in 2008. The truth appears to be that more conservatives have to be brought to the election table and for the right reasons.

Already there are apologists in the republican establishment who are straining their neck to receive the nod of approval from mainstream media pundits and the alphabet soup networks. Their goal is to toss conservatives under the bus.

Liberal pundits like MSNBC Chris Matthews, Rachel Maddow and Al Sharpton are crowing over the thug-in-chief behavior of Obama and his Chicago campaign street crew. They believe it is permissible to attack, demean and destroy republicans and Tea Party candidates because, after all those Republicans and those Tea Party people are “not decent, and are racist!”

Instead, these pathetic pundits were very desperate to showcase on as many network broadcasts as humanly possible the bowing and scraping of New Jersey Governor Chris Christie. They could not wait to display for the nation Christie’s love fest adoration for Obama over a Hurricane Sandy photo-op. This is the picture that liberals want conservatives to change into.

If that were to happen in some alternative universe, the reality still will remain the same. The liberals and mainstream media will still demonize Republican and Tea Party candidates, but they will repeatedly kick their butt with a smile. Meanwhile in New Jersey, hundreds of thousands of people still are cold, without food, housing or power. Where is Obama’s promise of a15 minute phone call response for those who are suffering in worse than Hurricane Katrina conditions?

Ahhh yes. Phones must not work in the White House. Conservatives should be good little boys and girls and take a long walk off a short pier just like Governor Christie did in selling out his state for a disingenuous smile from Obama. The commander of stealth also threw in a Bruce Springsteen phone call for Christie too. 30 pieces of silver would have gotten him a lot more.

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4063624708?profile=originalWhat happened? What happened in America on November 6th in reelecting Barack Obama to a second term was indicative of how wrong conservative America is in standing up for principles. Instead, the result displayed how far left the mainstream media and the nation’s achievement challenged liberal president has performed.

Obama convinced the country to accept the notion that the America values was based on how much it could give away to targeted groups with welfare checks without work requirements. He increased food stamps to 47 million Americans and handed out education and housing vouchers to illegal immigrants, as well as gay marriage protection against federal laws that prohibit it.

The liberal pundits and mainstream media gotcha specialists have been pontificating about the Romney loss to the hate and revenge president. There are plenty of liberals and even some republican moderates in the media who have been wagging their fingers at conservatives and the Tea Party for not being more moderate in their views about abortion, illegal immigration and adding more crushing debt to the nation’s families.

In fact, conservatives did not lose this election, because in the end, they demonstrated to the nation that America does have a truly bona fide conservative movement in this country. This conservative movement is made up of the 57,588,360 plus voters who on November 6th did not compromise its values to meet the president’s liberal agenda. It will not support a president who engages in solutions which strip the nation of its sovereignty and diminish the founding conservative values and biblical principles.

What occurred in America on November 6th was the drawing of a true line in the sand. This line’s firmness is based upon conservatives and Tea Party supporters who categorically refuse to let themselves be swept away in a tidal wave of false security. These are patriots who will not accept deception from a president who believes that it is better to place a lie before the truth, and embrace character assassination instead of displaying presidential integrity.

What the nation and the world witnessed is quite clear. A community organizer from Chicago armed with the street tools he perfected from socialist Saul Alinsky’s teachings could manipulate the media and obscure the truth. This same president could even cover up the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi, Libya and lie with the full cooperation of CBS’s 60 Minutes. Worse yet, the media let him get away with it until Election Day.

So did Obama and the millions of Americans who believe that fictional accomplishments will somehow magically prevent the crushing debt from destroying their lives and their children’s future really not happen? Will the soul wrenching unemployment rate of 15 percent and more for black Americans and close to 50 percent among black teens suddenly disappear?

What about the Hispanic voters, who decided that a supporting more jobs and legal immigration was less important than supporting illegal aliens who are breaking the immigration laws of this nation. Did they embrace sticking their hands out for government handouts is an acceptable path to becoming an American?

The truth is simple. Liberals Americans believe that hope and change means that they hope that conservatives will change to adopt and embrace their failed presidential candidate’s principles. Liberal media pundits and reporters believe that conservatives should just morph into valueless citizens who are willing to embrace incompetence in Obama’s governance as the best Americans should expect. ( read more )

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4063622737?profile=originalJust when you think that you may have seen it all, this time it is black racism which rears its ugly head to target Romney’s religion with hate literature. It has been reported that a group of African American pastors in Virginia have aligned themselves with the same politics of hate and revenge that Obama called for on Friday in a campaign stop in Ohio.

The pastors, who have formed a group called, “Greater Hampton Roads Christian Leadership Conference,” have decided to use deception and racism to scare their parishioners to vote for president Obama. They developed a brochure to compare Obama’s alleged religious practices with their lies and misconception of what Mitt Romney’s Mormon beliefs are.

The lies and innuendos are obviously false on their face, but the true point is that these pastors and their leader Rev. Lin Hill had no intention on presenting the truth. In fact, if they had done the same amount of research that a fifth grader would have been expected to do, the truth would have been easy to find.

Rev. Lin’s purpose was apparently darker, more sinister in design, because by waiting until the last minute to circulate 100,000 copies of his amateurish literature, he hoped to push black voters to the polls through hate. So this religious leader of the 2,500 member Bethany Baptist Church in Chesapeake, Va., circulated a lie, which is against his own Christian faith.

The only reasonable conclusion that can be conferred on his conduct is that he studied his theology of hate and lies from the same gospel book of Obama’s own religious mentor Rev. Jeremiah Wright who told his congregation in 2003, “God Bless America.’ No, no, no, God damn America!”

One has to ask, is this the shepherd of God that Rev. Lin is following and wants to emulate? If so, it is indeed tragic that he and his fellow ministers would denigrate their hallowed office of the church. How can their parishioners seriously consider these fallen men of the cloth true followers of the teachings of Christ, when they find solace in spreading rumors of hate and racism against another human being? Is their commitment to hate and division so important to their politics of supporting Obama, to throw their commitment to God under the bus?

America has come to expect this type of behavior from president Obama. His campaign has been riddled with advertisements which bombarded the nation’s living rooms with character assassination attack ads against Mitt Romney. Last Friday, America witnessed Obama calling out in frustration and desperation to rally his supporters to go to the polls with revenge and hate in their hearts. Gold star from Satan for Obama.

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4063622258?profile=originalWill you vote against Obama’s war on The Soul of America and its religious freedom Tuesday, November 6th? In President Barack Obama's first term he took advantage of the 340,000 social conservative who did not show up at the polls in 2008’s presidential election. Armed with this free pass given to him, Obama has riddled America’s landscape with executive orders and legislation that abandoned congressional law on gay marriage, abortion, religious choice and many other issues.

Now, four years later in battle ground states like Ohio, Florida, Nevada, and Virginia he wants to complete his anti-religious assault on religious freedoms which are America’s bedrock. So one has to ask, what it will take to motivate social and religious conservatives to vote to preserve and to save America’s freedoms.

Understand this, that the race for the presidency is as close as it could ever be in swing states all over the nation. Gallup just released its final pre-election survey of likely voters on Monday, November 05, 2012 and Mitt Romney is holding onto a bare one percent difference over Obama. Romney’s 49% to Obama’s 48% truly means that ever religious and social conservative voter holds the keys to religious freedom in his or her hands.

What’s at stake is more serious than one might imagine.

Do you believe that your child’s right to be protected from being assaulted with pro-abortion literature in school or gay rights seminars in elementary school against your protests will be listened to, your wrong. School systems have already begun to implement this in schools across the nation.

The Catholic universities and colleges across America are under assault daily from the Obamacare edicts that mandate they obey the Obama pro-contraception insurance mandates. They are being forced to disregard their constitutional right to their religious freedom, or risk the legal wrath of Obama’s federal government.

In fact in Ohio, in May of 2012, Catholic University, in Steubenville, Ohio, decided to fight back against the attempt by the Obama Administration to strip their institution of its religious freedom. Catholic University refused to implement the Obama administration mandates that require a school use their health care plan to provide sterilization, contraceptives or other pregnancy prevention drugs to students.

Michael Hernon, the VP of Advancement at the University, stressed to Fox News in May that Obama Care’s mandates amounted to “moral and economic injustice.” This is clearly a deliberate and intentional act of war on America’s religious freedom!

What more evidence do you need than the very dismissive conduct portrayed at the August Democratic National Convention, where God was booed and denied on the convention floor. Democrat convention organizers under supervision from White House political operatives removed God from the convention platform. When it was discovered, Obama quickly moved to cover up the exclusion with denials from convention handlers. Soon after, Obama’s convention handlers brought it to a vote and God was booed and voted down several times by convention attendees.

The rejection of God in the original Democrat Platform which is a statement of the position of the Democrat Party and its President going into the fall election should serve as a true call to arms by America’s religious community. The move to remove God from the Pledge of Allegiance, abandonment of religious prayer in public schools, at public meetings and at football and other games is just the beginning.  (  read more  )

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4063621611?profile=originalOn Friday, in the closing days of the presidential election President Barack Obama encouraged his supporters in Ohio to head to the polls on Tuesday with hateful revenge in their hearts.  He shouted out that this election result must be about revenge and not about America’s noble principles, values or even future.  This runs counter to his post 2008 election, when he implored Americans to accept his word that he would usher in a new type of non-partisan presidency. 


Instead Obama’s presidency and campaign degenerated into the most partisan Chicago-style thuggish character assassination campaign mugging the nation has ever witnessed


Obama used revenge as his clarion call to battleground state, Ohio, to top off the last hours of his campaign. Is hate and revenge truly what undecided voters are searching for?  Should Americans embrace the insidious nature of his closing argument for the courtroom of the American public?  Consider how the true nature of Obama has lowly become unmasked.  His hate-filled attack ads were reminiscent of his religious mentor and teacher Rev.  Jeremiah Wright.


Why should Americans be surprised?  This president lied about being present when his religious mentor Rev. Wright spoke with venom in his voice about hate. Remember, in 2003 he shouted from his pulpit, “God Bless America.’ No, no, no, God damn America!”  Obama after doing some fancy verbal footwork, around the issue, quickly threw Rev. Wright and his association with him, under the bus.


So, Obama is not unfamiliar with hate or with use of revenge as a useful tactic.  Contrast Obama's behavior with Romney’s revenge voter edict. Romney insisted that Americans should go to the polls on November 6th, “to vote “for love of country!”


Imagine that, “love of country.”  Not unique for a true leader who truly loves his country.  Not unique for a presidential candidate who believes in building up a nation and its future instead of a president stumbling through  four years of mediocrity, incompetence and multi-trillion dollar deficits.

But think about it a minute.  What was President referring to when he asked supporters to take revenge to the polls on November, 6th?   What type of revenge could he be considering?  After all the “Blame Bush” rhetoric is a dog that will not hunt anymore.  Could it be a diversion away from his unwillingness to leave no one behind in the murders of four Americans in Benghazi?  Could it be that the October surprise is that Islamic world tour apologies will no longer cut it with the American public, grown tired of excuses?


Worst yet, could President be a real life Manchurian Candidate who through is youthful foreign travels and Muslim upbringing is truly contemptuous of America as a Judeo-Christian nation?  So consider again the narcissistic placement of the word “revenge” in taking it to the polls on November.  Is Obama a possible foil for socialism or other “ism” that was hatched by his ideological mentor and admirer of Satan, Saul Alinsky?  In fact it was Saul Alinsky who gave a supportive nod in his book, “Rules for Radicals to Satan.  ( read more )

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4063619911?profile=originalThe state of Ohio and Texas along with Florida and Wisconsin are on the United Nation’s Election Day hit list when it comes to their officials showing up at state polling locations. It seems that these United Nations officials have the mistaken belief that they have the legal right to intervene in how Ohio and other states are running their Election Day activities. Their organization the Organization of Security and Cooperation in Europe is showing up because the nearly impotent NAACP and the discredited ACORN organization requested that they oversee possible voter suppression.

The fact that outside countries can use the guise of the United Nations to come into sovereign states and cities like Cleveland, or Columbus, Ohio, or Houston Texas, or any other city in America is without merit. If one single United Nation’s official illegally steps within the 100 foot limit of a polling precinct they will become quite familiar with American jurisprudence.

The Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott has already publically stated that if a United Nation’s official breaks Texas law by interfering with its election process within the 100 foot limit, he will have them prosecuted to the full extent of Texas law and justice. Jay Sekulow, head of the American Center for Law and Justice affirmed this and other similar developments around the nation, on Fox News, Friday, November 2nd.

First and foremost is the erroneous notion that a foreign nation has the purposeful audacity to believe it can set one soiled boot on Ohio, Texas, Virginia, Wisconsin state soil. Could these so-called officials of the NAACP or ACORN be that incompetent about how state government and the U.S. Constitution actually work? The United States Constitution is still the law of the land, as is the 10th Amendment, which clearly states, “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.” This includes election law.

News flash, nowhere in the U.S. Constitution does it say that state election officials should bow, submit, or be subject to interference by the United Nations. Foreign governments do not dictate terms to the United States of America or states about how and what it does regarding elections or any other sovereign action. In other words, United Nations officials take your pens, pads and notebooks to the nearest motel room and watch the election results like any other person.

What is disturbing about this entire misleading scenario is how the United Nations could ignore due diligence in taking a letter from organizations that offered them no legal proof of voter suppression or intimidation. Before the United Nations started snooping into America’s business, why not go over legal proof of voter suppression and intimidation legal cases from the U.S. Justice Department? What about the states they are targeting? Oops, that would be a big negatory since no proof of voter suppression or voter intimidation by Republicans exist!

Why did this so-called finder of fact committee set up by the United Nations not investigate the organizations that made the request? Take ACORN, which had officials engaging in voter fraud in Cleveland in 2008, who were illegally signing up voters multiple times. One voter even testified that ACORN voter registrars signed him up 72 times to vote. Their voter fraud activities are legendary. In Missouri in 1986, 12 ACORN members were convicted of voter fraud. Also in 1986, in St. Louis, six ACORN volunteers plead guilty to a myriad of election law violations.

The NAACP which also requested United Nations intervention into suspected Republican voter suppression has election fraud skeletons in its own closet. The organization made up fraudulent claims in 2000 against then Governor George Bush about voter intimidation and the lack of prosecution of a fatal attack on a black man. In addition, in 2011, NAACP Tunica County, Mississippi executive committee member Lessadolla Sowers was convicted on 10 counts of fraudulently casting absentee ballots in a substantial voter fraud scheme. So much for integrity!

Then of course there is the infamous voter intimidation case in 2008 against the New Black Panther Party, which openly intimidated white voters in Philadelphia. The Obama U.S. Justice Department refused to prosecute the case, despite overwhelming evidence, and an actual video which captured their thug-like tactics.  ( Read More )

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4063618838?profile=originalThe war in the right to life for the future unborn may boil down to the number 18.  The number18 is the age of majority when a young person becomes a legal adult in America. More importantly, it also represents the 18 electoral votes the winner of the Ohio presidential contestwill need to lock down the presidency in this battleground state.  


Every single voter of faith in Ohio should listen to their heart to the cries of the vanquished souls of 50 million babies who were deprived of their God-given gift to see the age of 18, since the 1973 Roe v Wade abortion decision. These Ohioans must be the firewall against the abomination of Obama’s continuing assault on right to life efforts in America.


Will Ohioans understand in their hearts that for every beautiful and precious life they hold a baby shower and christening for, there is another equally beautiful precious future life that needs to be prevented from being destroyed.  Every voter must embrace the notion that to save a future life is to be their brother’s keeper.  The rights of the unborn in Ohio, Michigan, Virginia, and Florida or anywhere in this nation is a right interconnected with each American.


This is where Ohioans and Americans step up and put faith into action. Genesis 4: 9-10    “Then the Lord said to Cain, “Where is your brother Abel?” “I don’t know,” he replied. “9Am I my brother’s keeper?”  10The Lord said, “What have you done? Listen! Your brother’s blood cries out to me from the ground.”


Ohio, this is personal, because you are your brother’s keeper.  The decision to vote early or vote on Election Day, November 6th is more than just an exercise in democracy.  It is your own clarion call from an inner spirit learned in youth that the laws of God are above the laws and opinion polls of man. 


It is the right to life that flows from the essence of man’s creator.  This is the foundational basis for the nation and is the first statement of the United States Declaration of Independence. “ We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. ”

The battle for freedom has to be fought and yes won on the basis of this very elementary question.  Are you ready and are you prepared to go outside of your comfort zone to take a stand for the future of the nation’s unborn?  Will you be willing to be the firewall to protect their right, in their own Revolutionary War for life?


The decision to save the life of the unborn is more than an exercise in semantics.  It is a serious occasion that calls for prayer in your heart and affirmative action to awaken your friends, family members and neighbors to exercise a vote for life.  The nation’s unborn future generations do matter. Be the moral sledgehammer against politicians and judges who circumvent life based upon convenience.


Is it more important to be conveniently politically correct than to stand up for the fetal viability of the unborn child.  Fetal viability of the unborn child was a test constructed by the Wade v Roe U.S. Supreme Court 1973 case decision. The court decided nearly forty years ago that the last third of a pregnancy was the line in the sand for life, or sometimes between 24 and 28 weeks, where an abortion could be legally permissible.


Where is the line in the sand now?    ( Read More )

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4063612956?profile=originalColonel Terry Fobbs has passed on to join the hundreds of thousands of America’s soldier warriors who have brought honor and integrity to America through war and peacetime service. For many Americans the patriotic service of the citizen soldier has personally touched their lives and families as in many wars, like in Afghanistan, or in defense of America’s sovereign interests around the globe.

What is truly remarkable about the nature of the conservative soldier warrior is the noble spirit that engages the heart to go forward into battle and not away from responsibility.

The pillars of courage which Americans have seen in their own family’s sacrifice when a son or daughter has volunteered to seek a greater cause than a backyard barbeque or a quick political posting that denigrates a soldier’s service, is heartwarming. America has always been home to the hypocrite and the coward, because that is the nature of hypocrisy and cowardice; to run, to hide, and to pitch rocks until the soldier has secured their freedom. Even in the Revolutionary War, there were cowards who would rather sale out their freedom for the comfort of powerless slavery.

But the nation, and the soldier warrior need not be concerned about the coward or the hypocrite, for their kind would do more harm than good if they could find momentary steel in their hollow backbone.

The greatness of the conservative warrior soldier is found in the heart of a soldier and officer like Colonel Terry Fobbs, who decided that even in the midst of national civil rights turmoil in his native Detroit and in protests in the streets over Vietnam, he saw the higher purpose. He volunteered to defend the U.S. Constitution and to protect it and the nation with honor, duty and courage, because where others sought baseless complaints to identify with, he sought solutions that would strengthen America.

That is the trademark of a true American soldier warrior. It did not matter that there were protesters cowering in groups with signs of dissent or hiding behind their marijuana cigarettes, and peace pipes, America’s true heroes who protected those rights, knew to avoid duty, honor and service is to surrender one’s values, one’s principles and eventually one’s nation.

If America is to remain free, its soldiers have to remain above those who love to stand against protecting the nation, and who would rather find a way to elect political leaders who attempt to negotiate away America’s freedoms, its borders and its sovereignty. The weakness of those who talk away the nation’s freedoms are never as strong or as enduring as the Colonel Fobbs of this nation who stand up and fight to defend and strengthen the pillars of freedom.

Veteran’s Day is fast approaching and it is important, yes even essential that each American takes the time to embrace as well as to celebrate their very own Colonel Fobbs or Sergeant Wagner or Private Garcia in their family. Take the time to understand and embrace with your heart what it means to have their honor and their courage.

Fifty years ago, on May 12th in 1962, in an address to the U.S. Military Academy, General Douglass MacArthur described the loyal patriotic devotion that military leaders like Colonel Terry Fobbs possessed. He affirmed that military leaders and soldiers must display three cherished and necessary qualities.

"Duty, Honor, Country" — those three hallowed words reverently dictate what you ought to be, what you can be, what you will be. They are your rallying point to build courage when courage seems to fail, to regain faith when there seems to be little cause for faith, to create hope when hope becomes forlorn.” General Douglass MacArthur 

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4063610945?profile=originalThis week former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin penned an article on Facebook with the title "Obama's Shuck and Jive Ends With Benghazi Lies,” This has set off a firestorm of criticism throughout the liberal punditry world.  MNBC’s Chris Matthews has railed against Palin, calling her comments of having "a particular ethnic connection" and that she aimed "to throw it at the president as an ethnic shot is pretty blatant."

What about President Obama’s own White House Press Secretary Jay Carney, who used the phrase last year in September 2011?  In talking to the press corps at the beginning of a White House briefing, he stated, "Sorry. I'm going to shuck and jive! Time to shuck and jive. So America gets it, only certain people can say it. Where was the liberal rap on the knuckles for insulting black people or his boss?

Should Chris Matthews and other liberals, receive a free pass when they have used the phrase on several occasions without similar howls of protest.

In fact, Chris Matthews the self appointed defender of the liberal faith used the phrase in 2010 when fellow MSNBC pundit Rachel Maddow was discussing her ratings driven trip to Afghanistan.  Matthews reportedly asked Maddow, “What has it been like, as you shuck and jive, hang out with the men over there, the women over there, in uniform risking their lives every day?”


Did Matthews become suddenly affected with “Obamnesia,” the known malady which infects liberals’ with sudden outbursts of hypocrisy and a temporary loss of liberal fictional talking points?  Matthews clearly had a strong case of this.  Yet, where was the outcry from the defenders of the liberal faith?  Was Matthews hoping that Maddow would discuss how she found proud black soldiers risking their lives, engaging in being foot shuffling’ Negros?


What about New Governor Andrew Cuomo, who while New York Attorney General, in 2008 targeted democrat presidential candidate U.S. Senator Barack Obama for his all too frequent side stepping of the facts?  Out of frustration, Cuomo blasted Obama in a radio interview by stating, "You can't shuck and jive at a press conference!"


Where were the liberal siren and alarm bells in 2008?  Where was Chris Matthew’s denunciation or even Rev. Jesse Jackson, or the other liberal pundits?  Meanwhile, some of the liberal cleanup crew likened Cuomo’s comments to a boxer who was “bobbing and weaving” around the facts.  So was it racist or was it inarticulate?

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4063606751?profile=originalObama’s election firewall is melting like a house of wax all over America.  States like Florida, Virginia, Iowa, Michigan, and Wisconsin where President Obama’s election machines had once appeared impregnable are now crumbling.  What is even more telling is that Ohio, the battleground of all battleground states is now fast becoming Obama’s possible Waterloo.


According to many recent national polls, including results from Fox News Poll that was released Friday, October 19th, Obama’s lead over Republican challenger Mitt Romney is narrowing.  The president’s former lead of 49-42 percent from late September has dwindled to 46-43 percent.  What appears even clearer is that the president’s second debate performance, while well scripted at how to be evasive and fact challenged, and has not slowed Romney’s growing momentum.

The growing White House cover up of how U.S. ambassador to Libya J. Christopher Stevens and 3 other Americans were murdered on September 11th  at the American consulate in Benghazi is taking center stage.  As more and more intelligence documentation, real time videos, and congressional documents are made public a bizarre and tragic web of deceit is being unearthed.


The White House and the president’s campaign have stepped up their visits to Ohio and other battle ground states as well as their attacks on Romney.  Their hope is that voters would ignore the facts that these murders were avoidable and preventable.  But on Monday October 22nd, the last presidential debate should bring the truth of the Benghazi scandal and the unraveling of the administration’s stonewalling into America’s living rooms.


The presidential election stakes are much, much higher now.  Now the White House narrative and tangled terrorist assault storylines are unraveling, thanks to the recent congressional hearings on Capitol Hill. Its gets even worse.  President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden are now telling competing versions of the Libyan murders’ timeline. 

Timing is everything, and with Foreign Affairs being on the table for the last debate, the White House is on lock down.  It is refusing to honor requests for documents from congress that detail what the president knew, when he knew it and what action did he take. Fear that truth of possible evidence being covered up concerning pre and post attack terrorist activity by the White House could prove an administration cover up is in play.


What evidence could the administration be afraid of providing congress and the American voter before the election?  Could it be proof that Ambassador Stevens desperately sent request after request to the State Department for more security, while terrorists linked to al-Qaeda steadily increased their attacks and assaults as late as August on the consulate?

Could it be evidence that the President decided to ignore in-person daily Security Council briefing.  Will White House meetings records reveal that he either golfed or attended entertainment and Hollywood fundraisers on the lead up to the anniversary of the most horrific terrorist attack in the nation’s history?

What is so important in the timeline which lead up the murders in Benghazi that Obama is afraid that voters will discover?  What the administration possibly fears can be found in the recent Fox News video concerning the timeline that led up to the Benghazi tragedy.   ( Read More )

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4063605399?profile=originalWith the continuing furor erupting concerning the highly partisan nature displayed by Candy Crowley during the second presidential debate, the real question has evaded the American voter.  Who is truly responsible for acts of journalistic misconduct and what should be done when a debate moderator decides to go rogue, as Crowley did in favoring Obama?


The Commission on Presidential Debates is the organization which sponsors the presidential and vice presidential debates and it claims that these debates will be conducted in “a professional and nonpartisan manner.”  What happens when the journalist moderator interjects herself into the debate, in order to blunt a candidate’s momentum, as Crowley did to republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney?


Presidential Debate Commission Rules:

(c) With respect to all questions...

(iv) The moderator will not ask follow-up questions or comment on either the questions asked by the audience or the answers of the candidates during the debate or otherwise intervene in the debate except to acknowledge the questioners from the audience or enforce the time limits,

Crowley deliberately and intentionally broke the agreed upon rules, and decided as Obama has decided during the course of his administration, that rules don’t apply and the ends justify the means.

So, what recourse do the American people have when a journalist is selected who openly ignores the rules in conducting the debate and in comments leading up to the debate?  What happens when the journalist moderator interjects herself into the debate, in order to blunt a candidate’s momentum, as Crowley did to republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney?


The easy answer is to say; simply that Republicans and GOP candidates who are the favorite targets of biased coverage in the mainstream media should just grit their teeth and bare it.  But that is not what the American public needs to see or should have to endure.  If a presidential debate commission purports to field “unbiased reporters” who are going to be fair and balanced moderators, then failing to do so should result in a penalty, and or permanent suspension of the reporter and their affiliated network from future participation in debates.


According to the national Verified Voting Foundation, in 2012 there are approximately 180,802,372 registered voters in America.  Voters are entitled to see a debate that is free from a moderator who appears to purposely steer a debate, to benefit the incumbent president Obama. Crowley’s behavior becomes even more suspect when one considers that Obama was increasingly losing ground to the republican challenger Mitt Romney.

Did CNN senior political reporter Candace Crowley conduct herself in a professional and nonpartisan manner?  Examine her earlier statement, when she announced that she would evade and ignore the professional rules of journalistic conduct, and inject herself into the presidential debate if and when she saw fit. So one has to question, who judges the moderators when moderators declare that they are above the rules as Crowley did?


It’s possible that the American people can supply the answer. ( Read More )

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4063600920?profile=originalWhen America as a nation is strong its leaders do not have to resort to distortion, distraction, deception, or vulgarity to convey the strength and integrity of the nation’s principles. Yet, as the election winds down, and Mitt Romney gains political ground, Hollywood and its race baiting actors like Samuel L. Jackson are out pandering to liberals and minorities. Their transparent goal is to convince Obama followers to ignore the reality of President Obama’s economic failures and continuing foreign policy cover up.

The Obama campaign has resorted to using a child in a vulgar Hollywood Romney attack ad to encourage the president’s supporters to vote. It is using a child uttering profanity in a Hollywood ad called "Wake The F**K Up", to defend a failed presidency and incite Obama supporters. Is this the hope and change Obama was referring to in April 2008, when he spoke of a “New America” in his hope and change speech.

It is no secret that Americans are suffering, and have 23 million out of work, underpaid or have given up looking for work. It is no sudden revelation that upwards of 46 million Americans are on food stamps and the nation’s seniors will suffer from $716 billion being ripped from the budget to finance Obamacare.

The Obama White House refuses to explain to America how the administration has managed to leave the nation abysmally worse off than when it came into office. Instead, the Obama campaign has decided to sink to an unimaginable low. It uses a child and an actor to scare voters into accepting this type of low brow presidential incumbent tactics.

Is this how desperate a president will go to depart from the honor and dignity of a President Washington, Lincoln, Eisenhower, or Reagan? Would any one of these presidents ever consider using an actor or a child muttering profanities to defend their record, their work, or their presidency?

Yet, Obama and his campaign seem to feel quite comfortable at allowing Jackson to use his thug-like bulging eyed persona to inflame voters into action. Somehow Jackson seems to feel that his well crafted movie hooligan behavior, which he perfected in movies like, Jungle Fever, Pulp Fiction, and Shaft, will encourage his minority audience and guilt-ridden white liberals to vote for Obama. Jackson’s sham is based upon Obama supporters believing that he’s the real deal when it comes to knowing what’s good for minorities and Americans in general.

Well, if this Hollywood actor, whose own personal worth according to Celebrity Networth is in the neighborhood of $150 million, can feel your economic desperation and daily anguish, why does he hide behind a child? Why does he need to use a young girl as his vehicle for defending Obama?

The answer is clear. Liberals and Hollywood’s information-challenged aristocracy love to wield racism as a mallet against republicans. Obama’s campaign embraces a time perfected Chicago-style smear and fear campaign approach, where using anything and anyone, even a child is permissible.

In fact Obama forecast his own 2012 campaign behavior in 2008, ( Read More )

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4063598476?profile=originalIf a lie is said often enough, it will become the truth when left unchallenged. Affirmative action is the new slavery. It is the new second-tier of citizenship, Abigail Fisher, in Texas does not keep your child from excelling in school. So why are black supporters of Affirmative Action letting Affirmative Action and its discriminatory use block Abigail Fisher’s opportunity at the American Dream?

Black mothers and fathers should seriously consider this. When was the last time you saw a white person stand in front of your child in school to keep him from learning? When was the last time you saw a white person stand in front of your child and told him to commit a crime? When was the last time that you saw a white person stand in front of your child and told him not to study, not to get good grades, not to try harder, not to do better, not to be better and not to succeed?

Race based affirmative action may come to a screeching halt and finally put an end to decades of reverse discriminatory policies utilized in higher educational institutions.

This week, the U.S. Supreme Court took up arguments concerning a case brought by Abigail Fisher, a white applicant who was denied admission to the University of Texas (UT) at Austin in 2008. Fisher is challenging UT-Austin’s decision to use a race-conscious admission plan which considers race as a factor in admitting students to its incoming freshman class.

Instead of using a fairer race-neutral plan, which Texas law already guarantees the top 10 percent of high school students in their graduating class admission to the university, UT-Austin, went a step further. It used an unnecessary and highly unfair reverse discrimination practice of considering race as a factor for admittance, thus making the purpose for the race neutral Texas law meaningless.

The problem which Miss Fisher and any other high school applicant in Texas and in any other community in America has to consider, is will they be admitted based upon their academic ability, content of their character or any other measurable qualities? ( Read More )

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4063586455?profile=originalWhen President Obama decided to announce in May his embrace of gay marriage he opened the gate for his political sideline gay supporters and liberal like-minded non-profit funders to weed out organizations that support traditional family values. They zeroed their targets on the Boy Scouts, because of its refusal to cave in to the demands of liberals and gay activists to change their traditional values and biblically-based beliefs.

This was not unique for the organization to stand firm on its 100 plus year-old legacy. In fact it took a June 28th, 2000 "Boy Scouts of America et al. v. Dale" decision from the U.S. Supreme Court to uphold the Boy Scouts of America’s right of freedom of association . The decision sanctioned the group’s right to set its own standards for both membership as well as leadership.

But with a wink and a nod from President Obama’s embrace of gay marriage in May of this year, the liberal gay activists were emboldened to decimate the Boy Scouts’ legal Supreme Court constitutionally supported rights. They moved with all deliberate speed to defund organizations, and set their eyes on Cleveland, Ohio’s 100 year old plus organization.

On Tuesday, September 25th, the United Way of Greater Cleveland notified the Greater Cleveland Council of the Boy Scouts of America (GCC) that their $97,251 funding was going to be stripped. This vindictive action would affect 16,000 youth that are served in Cuyahoga and Summit Counties in the Cleveland area, according to the GCC.

Not only that, but, this defunding would critically and adversely, affect the lives of 1,500 at risk low income children in the City of Cleveland, admitted Boy Scout program aide Wardell Cooper, to WKYC-TV News, on Tuesday, September 25th. Cooper, himself, has increased Boy Scout participation in his area of Cleveland from 9 scouts to dozens. That translates into dozens of kids with new hope, who are off of the street and involved in constructive community activities.

The overriding mandated objective of the gay rights agenda is crystal clear to parents of boy scouts and to their supporters. To receive funding, the organization must both abandon their moral principles and adopt the new liberal order or the funder will decimate the children’s future… constitution or no constitution. So there you have it, As of June 30th, 2013, the United Way of Greater Cleveland will eliminate and potentially decimate the opportunity of children, and especially those in many Cleveland urban neighborhoods.

Where are the civil rights advocates from the churches and from the neighborhoods and from the state or the nation who will fight for the children who were engaged in decent law abiding activities? Certainly no support will be forthcoming from the NAACP.

The NAACP has already been bought and sold and peddled their credibility down the river. This summer the organization’s 64-member board adopted a resolution to support gay marriage and tie it to rights guaranteed blacks by the 14th Amendment. So as one can see, the children do not have an advocate in an organization that has sold the children’s future out for 30 pieces of silver from Obama and his gay rights supporters.

But this is the time for parents and advocates of constitutionally protected freedom of association to stand firm! They have to support not only these young boy scouts, but all children who are being forced 

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Hate, fear and smear!! “Shame on you Barack Obama!!” - Feb 23, 2008

4063583759?profile=originalThis is the legacy of the Democrat party and one which President Obama embraces and actually appears to relish. He is quite familiar with the hate, fear and smear art form practiced by his fellow democratic leaders. He uses it with adept frequency. The president flies into crucial swing states like Ohio, Florida, and Virginia with his practiced hanging drawl. He then enchants the black locals with notions of sugar plum government programs that will make their life better, if they give him the same chance they did in 2008.

This is done with no reflection upon their own increasing misery index which just happens to coincide with Obama’s increased abandonment of any job, education, or community safety-net promises made. Instead, it is only through continued black misery indexing upward can Obama and democrats continue their titanium plantation grip upon over 90 percent of America’s black electorate.

Where’s the beef? Where are the jobs?

The goal of democrat plantation politics has been to find a convenient and perpetual target that can be feared, hated, smeared and consequently demonized. Republicans are that target group, which unions, democrat community organizers like Obama, and democrat political machine leaders have made their primary election year goal.

Of course with the compliance of the NAACP, as their contracted plantation house servant, the nefarious and typically highly emotionally charged negative rhetoric rings off of church and community center walls every election season. But what are universally missing are the facts of Republican misdeeds. Emotional sing song rhyming rhetoric is the bait democrat plantation leaders ply to submerge common sense or biblical principles and values learned in the church.

President Obama not only knows this but he is absolutely banking on black mothers and fathers, grandparents and families to not look under the sheets and discover they have been hoodwinked and short-sheeted by Obama and the democrat plantation care takers. To borrow from Obama’s own 2008 words which blacks on the democrat political plantation would do well to remember, “Instead, they’re betting on amnesia. That's what they're counting on. They're counting on that you all forgot. They think that they can run the okey-doke on you. Bamboozle you."

This is what Obama said to blacks in 2008 about Republican, but look at the facts, ( read more )

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Obama’s New American Dream Of Islamic Appeasement

4063579199?profile=originalRomney refuses to apologize for American principles and values

Do you remember where you were the day that America’s Dream was assaulted, stripped bare, and left to endure a slow and lingering death?  That day began on June 4th, 2009, when President Obama traveled to Cairo, Egypt and bowed his head to the Muslim World in a speech. He let the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamic extremists, know that they had a fellow traveler and friend in the White House.

The president was clear, convincing and concise.  The values and principles of the nation which has guided America’s founders, the defenders, and its citizens for over 233 years, by 2009, was laid upon the alter of Islam, like yesterday’s refuse.  The new American dream of apology first, neutrality second and attack from behind third, was the new legal, moral and presidential construct.

Mitt Romney refuses to lead America into Obama's years of apologetic Islamic darkness. He represents a clear choice for America's Dream and America's Future. There is a difference.

So, as Obama planned his trek to Cairo, Egypt, according to published reports from May 28th, 2009, the president insisted that at “least 10 members of the Muslim Brotherhood be allowed to attend the speech.” to be delivered on June 4th. 

His speech ominously called “A New Beginning” foreshadowed the commencement of a renunciation of America’s values, its principles and time honored sovereignty.  Instead in its place was Obama’s re-interpretation of America, its values and its principles. He used friendly couched phrases to be an apologist first, and allow the nation to be a scapegoat for all real or imagined misdeeds that were offensive to the Muslim world.

Obama stressed, “Moreover, the sweeping change brought by modernity and globalization led many Muslims to view the West as hostile to the traditions of Islam.”  Obama used this as a conditional reason to massage the Muslim world’s feelings of America and the West, not being in step or considerate of Islamic teachings.

But Obama proceeded to ignore the history of Islamic actions and its heinous practices against non-Muslims, Christians, women and other non-believers.  Instead the president announces a new fictitious doctrine that …-  read more: 

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4063572656?profile=originalThe recent RNC Convention in Tampa, Florida was missing one of its most essential conservative ingredients to showcase the essence of the conservative 2010 Republican comeback story.  That comeback was largely due to the grassroots organizing tenacity of Sarah Palin.  Whatever the rationale used by the RNC or Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s campaign strategists to keep Palin’s presence on the sidelines, it missed the point of the narrative.  It was therefore incomplete.

There were remarkable women and others, who spoke at the RNC Convention, but Palin is more than a good speech, she is a foundation builder.

Imagine for a moment, if Sarah Palin and the Tea Party Patriots around this nation had listened to the radicalized left and liberal media pundits.  What if they had done “what they were told” to not make noise, to not organize, to keep their passion for America’s future and potential demise to themselves?  The American conservative comeback of 2010 would have been a “might have been” instead of a solid building block for reemerging American patriotism that the movement has become.

Sarah Palin not only helped developed the new political conservative narrative for America, her heart and her soul is the heart and soul of every American patriot who does not need to watch a political convention to be told and shown what is relevant to them.  Rather, the conservative patriots know full well that the true conservative American Convention is a convention held in their homes and communities each and every single day.

What if America had been subjected to Democrat retention of the House in 2010? What if President Obama had been able to continue to steam roll his misguided agenda into other areas beside Obamacare’s?  A House lead by Speaker Nancy Pelosi could easily have given more trillion dollar bailouts to union leaders, government entitlement handouts and granted illegal aliens first in line job training, education and full citizenship rights.  States would be forbidden to arrest and maintain illegal aliens and all borders would be open and free to any illegal alien that wanted to take advantage of America’s welfare and healthcare systems.
The U.S. Constitution would have been even more abused than Obama’s has already done by failing to enforce laws passed by congress, and usurping federal laws by declaring that nearly one million illegal aliens can avoid a federal constitutionally passed law by breaking it through his executive order.  His rationale, “It’s the right thing to do”   usurped the U.S. Constitution’ separation of powers, and made socialist edicts the new law of the land.

President George Washington’s warned against this type of governmental usurpation of the U.S. Constitution.  He stated in his Farewell Address of  1796:, “But let there be no change by usurpation; for though this in one instance may be the instrument of good, it is the customary weapon by which free governments are destroyed. The precedent must always greatly overbalance in permanent evil any partial or transient benefit which the use can at any time yield.

The Tea Party take over in the House with its congressional candidates prevented a much greater devolution of the nation’s constitution.  Instead it was the steady vigilance of the Tea Party Nation in states across America and Sarah Palin who worked tirelessly to insure those victorious outcomes were secured..

Most critically is the religious and moral foundation on which Palin’s pursuit of American conservative convention lies:  President Washington covered this necessity in his 1796 Farewell Speech.  He stated “Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness -- these firmest props of the duties of men and citizens.

As one can easily surmise, Palin’s embrace of this essential religious and morally principled doctrine successfully guided her in 2010 as well into historic primary wins in states like Texas with Ted Cruz for U.S. Senate.

Instead in the months leading up to the RNC Convention in Tampa, the RNC and Romney camp appeared to focus more on building an assault strategy to showcase at the convention.  They danced away from any attempt to embrace or acknowledge the solid results of a Tea Party conservative revolution and Sarah Palin, a conservative leader who successfully rekindled the Washingtonian beliefs and philosophy“Let it simply be asked, Where is the security for property, for reputation, for life, if the sense of religious obligation desert the oaths which are the instruments of investigation in courts of justice?”
The rekindling of support for those time honored values are more than just a sound bite.  Sarah Palin’s work is solid and there is a new conservative dynamic taking place at dinner tables across America.  The conservative American Convention is televised on social media sites in the tens of millions. The patriots share news on these social networks which are unafraid, un-bought and unbent.

This new social dynamic is the home, where the renaissance of conservative principles, religious ideals and values is the foundation which is as old as the bible and as contemporary as this morning’s kitchen breakfast discussion.  So, in many ways, Sarah Palin’s appearance for one week out of a presidential campaign at a national convention was not as important as keeping her out building and supporting conservative leaders across America.

As her guide, Palin has stood and continues to stand on conservative principles that count in American homes.  As Washington so eloquently phrased it, “And let us with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion. Whatever may be conceded to the influence of refined education on minds of peculiar structure, reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle.”

America will win against an Obama White House and administration that has abandoned moral and religious principles.  America will win in all the November general elections to follow, by listening to the clarion call of an American conservative leader. Palin has traded attempting to fit into the mainstream political culture, and instead has helped create a culture that is true, that is authentically patriotic.

Sarah Palin’s heart and soul is as true as the words and leadership that America’ heroic founding father and first President offered, “The name of American, which belongs to you in your national capacity, must always exalt the just pride of patriotism.”  This is Sarah Palin and this is her American Convention.


Let me know what you think:

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When is it ever hilarious that the thought  of dozens if not hundreds of black people desperately clinging for life as torrential waters batter their children, mothers or neighbors ever funny?  David Chalian, a former political director with ABC News thought it was fair game to use a hate-mongering attack against Mitt Romney and Republicans gathered at the RNC Convention in Tampa, Florida on Wednesday.  In his vicious racist attack he said, Romney is, “Happy to throw a party with black people dying.”


Chalian, who was recently the Washington Bureau Chief for Yahoo News was fired for his online remarks, which brought no sense of alarm or even admonition from any of his on air colleagues.  This has become frighteningly familiar and comfortably abusive behavior by many liberal media persons who repeatedly target Republicans leaders and Tea Party members.


Only last night after Utah mayor and congressional candidate Mia Love gave a stunning speech at the Republican National Convention, her Wikipedia page was hacked. So in an atmosphere of  glowing GOP support for a rising star of the GOP who happens to be an African American woman, liberal attackers practiced their deceitful craft.  They used morally offensive language on her page and called her a “dirty, worthless wh*re who sold her soul in the name of big business, “and a house ni**er.”


This is the repugnant culture that mainstream media reporters and anchors have permitted to fester and grow, that seeds this type of morally bankrupt conduct. This is not new.


You do not have to go back very far to find media targeted bias. Last month, in the wake of the Colorado movie theater shootings, where 12 people were murdered, ABC News went on the air with a libelous claim against a Colorado Tea Party member.  During a morning news segment of Good Morning America, Anchor George Stephanopoulos, and Brian Ross, ABC News Chief Investigative Correspondent erroneously and callously linked an innocent Colorado man with the same name to this tragedy without making any attempt at verification of his identity.   His only “alleged crime” was having being a member of the Tea Party. Brian Ross was never fired or reprimanded.


Do not be mistaken into believing that this might have been just another non-purposeful action. In fact, on previous occasions... ( read more :  )

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