Joseph Phillip De Marco's Posts (64)

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Posted by Joseph Phillip De Marco on April 9, 2020 at 5:52am
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Fear is the strongest persuasive ingredient that overwhelms sober thought. A herd of cattle; a collective unit reacts to a stimulus: the perceived threat of the cattle driver. It is the idea of safety in numbers, a survival strategy.

However, throughout the centuries, religion, superstitions, despots, forewarnings, omens and even real threats and dangers have caused most humans to panic without rational thought; virtually, to run back into the real and proverbial fire.
Fear can be used as a mighty weapon to pervert and undermine common sense and rational thinking. Many self made kings and tyrants throughout history know this as a powerful tool to reign over masses of people. All people cannot be tyrants, kings or protectors, so as a resolve, they rely on no better alternative than to be led by, ironically, someone who they fear to protect them.
This becomes the dominant fabric of all societies; it is almost a genetic instinct to be submissive to a power structure clothed in the garb of fear.
Now as the protector of the masses he has the carte blanc ability to sway them in any direction: good or bad, for self gain or for their self destruction.

Sometimes, however, this Protector will direct his herd down the path of danger, and it will follow without much hesitation, due to ritual, habit, and allegiance.
Now, let us apply it to the panic, hysteria of today with the spook virus: Many societies around the world went into a frenzy; based in part, on faulty information, blame, and irrational thought and fear, and were led, even further, into the proverbial fire by their ill-informed Protectors.

Finally, when the masses have become fatigued from being penned up, confined, skittish, misled, broke, and when their senses have slowly come back to the realization that much was ado about nothing, that is when reality kicks in; herd mentality kicks in and realize that social distancing is more injurious than the spook virus, therefore, they will, most likely, insist to maintain social distancing from hysterical politicians and quack medical experts.

  What a vicious circle is woven in the OK Corral. Maybe, rational thought is finally questioning the Protector's motives and loose marbles; maybe not!

Joseph Phillip De Marco

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All of what I said, in most of my blogs was that this spook virus was just a spook virus; hysteria on every level of government, media and the medical guru quacks. The whole Nation shut down based on faulty information panicking the weak and strong among us.  At least we learned one thing: Government and all its deciples are not the brightest lightbulbs, and furthermore, we have learned that the medical experts work very well as media driven lobbyists, to further there wealth and notoriety.  What really is disappointing, unfortunately, our President Trump fell into the trap.

China, at least, knows how to shut the most powerful Nation down: OURS!!!  


Joseph Phillip De Marco  

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Conformity is the aim of any State and Federal policy, force is the engine to accomplishing this, and force cannot move without the element of fear, the fuel behind the force. This modern day experiment and or challenge of any level of government is evidenced in the attempt, with some success in gun laws and restrictions on citizen ownership; fear of breaking the law, thus, becoming submissive and conforming to government policy; however un-Constitutional , ethical or unethical. The average citizen cannot and, in most cases, will not fight the system or status quo of State policy, only in spirit, but not practicing or performing in active protest.
This same model, concept or scenario even applies to the now 'spook virus' whereby, the collective whole, is conforming to a State policy, based on, mostly, faulty information, if not calculated and contrived by clever politicians and the more scheming medical institutions; all bidding for more wealth and control from and over the masses.
The American Citizen has lost his role: as being sovereign, and an enabler to facilitate good and honest governance, by vigilance and being informed, as well as, the one dictating the terms of which to be governed by. The State, of course, has its safeguards, to prevent this by almost secretive, closed doors decision making, preventing public purview.
If only the Public had the same model, as mentioned above, to be implemented and applied, in practice, in reverse to the State and its politicians and its bureaucracies. Unfortunately, the hustle and bustle, and preoccupation of struggling to raise a family, with all the expenses attached; and the accumulation and maintaining goods and services; the name of the game intended or unintended. And all this at the expense of losing more and more rights and freedom; a blind sighted view on what a Republic we claim it to be.
Joseph Phillip De Marco


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We have been shammed; sold snake oil , while, our Constitution's death has been not reported. Where there is no sense, there can be no shame; nor regret.  With Fear as our gatekeeper we allowed a flood to overwhelm, and overtake our good sense; if we had any, recently: DOUBTFUL!  All seems so peaceful cooped up in our homes; time to think! However, thoughts, I guess, would range from  better junk food to boredom, to cell phone social media/jerk stuff, to watching on wide flat screen TV some lame and dull reality law enforcement episode to reinforce why you should stay put, to walking the confused dog or jogging to rid the overload, to obsessing over quality toilet paper, to not sleeping well on an old and familiar mattress, to thinking about divorce or murdering the whole entire family, to hoping Grandparents would die, quickly, taking the virus with them, thus, saving the Nation: a quick fix. Docile to the end; avoidance will not save our skin! Docile people only live in a shadow of a government's freedom.

How many individuals are thinking, that there is something wrong; something not right about what the State and Federal Government are doing?: Don't even want to guess; maybe, just wait until we are released from home arrest, on good behavior. 

Just thinking, maybe we did not deserve that Document; may it rest in peace.

End of commentary!!!!


Joseph Phillip De Marco




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This virus is a spook virus, a fraud created out of a myth from a confused  gullible  government that is out of control, and of which cannot get out of its own way, because half of them should be declared legally blind and the other half should be charged with trespassing and declared brain dead; VICTIMS OF BODY SNATCHER SYNDROME, then sentenced to quarantine time in a box car, and shipped to Disneyland; kept there until the old people get SICK and tired of them from breathing good air that belongs to them, throwing  up on them, INTUITIVELY, (hopefully, before they die of old age) until they leave the Country, promising never to return again,TAKING ALL THE QUACK MEDICAL EXPERTS WITH THEM.

Please excuse me for my enthusiastic optimism.

Joseph Phillip De Marco"; _tinyautosavekey="blog/newOrEdit:" _pmarginbottom="1em" _themetype="theme-982" _fontsize="13px" _maxfilelimit="7" _maximagewidth="750"></textarea>">


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i would want to say if i could

to all politicians: get off the bullhorn of panic and fear

get back to doing nothing so i can go back to work

keep your mind off my concern

you are allowed to grab more than you earn

just keep quiet in return

god forbid you run again

i  just know it will never end

hush money is in the mail

if I hear from you once more i'll need a pail

won't need the spook virus to drive the last damn nail

Joseph Phillip De Marco

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rusty gun rusty gun
never knew i had one
my father said, well here's one
i scraped and polished
went to war and battle thin
fired it--- was heard 'round the world
finally came home near in one piece
my father said to me: what do you want a medal?
i shook his hand and said goodbye---you're free

Joseph Phillip De Marco
© 12 minutes ago,

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Joseph Phillip De Marco 

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How people become frantic and cower to absurd fears imposed upon them by ill informed politicians who enforce ridiculous restrictions, causing distancing of physical interactions is beyond comprehension.

We are now witnessing the results of a dumb-down educational system no better than on medieval level and standards. Hence, it is easier to corral masses of people into a mode of 'thinking' leading into, at times, a pasture of destruction with a cliff nearby. It is curious that no one is questioning the validity or the necessity to panic over something that may or may not exist in reality as an initial cause of death; due to a lack of understanding it, totally. Most of the medical experts are not helping to alleviate the panic but, carelessly, exasperating the situation, by not allowing other competent, medical experts contribute their input, outside the mainstream, who might have a better understanding of the psycho-socio-medical implications.

It is an extraordinary phenomena that people take faith in political judgments as the gospel of safety and good health, not realizing that they are not God; yet believing they are god-like; allowing them to override  reasoning and good old horse sense.   Furthermore, what complicates the matter even worse is having an, overanxious, medical expert force supporting it, most likely, for nefarious reasons of self gain. 

Now that many Americans have much time, confined in their home and cubicles, they can ponder about the rationale and motive behind this intended or unintended sham: the "virus scare".  A good rest, sometimes, brings us back to are senses, and sometimes not.

Joseph Phillip De Marco

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Dr Sucharit Bhakdi is a specialist in microbiology. He was a professor at the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz and head of the Institute for Medical Microbiology and Hygiene and one of the most cited research scientists in German history.
What he says:

We are afraid that 1 million infections with the new virus will lead to 30 deaths per day over the next 100 days. But we do not realise that 20, 30, 40 or 100 patients positive for normal coronaviruses are already dying every day.
[The government’s anti-COVID19 measures] are grotesque, absurd and very dangerous […] The life expectancy of millions is being shortened. The horrifying impact on the world economy threatens the existence of countless people. The consequences on medical care are profound. Already services to patients in need are reduced, operations cancelled, practices empty, hospital personnel dwindling. All this will impact profoundly on our whole society.
All these measures are leading to self-destruction and collective suicide based on nothing but a spook.

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Government by shutting down business and isolating people will never be the cure but it will be the cause of epidemics and death. Hospitals cannot treat patients, adequately, with other ailments, thus worsening their condition to death or near death; a vulnerable and dangerous situation for every American.
The Federal and State Governments have created a far more injurious situation to all Americans by shutting down society and the economy. It seems common sense has vacated the minds of people who are entrusted with our health and safety. They are not thinking clearly but instead are in a panic mode to what seems to protect themselves politically, yet unwisely. Throwing money at this virus is a waste of time;a ludicrous move that will accomplish nothing but an unintended consequence of neglecting the rest of ill patients hurting and dying from other causes; ultimately blamed on the virus when in fact it sets these otherwise, would be hopeful and recovering patients sentencing them to inevitable death due to allocating most medical resources to a spook virus, which only affects only a minute percent of people. If this is not suicide then it is outright genocide.
How can a whole of a people of a Nation be so irrationally dictated to by an extremely irrational Government reaction. Thousands of people die every year in this Country; now most deaths will be blamed on a virus no matter what other underlying causes of death may be, therefore, justifying more societal restrictions and limitations on movement and freedom.
Even faced with medical facts people are still hysterical enough not to see and understand them.
Again, over 80,000 people died from the virus last year, however, again there were other underlying factors causing death; the medical industry does not want this well advertised so they clump these death together with a virus. Why? Answer: federal funds for their pet projects and wealth for themselves and their industry.
It is a respiratory illness ! Think! China has the most air pollution; Italy the same etc. etc. etc.. .We too have that same problem. Here where Common Sense departs from our Leaders. They are not scientists; but some of the scientists are misleading them into political destruction. Maybe, not too far fetched, they, the scientists, want to be eventually the new government themselves. If that is the scenario, genocide is not too far off for a major portion of our society. This could be the real que d'état; the real motive to mislead the government and its people. Takeover by default!!!

If this trend  of  false assumption, will for certain lead us to the Age of the Salem Witch Hunt if not the Dark Ages. It will take us there faster than any race horse can travel.  We are almost there NOW!  

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Over 80,000 Americans died last year from the flu; where was the panic and urgency to shut the Nation down? Unfortunately, President Trump has been pushed by both parties for the sake of their political survival and rushed to "save America".  Again, this is the greatest sham to test Amercans' gullibility. If we buy this, and we have, then we have surrendered our freedom in total, and we have.

This is the dumb down factor this government has depended upon to take complete control.  Fear is the main ingredient; "create a fear and you can control a Nation" sway them in any direction desired.

Even the well informed of political schemes have caved in to this sham, knowing full well that it is, but, they fear the repercussion of speaking up, speaking the truth, due to peer pressure and ignorant consesus.

Unfortunately, President Trump's first big mistake in his Presidency was made here; This could cause him the re-election when the facts are revealed by wiser senses.  The President panicked, in part, he knows the Americans are a fickle bunch and politicians know how to play them; he also caved in; succumbed to the whims of fools. Can this virus make us any more deader than the last? 

Rather than being undermined by the whole of Congress and kowtow governors, he led the charge leading him into a trap, of which he, most likely, realizes now. The socialists are not as nice as they seem; they are dangerous enough to convince the sheep that Trump fumbled the ball either way. They are buying time, very wisely, and we are paying for it.  Mass hysteria, by the way, is very costly! 

The medical field, also, sees this as the opportune time to realize  it is the goose who laid the golden egg; all kinds of equipment, freebees in abundance and grants, as well, just for the grabbing.  They, too, are exploiting the system; they know their days could be numbered if they don't grab every penny, and more, to justify their political existence; not, necessarily, their medical existence , but their political existence!   There are many racketeers out their grabbing what they can before the Titanic sinks. So, aiding and abetting a falsehood they profit, immensely, at the expense of all the rest of us. Old people stay at home confined; you could make us sick of you!!! Beware!   


Joseph Phillip De Marco

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caught between two corruptions
a great leader must fall
they thought he was one of them
now the evidence must be hidden
his sword fights alone
the jackals attack, attack, attack
hungry for blood and revenge;
for what they are not and can never be
they despise his golden hair and courage
their waves of puke and phlegm spew and spew
he holds them off one by one ten by ten
and more with a jackass jaw
bombarding his sacred gates with hatred and lust
the snakes have no claws to compete
they are lost in defeat yet they are not done
their venom reeks with putrid stench from hell
condemning, damning, crucifying
tormenting him yet he stands alone---
to tell them what they are; not very much
his allies are lean at best, most cowardly
he'll lie still and ponder his fate
before the weasels' daggers meet his eyes
he is our Samson he will be our loss

Joseph Phillip De Marco

© 15 hours ago, Joseph Phillip De Marco

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the mustang stallion runs with a tough bunch
freedom understands him and them
steely eyed pounding the earth chasing it down
man understands freedom flaunting it carelessly
bragging its ideas from its birth neglecting its nurturing
as it withers slowly away being replaced by stronger hands

Joseph Phillip De Marco

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by way of a sham
a fifth column grabs power
a coup d'etat
separate you
ideas are contagious
for safety we take your gun
shut down the bank
hold your money for ransom
give in or die the Virus commands you, obey!

Joseph Phillip De Marco
Only Patriots Will Understand
© 23 minutes ago, Joseph Phillip De Marco

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Yes, it is confirmed people are sheep fearing the big bad wolf the stalking virus!!! The media knows how to herd them in for the "kill".  The saps in the USA  are running  with panic, stumbling over one another for crumbs and bait in the stores grabbing, shoving, fighting, hoarding  them without rational thought or pause.

Social media has trained them to group reaction; knee jerk responses as they are conditioned to do so.  They were not taught to think by it but rather knee jerking impulsive reactions to key  or trigger words much like a trained dog or cat is trained by.

It reinforces the belief that social media can control mass population's behavior by these words.  Mass hysteria can blind; mislead, persuade and manipulate vast populations for power and political gain.  They have become mental peasants.  Social media and the networks have become present day classrooms of indoctrination  and propaganda, replacing the 'test run' Universities:  the foundation based brain wash centers.

Maybe, it is true the meek shall inherit the earth after all the sheep panic their way into the abyss of no return. A good flushing is in order!


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