Don MacDermid's Posts (31)

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The gang of 8 & cohorts are ready to give 11 million criminal invaders amnesty at a cost of $1.5 to $2.7 trillion per year to citizens!   That’s roughly what is already embedded in our economy right now!   The gang doesn’t know how many are here, where they are, lie about the cost, and refuse to mention around 25.8 million citizens who might want to be employed.   Calling criminal invaders “undocumented workers” doesn’t change the facts that they criminally entered the country, criminally remain every day, are criminally employed in criminal jobs (no tax etc.), criminally pay no taxes, criminally take citizens’ public resources… simply saying it’s serial crime!   The executive-legislative-DOJ areas of government invite, aid, and abet this corruption by violating oath of office, Constitution, and law!     The issue is CRIME, NOT RACE!    We borrow roughly $1.5 trillion/yr that we can’t repay, while countless millions of every race citizen live in progressive hell holes worse than Afghanistan, TODAY.

Bottom line "jobless American" loses $37,096 cash pay, government loses $100,294 (tax revenue plus 2 subsidies), & the US economy takes a $137,391 hit for every illegal… assuming there is only 11 million.     That's up to $1.5 trillion @ 11 million to $2.7 trillion if 20 million!   That’s $69 to $124 Trillion over a 46 year work life!

Remember!!!   Illegals take home $12,480 (40 hr @ $6 cash (same as $8 pre tax)) plus $36,545 from various government & other related government subsidies ($402 BILLION/11 MILLION) for a total $49,025.     An average BLS citizen takes home $37,096 after $12,365 employee taxes & regulations – That’s $11,929 less than the alien takes home!      The criminal alien’s criminal employer doesn't pay employer wage taxes.     Government pays the $36,545  illegal alien subsidy plus subsidies for jobless citizens at the same $36,545 (?).

Don't understand the jobless numbers???  December 2012 was 12.506 million "unemployed", 6.434 wanting a job, 6.896 disappearing workforce (1997 through 2008 workforce to population 66.54% vs 2012 @ 63.70%), sets maximum unemployed @ 25.839 million (16.7%)!

If 154.975 "working" 40 hours full time instead of 34.4 (BLS) adds 25.228 million (16.3%) more jobs lost, then joblessness potential is 51,067 (33%).    Obamacare scare is throwing millions into the part-time unemployment.

This country is being divided and conquered from within by deception and sedition.    The Constitution as written and its core law will heal and reunite if enforced!    That won’t happen until a good dose of truth and consequences is injected into the legislature.    Let them be known by  what they are!

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Bottom line illegal aliens are currently costing citizens well over $! trillion per year.    The 2012 BLS wage @ 40hr is $49,462.    Employer taxes etc, @30% is $14,839 and employee paid @ 25% is$12,365.    Governments (LOCAL, STATE & FEDERAL + UNPAID BILLS, ETC.) are collectively subsidizing 11 million illegal aliens $402 billion or $36,545+ each.    Wouldn’t jobless citizens get the same $36,545?    Bottom line government loses $100,294 and the laid off worker loses $39,096 take-home pay... total $137,391!   That @ 11 million is $1.5 trillion per year and $2.7 trillion @ 20 millions illegal TODAY!   



2012 jobless data in millions was 12,506 unemployed, 6,437 want jobs, 6,896  lost by lowering work force numbers relative to population, and that totals 25,839 (16.7%)!    If the 34.4 BLS work week hour is adjusted we find 25,228 (16.3%) more jobs falling through the cracks.  check it out!  That makes the maximum number 51,067 (33%).    The 40 hour average individual total productivity is $64,300 with employer taxes!

The 40 hour average individual total productivity VALUE is $64,300 with employer tax.

Does anyone believe this lying corrupt to the core government will enforce any law or the Constitution!    The problem would go away instantly if government actually enforced current laws on the books!

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4 Rubio & SSI

A 2012 BLS avg. $42,537 wage @12.4% ($449.50/mo) annuity @5% compounded monthly over 46 years (18 to 65) with a 13 yr payback is ($8,221/mo)  from 65 to 78.    SSI was originally set up as an “earned right” based on secure investments (It’s in writing per FDR)!    Today, wage earners are paying in enough for 6.7 average $1235/mo SSI pensions.     Unfortunately, today it takes 2.8 current worker contributions to pay one average benefit because a “SSI trust” fund that should have over $100 trillion in it has roughly $2 trillion in bonds that are progressively devalued into pennies on the dollar over the 59 years from 18 to 65 & death at 78!   

Simply stated our current government is in the business of counterfeiting currency and bonds which creates runaway inflation that devalues the currency basis!    That disaster is compounded by linking benefit payments to inflation!   Current conditions are far more volatile than the double digit inflation in the late 1970s.

Madoff’s Ponzi scam was a grain of sand compared to what our executive-legislative officials have and continue doing to us!      Madoff is in jail for the rest of his life.    Any “official” who continues this scam deserves the same or more punishment for literally stealing the nest egg of every citizen.

Annuities aren’t rocket science!   Check out the SSI fund – it pretends to earn 5% & you might not know the difference if you don’t know how badly government is screwing citizens they’re sworn to protect!   When one can counterfeit a bond, they can make it yield anything they want & if you want to cash it – they’ll be happy print some cash for you!   IT"S A HEINOUS CRIME!

To Rubio & the gang of 8 - Are you going to explain to the amnesty hoard that their SSI deposits aren't going into a real trust fund & they, like all citizens will find the piggy bank empty when they get too old to work!  

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The prized ILLEGAL ALIEN magnet is the $402 billion “illegal alien cost” that pro amnesty advocates fraudulently used to claim $35 billion economic gains because of $437 criminal illegal alien wage “savings”!    $402 billion divided by 11 million says average illegal aliens receive $36,545 government and other subsidies on top of their non tax illegal cash wage of $12,365 ($6/hr)!   Citizens are taxed to boost illegal alien take home pay to $49025!   That’s $11,929 more than citizens take home for a same “average” 40/hr job!  


The sick part of this is the BLS average citizen’s $42,537 wage is for 34.4 hours (short hours), which is $49,462 at 40 hours; and that provides $37,096 take home pay AFTER 25% tax!   Not only does the citizen take home $11,929 less that the criminal alien, government officials tax all working citizens to punish citizens and reward criminal aliens!


That leads to the executive-legislative majority, quid-pro-quo, and their progressive fundamental change of government by corruption instead of Constitutional Amendment.   They couldn’t restrain bragging about the success of tipping the scales of election justice with money taxed from loyal citizens.    Rubio thinks it’s a profitable race issue – it isn’t – it’s about $36,545.   This doesn’t begin to cover the abomination or cost to citizens behind “amnesty”.


Follow the money and you’ll find $1.3 trillion @ 11 million to $2.4 trillion @20 million of imbedded yearly costs plundered TODAY relative to 11 to 30 million illegal aliens and 12 to 25 million jobless citizens.   Anger is a rational earned response to sedition and treason, when controlled and applied within the letter of Constitution and law.     Let no honor dignify dishonor!

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US free worker produces $64,905  - gov. TAKES $14,978 (30% of wage FICA, COMP, etc. OVER & ABOVE worker wage (Wikipedia) - worker sees $49,927 wage (USBLS@40hr) - gov takes another $12,482 ( 25% income & FICA, etc.)   (Citizen got $37,445 - Gov $27,460).


Chicago mob illegal alien worker produces same goods $64,905 – Mob gives criminal worker $12,480 cash ($6/hr no tax = $8 less tax) & mob keeps $52,425 – gov. gets nothing     (criminal worker got $12,482 – mob $52,425 – GOV. $0)

Because criminal workers claim no wages, gov. gives them $36,545 ($402 billion/11 million) because they want “the vote”!

Gov. sells worthless $36,545 IOU’s to remaining productive citizens, or Counterfeits $36,545 funny money (both absolutely devalue productive citizens’ savings & wealth)

End game: (criminal alien worker gets $49,025, criminal employer $52,425 – gov is upside-down spending money they don’t have by counterfeiting cash & printing “COUNTERFEIT BONDS that represent THINGS ALREADY CONSUMED –  legitimate US businesses are bankrupt and gone because they “can’t compete with CHICAGO STYLE GOVERNMENT TAXPAYER SUBSIDIZED TAX FREE CRIMINAL LABOR!”    Jobless citizen workers can’t compete without becoming criminals –

Taxpaying Citizens – they’re trapped in a Chicago Bloggo blizzard of global monopolist-government run economy with a $1 to $3 trillion pipe line from the treasury to international tyrants & pirates!!   Ever wonder how the most productive society in history is now $16 trillion in unpayable debt, with SSI bankrupt, record business failures, record unemployment etc., etc....


Made in China?   “TAX-FREE-GE’s” model ant hill economy – transferred the productive infrastructure, technology, and capital from America to China, build the ant hills, filled them with live-in state owned slave workers, then “trade” consumption familiar brand goods to USA for USA accumulated wealth, when wealth runs out & chaos moves in, weed out independent ants, and make new ant hills in for the remaining obedient US  workers – a Soros wet dream… right out of a James Bond movie.


The gang of 8 will institutionalize this catastrophe into a permanent lawless tyranny, just like the old plantation, except with equal opportunity for extermination!    Fraud is still a felony and sedition is still treason… only if enforced!   The only weapons we have are truth and consequences & if we can’t quantify that in terms of survival dollars… The enemy wins!   Listen to what the slick tongue of Rubio says & tie to the facts of what he and other progressives will do to YOU and future generations!


PASS IT ON.   The base data can be used to evaluate any quantity - 11, 12, 20, 30 million - whatever.

Dollars work!    It's our sweat  blood!   Hold their nose to the fire, especially when get into racism, Christian compassion, duty.   Our duty is to God, Country, family, certainly not crime & perversion!

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 We have 20 million PLUS jobless citizens at all income levels plus millions more working below their qualification, part timers, etc.   Simultaneously, we have 11 to 30 million criminal illegal aliens working for and harbored by criminal employers who might pay $6/hr cash ($12,480/yr - same as $8 minus taxes, etc.).     The US BLS avg. wage January, 2013 was $42,537 for 34.4 hours!    That’s $49,927/yr @ 40 hour week and $64,905 with 30% employer paid tax & regulation costs added!  Are average jobless welfare subsidies $20,000(?), individual poverty levels $23,000 (?), or the average given to illegal workers $36,545/yr?   The sole cost of joblessness with subsidies is in the area of $84,905 to $99,451 each!   The math is simple!   Joblessness costs of at least $84,905, @ 11 million is $934 billion, @ 20mm =$1.70 trillion, and @ 30mm =$2.55 trillion.  

Underground criminal employment profit potential is, @ 11 million is $577 billion, @20mm = $1.05 trillion, and $1.57 trillion @ 30mm, which isn’t factored in jobless costs herein.    Criminals paying $12,480 ($6/hr) instead of $64,905 can profit $52,425/ea.!    The pro amnesty $402 billion cost @ their 11 million is a $36,545/yr subsidy each- some claim it’s over $800 billion (??).   Illegal alien pay plus subsidy is $49,025 take home which is $11,580 more than average citizen’s 40hr $37,445 after 25% taxes!   Those unending subsidy programs have near zero accountability!  Illegal alien subsidies are in addition to the joblessness costs!    All of those costs are imbedded in our current very sick debt and bankruptcy ridden economy!  With illegal alien subsidies $84,905 becomes $121,450 and economic numbers jump to $1.3 trillion @ 11mm, $2.4 trillion @ 20 million, and to $3.6 trillion @ 30mm.   Cost illustrations to define parameters are valid and reasonable. 

Average wages and joblessness data are facts.   Amazingly officials admit they don’t know alien headcount, location, or activity!   Average wages represent working for someone, not investment & other income!    Supposedly, the Boston bomber received $100,000 in welfare subsidies!   It’s a chaotic totally lawless environment designed to destroy the US!

Officials sworn to protect citizens and country are flooding the labor market with legal and illegal workers, by open invitation & taxpayer subsidy to destroy free market competitive labor wage forces of the poorest citizens!   It’s an unrestrained criminal vote buying frenzy!   Those imbedded costs are overthrowing our Constitutional free government!    Solving issues and eliminating those trillions of “criminal costs” is as simple as enforcing current Constitution and law!   It’s treason!   Not prosecuting is inconceivable!

How can anyone discuss immigration, especially giving amnesty to lawless unrepentant invaders who came and remain illegally to steal citizen benefits and work for criminal employers who criminally pay cash to avoid wage taxes and regulations?   It’s an incredible web of public and private crimes plus flesh pedaling!    The answer bellows from “majority” executive-legislative officials who mock Constitution and law with “we can’t stop it!”    We have an army that can protect our borders and homeland!   They’re assigned to helping enemies!    They defile their oaths of office with contempt, sedition, and treason in terms of trillions


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AMNESTY 5-10-13

Would you vote for amnesty if it generates an economic loss of $1.67 TRILLION per year, $16.7 trillion in 10 years, and $100.2 trillion in a 60 year adult lifetime (18-78)??   That loss will stop the moment we stop corruption and lawlessness in the executive, legislative and judicial offices of government.   Constitution, statutes, oaths of office, and truth are literally mocked and openly violated without restraint or fear.    Immediate top down enforcement, prosecution, fines, & jail is the only solution.


According to Fox News, 20 million citizens are unemployed and millions more work part time!  Government says average wage is $43,500.    We have 11 to 30 million illegal aliens working!


When wages are lost, citizens receive unemployment and SNAP cards that trigger many other interlocking webs of local, state, and federal taxpayer funded welfare!     With dependents,” benefits” are significantly above individual $23,000 poverty levels!   Benefits” represent saved productive wealth taxed from someone else by government to give to those without wealth enough to buy-consume food, etc.    Consumption doesn’t generate productivity or wealth.   Wealth generated by productivity provides the capability to demand products and productivity.


ECONOMIC LOSSES OF UNEMPLOYMENT BEGINS AT $1.27 TRILLION!   Citizens lose $870 billion of self sustaining productive salary based revenue when their job is lost (20 million @ $43,500) plus government will tax $400 billion from producing workers to subsidize the unemployed (20 million @ $20,000 consumption)!.   Average unemployed citizen loss is $63,500 each.   The real cost is considerably higher than this example!   That doesn’t include SSI and criminal damages!


Criminal invaders cost ANOTHER $400 billion beyond unemployed citizen economic losses ($36,365 each @ 11 million).      Simultaneously, 11 to 30 million criminal alien invaders work in criminal workplaces.   Because illegal aliens are confined to low wage wage criminal employment our corrupt lawless government gives aliens SNAP debit cards and all other triggered federal, state, and local benefits, without citizenship proof, plus free healthcare, education, etc.!    A recent pro-amnesty study quoted illegal alien cost at $402 billion ($400 rounded), in a bizarre claim that criminal invaders contributed $35 billion to the economy because they saved $437 billion in wage costs!    Inflation and prices are increasing, not falling!


Because illegal aliens are criminals with no rights, they work for pennies on the dollar, and enable their criminal employers to make windfall profits while driving lawful competition out of business!    A $20 citizen wage with taxes & other regulations roughly costs legitimate employers $26+/-.   A minimum $8 wage worker might take home $6.00/hr after 25% FICA & income taxes, etc.   A 10 hour day legitimate worker cost $286 compared to $60 cash with no overtime, taxes, etc., says criminal employers have an illegal $226 advantage that will and has destroyed free competitive wages plus law abiding employees and employers, especially in construction trades!


The Heritage Foundation “study” fails to account for 20 million citizens chronically unemployed on government assistance plus the fact that the US productive infrastructure has been sacked over the past 20+ years by US “global” monopolies such as GE!   Heritage’s assumption that government officials who profitably and  criminally mock Constitution and statute will suddenly stop and serve citizens instead of themselves, is preposterous!    Heritage notes aliens are already (illegally) on government welfare, but fails to account for the cost and effects!   Nothing in the amnesty bill or anything else on the horizon addresses the 20 million citizens who are cast into poverty by criminal alien invaders!  The only thing that will stop lawlessness at the top is prosecutions, fines, and serious jail time!    I don’t quarrel with their assumptions or conclusions, other than, they are immaterial when compared the glaring issues missed – no put down implied!


People like Steve Moore need to be in the tomato patch, buttocks high in the sun, dawn to dusk, trying to keep up with a young person who’s afraid of being arrested if the boss-man decides he’s a few tomatoes shy of his quota!   Add the $6.3 to the $100.2 trillion, and the resulting $106.5 trillion might make sense.   Reiterating mindless talking points aimed at driving the lemmings into the sea are evil


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Holder, as attorney general of the United States is oath bound to uphold the Constitution and laws of the land. He, above all others is bound to the letter of those laws. He is using his official capacity to mock the Constitution plus immigration and citizenship statutes! His only official function is enforcing the law not making law, perverting law enforcement, judging, or acting as jury.   If he sees a law broken, he must arrest and prosecute. He is not a judge or jury! Holder's acts are sedition and treason!

ALL SENATORS AND REPRESENTATIVES HAVE THE SAME SWORN OBLIGATION!  They are to protect citizens, not corrupted officials.  They have an immediate duty to impeach Holder, remove him from office, and charge him as noted. Will they honor oath of office or are they an integral part of a conspiracy of lawlessness! When every citizen demands truth and honor, there will be truth and honor - Right now there is none in federal government!

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Hope is in your hands!    Flood the country with your truth, writings, and wisdom however great or trivial you may think they are.   You’re free to use anything I write or say to do it, just challenge it & make sure it’s right.    There is very little truth in anything federal government does or reports!    One day illegal aliens cost $116 billion & the next it’s $402 billion.  Isn’t 11million aliens replacing citizens at government’s $42,500 wage $468 billion down the toilet... FOR THAT SINGLE ITEM?   Doesn’t 23 million citizens losing their average $43,500 wage sound like $1 trillion of inexcusable misery caused by demonic tyrants hell bent on destroying America?   Don’t let them hide!   It’s treason!   Officials aiding and abetting the enemy need never sleep, not knowing they will be publicly held accountable to the full extent of Constitution and law, especially those sworn to public office!

Here’s another ugly side of alien invaders and slave traders bankrupting legitimate taxpaying US businesses!    They put perhaps 23 million citizens in the street with no job, while simultaneously undermining wages to the point where working citizens are supporting almost 50 million “food stamp” citizens and aliens who can’t afford food & shelter!   All walks of life are in this snake pit, especially democrats!

Criminal slave labor destroys competition, society, and government revenue!

A $20/hr wage costs employers about $26.67/hr. (+1/3 fica/med-wk/comp-uc/comp-ins-hol-vac-etc)
Worker net of tax takes home about $16 cash! (80% inc. tax-fica-etc.)
By paying $16 cash, no tax etc, you can save $10.67 or underbid legitimate contractors up to 40%!
A worker harboring criminal "alien straw boss contractor", can pay $8 & save $18.67 or underbid 70%!


Criminal activity never benefits anyone except criminals who take all but enough to corrupt!    This crime is as mindboggling and complex as each unique activity of 11 to 30 million criminal aliens, every day!   It’s also as simple to prosecute as dropping the numbers into any given case at any given time!


The illustration defines the parameters and scope of 11 to 30 million illegal alien workers where wages, taxes, requirements, are reasonable average estimates!   A 2000hr/yr (52wks=2080) says $10/hr is $20,000 each & $19/hr is $38,000/yr/ea!    Thus the lowest value of 11million workers is $220 billion/yr & the highest of 30 million is $722 billion.  Criminals gain $220 to $722 billion for their criminal activity!


It is a criminal enterprise that destroys independent taxpaying competitive businesses, which will trigger profoundly more wealth destruction, chaos, and moral breakdown of our society!    That process is above and beyond enabling the $1 to $3 trillion yearly mass looting of citizen wealth by alien invaders and stealth within government noted elsewhere!


The scope is trillions, not pennies, thousands, or even millions!   It’s survival of the Constitution and freedom or tyranny!    The legislative choice must be fight for freedom NOW or face treason for literally trillions of reasons.   The executive-legislative-judicial officers can correct this TOMORROW!   Let the first domino fall and the rest will follow!


Our government, unions, and chambers of commerce sponsor SLAVE LABOR and chaos!


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A recent broadcast stated pro-amnesty savings were $35 billion based on an illegal alien cost of $402 billion offset by wage savings of $437 billion in consumer costs!    Nobody is outraged!   Claiming consumer price savings during excessive inflation is outrageous!    Government’s phony 11 million headcount says illegal aliens cost $36,545/yr each!   Government tyrants watch citizens 24 hours a day, scans their bank and credit card accounts, and jails tax cheaters; but “don’t know” if there is 11 or 30 million illegal aliens, anything about then, or who’s going to get killed next.

For the record, aliens who enter this country are law breaking multi-count criminals, any who harbor or employ them are law breaking criminals, and any officer of government, judicial or law enforcement who doesn’t enforce the Constitution & laws as written breaks the law, oath of office, and is a criminal and traitor!

20+ million citizens have been cast out of the workforce!!!  Assuming a criminal slave labor conspiracy generates $437 billion of anything useful is preposterous!   Citizens are suffering record financial woes as government spends $1.25 trillion more than revenue while their treasury cranks out another $1 trillion a year in counterfeit currency!    A legislature that is trying to pass a bill that will cost citizens $1 to $3 trillion per year to buy criminal alien votes deserves unlimited scorn and a lifetime in prison!

GET REAL!   When an alien displaces a citizen worker a $43,500 avg. wage is lost, that worker goes on $20,000++/yr UC comp & other benefits, and the criminal alien jumps on government’s $36,545/yr gravy train to work for maybe $5/hr. cash on a criminal plantation.   The annual cost each is $43,500 to the citizen and $56,545 to a pathologically perverted government!    That $100,045 total cost each, @ 11 million criminals is $1.1 TRILLION to $3.0 TRILLION @ 30 million criminals!

It’s like putting money in a bank that lets anybody write a check on your account!    When there’s nothing left to steal, history unequivocally proves they’ll begin killing!   We don’t need amnesty or new laws!   We need officials who will enforce the Constitution and existing law NOW.    That requires prosecution, impeachment, and harsh just punishment of corrupt officials and law enforcement!    That begins with DOJ Holder and the gang of eight, then the president and the legislature

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