
  • I started by going on to the sites of my liberals who are in public office, and attended President Trumps protest while being paid by us. And told them off .

    • lol...what sites so I can get me some too hehehehe

    • I look for a site where they are talking about a Republican like Trump and start reading the stupid comments.

  • Lets never,never attack each other regardless of what is going on.Dee can we make this so what we talk about the libs can't use it against us on the media 

  • How about if we get together and attack the liberal media?  We don't have to call them names( every time we do they have to stop and look up that word in the dictionary, there intelligence is Shockley limited.)  I think we should tell them when they lie about a story.

  • My advice is to argue in "moral terms" when confronting these libertards...example: their point on using the government to force businesses to like bakery's to make cakes for gay weddings even if goes against the bakery owners religious beliefs. They would argue on moral terms, screaming discrimination. We would rebuttal saying something like "why is it ok to use the government to force someone to do something they don't want to do.."

     you see, they don't understand or want to understand facts, they DO understand is speaking morality. So basically, when they get on their moral high-horse, you get on yours and knock'em down. Word your arguments around the language of morality and you will throw them for a tail spin and they'll just start calling you names....that's when you know you've won

  • These are some of the things I try to keep in mind when responding to Blogs. I don’t always succeed, and sometimes I fail spectacularly.

    Please feel free to add your experiences. I’m not an expert by any means and am always open to reasoned arguments to better my education.

    1.) Write your responses in MS Word or some other word editor first. This allows you to think out the response, and to spell check.

    2.) Be concise and give reasoned accurate information with links to your source material.

    3.) When making your argument, it’s best to find websites or material that can be seen as impartial.

    4.) Try to keep in mind, for every conservative website you reference, the leftist ideologue has one they can reference.

    5.) Use the hateful rhetoric from their websites against them.

    6.) Do not respond when you are emotional.

    7.) Mix it up, responding with kindness throws them off, and when sarcasm is used at the proper times it can be a most rewarding experience.

    8.) When evidence is contrary to their view, they will immediately resort to name calling and try to obfuscate the conversation.

    9.) Conservatives typically use facts, while Leftist use emotions as the source for arguments.

    10.) If you remain calm, this will cause the most rabid leftist to have a conniption and degenerate into the most vile, hateful, person to ever cross your path. This is good, as you don’t need to take the conversation further, and their insanity is clear for all to see.

    11.) The other extreme is the pure ideologue that can give reasoned arguments for their beliefs. These are the most dangerous, and you need to be educated on the subject you’re discussing, or you will be humiliated and lose the debate. You need to be on your toes with this type as they will be practiced in double speak and obfuscation. Think, sometimes deflection is better than direct confrontation, and know when you’ve been beat.

    Always remember:
    "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt."
    "Who’s more the fool… The fool, or the fool who follows the fool."
    "Let the fool speak, so as to reveal himself for all to see."

  • The best thing we can do is not to call names or be insulting. Libtards want to get you upset by calling you names. We must not put ourselves at their level. Be strong and to the point. It pisses them off even more when you ignore the childish name calling and don't put yourself at their level.

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