Your Government is Afraid of You

  • The Swamp is terrified of Trump – still. That explains their fixation on eradicating him and his movement.

  • You are also supposed to ignore the facts concerning months-long violent protests with killings and burnings across America's cities by Antifa and BLM. Months ago, Washington DC mayor Muriel Bowser, demanded that the National Guard withdraw from her city amid violent demonstrations. She then named a street after those demonstrators and allowed them to paint their motto across the entire street.

  • Watch for the same sort of public treatment and language applied to Trump supporters going forward. It is consistent with a government that is in fear of its own people. The type of government that has 25,000 soldiers guarding a few politicians in an empty city.



The Swamp is terrified of Trump – still. Pictured: President Donald Trump boards Marine One as he departs the White House on his last day in office, January 20, 2021. (Photo by Eric Thayer/Getty Images)


The Swamp is terrified of Trump – still. That explains their fixation on eradicating him and his movement. "Trumpism" was not extinguished when Joe Biden raised his right hand to become the 46th president.

Fear grips The Swamp. Here is some evidence: the military occupation of Washington, DC; claims of "insurrection"; Speaker Pelosi's interference with the military command structure; more baseless claims of dark Russian conspiracies; serious discussion of reeducation camps for Trump supporters; marginalizing and criminalizing all things "Trump" – those are all expressions of fear.

Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and President Biden keep using the word "insurrectionists" to describe the rowdy Trumpsters who raided the Capitol building unlawfully two weeks ago. That is deliberate. It makes all the respectable, career politicians, government drones and DC political operatives appear to be "victims" – draped in the flag and bravely defending the Constitution. It also criminalizes all of their opposition. Not just the protestors who raided the Capitol, but all Trump supporters – across the USA – and those opposed to The Swamp mentality to which we have now returned.

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    • Nihilism is their nature.


    • LSD flashbacks?

  • if they keep up with the shit they are trying to ram through by EO and other things. They will find out what scared is, and painfully besides.

    • "if they keep up with the shit they are trying to ram through by EO and other things. "


      This is my spoken danger of the Congressional executive order courtesy, afforded Mr. Washington, if allowed to grow unchecked.

  • you must watch rand Paul call put the DNC Congressman Maxine waters for her incitement speach and if the Senate can put citizens on trial where are the Obamagate trials 

  • exactly the corrupt politicians and the deep state are more worried about themselves than any American 

  • This government is afraid of the people because they're afraid of anything that moves, so power makes them feel safer.  But we the people gave in to their quest for power by submitting to their fears such as; extreme airport security, see something say something, masking up, lockdowns, churches under 501(3)c, concealed permits, and on and on...

  • You mean the Totalitarian Government they're installing is afraid of us.

  • Hang them all

  • Pelosi should be impeached along with Biden for a number of reasons, primary is being petty,
    child like, vindictive, failure to help the American people during this
    critical time and being just downright homely and ugly

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