What Trump's Election Did For American Politics Summed up by a ...

The Democrats are wargaming how to steal the 2020 election, and after Grandpa Badfinger selected Lady Mac (Willie) Brown, their last best hope seems to be the military marching in and removing Donald Trump from the White House after he wins and they refuse to accept the election results. But will the military actually do the bidding of the coterie of Marxist Muppet masters with their fingers, ironically, up inside Joe Biden like he is a crusty, senile Kermit?

Which he is, except the real Mr. Miss Piggy isn’t a manifestly mentally incompetent socialist Trojan Frog.


And don’t even get me started on his veep, Botoxic K.

Between the perma-coup against the American people, the mainstream media’s myriad and shameless lies, and the Democrats’ election fraud agenda (including the Golden Ticket to anarchy that is mail-in voting), it is absolutely clear that the Democrats will not accept Donald Trump’s impending victory. It is also clear that their plan is to sow chaos when they lose, with outright ballot box-stuffing, riots, and endless counts and recounts, so that they can obscure Trump’s win enough to create a patina of fake doubt about the result. Then they will rush into some Hawaiian courtroom and get some Hawaiian judge to announce that the Delaware Basement Crustacean won the election. The idea is to then have a deus ex militaria where somehow the establishment gets reestablished forever at gunpoint. And the liberal elite is said establishment.

But it’s not completely crazy, unfortunately, to consider whether the military, or at least a portion of it, would cooperate in a liberal attempt to seize power. Here’s the troubling truth: the generals will absolutely fall in line with the liberal elite. 

“Wait,” the reader asks. “Aren’t generals and majors and stuff conservative?”

Well, in temperament, yes. But they are not conservative in terms of American politics. And for that reason, it is entirely possible, if not likely, that many of them would take the side of the leftist establishment if called upon to resolve a disputed election instead of demurring to the politicians to decide the matter themselves.

Wow. Just writing that is scary. But these are scary times, and we are blessed with what Instapundit Glenn Reynolds tells Americans is “the worst ruling class in your history.” The generals are absolutely a part of that failed caste.

The generals – a term I’ll use to describe the majority of senior active duty officers (Colonel/Captain O6 and up; note that reserve officers have a slightly different perspective, being civilians most of the time) – are creatures of the establishment. Yes, it is absolutely true that many of them showed great courage in battle against foreign enemies and made great personal sacrifices. It is also true that in the culture war they have been entirely AWOL. They are terrified of crossing the establishment by doubting its preferred mores, and that is why they accept every bizarre modern SJW trope regardless of its effect on combat readiness. They will charge a jihadi with a bayonet and wet themselves in the face of an irate Kirsten Gillibrand. It’s weird, but it’s true.

Here, Trump and his populist movement are agents of rapid and disruptive change. The military, in which these generals grew up and which gives them their identities, is the least disruptive institution in American society. The lengthy and laudable tradition of civilian authority over the military, as well as the hierarchical nature of the military itself, makes it instinctively against rapid, disruptive change. 

Though the Democrats have moved left, they maintain a headlock on the institutions, and the institutions are what the generals are loyal to even if the leaders of those institutions have morphed into rabidly anti-American aspiring dictators. To embrace Trump and populism is to repudiate the whole establishment hothouse that grew their power and prestige. They would be opposing themselves.

Look at CNN and see the endless parade of fully semi-automatic Obama generals babbling like idiots about how Trump is ruining their sweet gigs, though they don’t put it quite that way. Look at the appalling Chairman of the Joint Chiefs apologizing for following the elected president’s lead. And, especially, look at their horror that America is ending those endless wars.

Those are the generals, and they have the elite’s back, not yours. A general who said “all lives matter” or refused to buy the ridiculous but fashionable notion that America’s greatest strategic threat is the weather a century hence or uttered some other heresy would not be a general much longer – and certainly not cash in on a sweet post-retirement gig at Boeing.

But most Americans don’t see that. Because America remembers the military of 30 years ago that could actually win a war in a reasonable period of time (as we did in Desert Storm), today’s generals benefit from residual respect for yesterday’s Cold War military. Americans are unaware of the devastated culture cultivated by our military senior leadership. Here’s the ruinous legacy of today’s generals: Afghanistan is a disaster and still not wonships colliding and catching fire due to gross failures of leadership, boats of sailors on tape whimpering as they surrender to the Iranian Navy, senior officers leaking to the mediacolonelsgenerals and admirals getting court-martialed, massive prosecutorial misconduct by JAGs, woke West Point (which recently graduated an open communist), and troops kneeling before rioters. It’s a military that puts Diversity Day before D-Day.

Unfortunately, the first 24 hours of war with China would make the rot agonizingly apparent – at the cost of thousands of our warriors’ precious lives. They’ll deny it, of course, and I fervently hope I’m wrong. But I fear I’m not, because none of the incentives in today’s military are aimed toward achieving combat readiness instead of achieving ideological conformity.

So, count on the active duty generals to fall in line when the New York Times trumpets the Democrats’ line that Trump’s victory is illegitimate. That’s the voice of the people they really take their orders from.

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    • Why dont you keep your comments like this to yourself 

    • I have made a similar observation. There are even prominent members on this site who support things like socialized medicine. They don't call it that but that's what it is.

  • Enlisted soldiers are sworn in to uphold the constitution of the United States.  Officer are appointed to uphold the constitution and both are required to follow the Commander and Chief. Failure to do so is treason!!! Punishable by death!! Retired or still serving, all military should support the President unless it violates the law or the Constitution.

    • They are also sworn to obey the orders given to them by those appionted over them. I still feel a civil war is on the horizon. I think the best and easiest sollution is for the country to be divided between the freedom loving Americans and the communist Americans. Secession would be with the west coast and the upper N.East states. Central America would remain free and capitalist so there would be no shooting, no war, we go our separate way. They of coarse will starve because they will outlaw all fossel fuels and live of of solar and wind for power. They out of desparation will welcome help from China and Russia in exchange for the use of the ports for there military. California, Oregon, Washington State will become Chinas Eastern Province. Once China has established a large military build up on the west coast it will be a matter of time before they make a move to conquer Free America. Being without a West coast for Free Americas Navy we wouldn't be able to stop it from happening. By this time the communist Americans see they were wrong all along and try to reverse corse, but China says sorry but a deal is a deal and start executions in mass by the thousands starting the those in the left wing media and once the information has been taken over they go after the civiain population. China has total control of the west coast they start drilling for oil off shore by the hundreds of oil wells. Freedom loving Americans can then start praying for the entire west coast for a massive earth quake that causes all three states to fall into the ocean eliminating the China threat and the lefty loons that started the entire mess, AMEN !!!!

    • I kept seeing problems with your scenario until the end!! And we would have our coastline back, lol!

    • Your comments make sense.  First, Obama got rid of officers that would probably not back him and what we have today in the military brass is the liberal, let me make you feel good, anything goes type of leaders.  As far as separating the country into two different sections means we bow to the California, Oregon and Washington state types and I refuse to do that.  I would rather fight an actual civil war and eliminate most of the problem that way.

    • Hey! Bret, you know we are at war right as we speak civil war is here already and it's not getting better either.


    • You my friend are a ignorant, read your own recommendations.... you might learn something. 

    • hey! Richard, what do you call all the protests going on in the cities of the United State of America? and the Democrats call it peaceful protest all the riot of the Black lives matter, Antifa, and the White Supremacist what do you call that? And the mayor, governor refuse to get help from the federal government because Donald Trump is the president don't you think we are War within our selves I call that we are at war, my friend. Rather you like it or not we need to face it "WE ARE AT WAR" 

    • Sorry Jeff, this was meant for George (Tom) Hopper.....

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