
  • She is a sick puppy the FBI and the rest of the government agencies is running by the president for her to say that she doesn't know how the government run like I said before and I will say it again THE DEVIL IS RUNNING THIS NATION AND THE REST OF THE WORLD AND OBAMA AND HIS CRONIES ARE THE PUPPET OF THE ANTICHRIST 

  • This raid was not about classified docs. It was about getting incriminating docs back so people in the swamp don't go to jail. Kid you not! Watch and see. The President has  enough documation to put a whole lot of people in the houscoow! 

  • The DOJ and the FBI are not an autonomous bodies independent of the White House (as much as lying Mary Sunshine would like them to be).

    Of course the Jokester is aware of the condition generally, and as much as he can cognitively be entrusted to handle.

    But is he directing it?.....probably not for lack of capacity.

  • Because he planned it!

  • Who is the "we" and "we're "  she's  talking about?  

  • Joe Biden is a sick puppy the people who is running this country is Obama and his cronies all the Democratic leaders 

  • Bob agree with you what he don't know he can't blow by a open mouth.

  • Because IF he knows anything at all he might open his stupid mouth and give their conspiracy away!!!!!  They know how demented he is and that they can't trust him, even when he has a teleprompter to read off of!!!!!!!!!!

  • Scam set up we know now Biden threatened USA citizens with guns! Biden said his AK shoots faster than our guns. Wake up Biden knows what he doing. Evil and democrats will still kill lie for power and destroy this country with in. Biden destroy his own children both on drug! You Choose the laptops or crack or diary. Look at all the banded information with tech companies FBI running election for the democrats and Rinos 50/50 selling out constitution. Only to give power to Biden then he blames the people mega Trump. Vote in person on November 8 is the most important thing! Remove these people research VA Governor looks to be a turn coat taking gas cars away to battery burner's. 

  • She is a pathalogical liar

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