
  • it's a sad day in America 

  • This is what happens when you have a government that is totally consummed with possessing absolute authority but NO responsibility.  There is a very good reason that our Founders gave us a Constitution that greatly limited the powers/responsibilities of the Federal Government.  They knew that government is MOSTLY incompetent and cannot handle many responsibilities at one time.  This is further exacerbated by the fact that governments are made up of politicians, who by their very nature are very indecisive due to their concern over retaining their elected position, and by bureaucrats, who by their very nature are the laziest people on the planet and who are completely incapable of reason and clear decision-making.  The ONLY way, We the People are going to fix the problems of an out-of-control Federal Government is for us to force this government to significantly reduce its portfolio of responsibilities back to exactly what is AUTHORIZED in the US Constitution (Defense, International Diplomacy, International and Inter-State Trade, Immigration & Naturalization, Patent & Trade, Levy & Raise Taxes, Set the Budget & Oversee Budget Expenditures, Establish Inferior Courts of the US Supreme Court, Pass Laws).  This would reduce the size and cost of the Federal Government by at least 60%, eliminate deficit spending, and produce an economic boom like never seen in World History.

    • It's all well and good but we have to remember the time we are living where good is bad, and bad is good and frankly to be honest it's going to get ugly as the day goes by.

  • Who in the H--- is the White House???? it would be nice to kniw who really is in charge.

    • There is no leadership in the white house.

    • Whoever is operating the Teleprompter.

    • The Devil himself is in charge

    • Correct

  • This is a joke really! It's all crap basically they don't know what they are doing as human but I know one thing is Satan is in charge.

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