The question has been put forward by several individuals here... Where is the Nation's organized resistance to insurrection?

There is no visible, organized, resistance as there are no leaders or established organizations to rally the Nation... The American Legion, the Foreign Legion, the Lions Club, the Explorer Scouts of America, the Air Patrol, and hundreds of other conservative institutions that traditionally held the attention of patriots and their communities have disappeared and with them... the infrastructure, and organizations that once produced the local and national leaders... who were the fulcrum of resistance. .. are missing in action. It was the active engagement of these cultural institutions that focused the efforts of patriots everywhere, as they resisted the subversive elements in our society.  Many of the traditional platforms for motivating and organizing resistance to Marxism and Fascist conduct in society are gone or have become ineffective agents of the Amerian way. 

The colonial Churches with their Black Robbed Regiments of pastors and lay leaders, who took up arms against King George, no longer serve as a catalyst for resistance to tyranny... The local political parties and activist organizations that formed the civil militias have vanished.  Most of the civic institutions of support for our Constitution and the Republic have disappeared, setting the people adrift and bereft of the traditional leaders and organizations that served to focus the Nation's resistance to internal insurrection. 

The People have abandoned the traditional social and cultural institutions of fellowship and community... in exchange for convenience and social relationships with electronic devices... most of the community organizations, entertainment, social gatherings, clubs, and fraternal groups have disappeared and with them our social identity ... our historic systems of social resistance to external and internal insurrection.  The radical groups of Marxists and fascists are organized, well funded, and have competent leadership.  America is a divided and isolated society... many don't know the names of their neighbors or maintain close relationships with their own family members.

This miasma of social decay... is the result of the nation's transition from a fixed agrarian society to a mobile society bringing with it serious economic pressure on the family.  Family units now find it necessary to have multiple sources of income to subsist; thus, the free time once available to engage in developing social and community relationships, organizations, and leaders has disappeared, along with those critical institutions that once served our society... as the public agencies used to resist insurrection and invasion.

That is why there is a lack of organized and visible resistance... to insurrection in the Nation.  A fundamental change has come to our society as we move away from the traditional institutions of social engagement and leadership to embrace a digital social order, complete with new relationships, bound together by electronic gadgetry with limited personal interaction... When was the last time one saw a computer perform the duties of leadership?  That is what has happened to the Patriots resistance... it went digital and moved to the Cloud.

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  • Nat'l resistance boy I would like to know that myself.   If we but say one word abt BLM who can paint their name on city streets and take over Seattle, WA or part thereof, God forbid we protest that we want a gym open.   We cannot stop just like them.  We have to keep going no matter what.  Countering them is hard b/c of what I have said for yrs that our schools have made them.  Since the K years our kids are brainwashed to hate America. They are taught NOTHING abt it.  NO HISTORY OR THE CONSTITUTION OR WHY THE STATUES OF ROBERT E. LEE AND OTHERS MATTER.   OUR HISTORY IS NOT TAUGHT THEY TEACH MARX.  THIS IS WHERE THE KIDS ARE NOW.  IT IS OUR JOB ASAP TO TEACH THEM FROM THE YOUNGEST AGE OR LOOSE THE COUNTRY.


    • Tell me BONNIE... why do we honor TEACHERS... they supervised the destruction of our culture and the Nation... I have absolutely no respect for most teachers or for that matter Lawyers.  Teachers had a duty to know the difference between indoctrination and education... between truth and lies, between what subjects need to be taught to ensure the continuation of our Constitutional Republic and those which destroyed it. Lawyers have completely gone off track and now will tell you that there are two laws... the law of the COURT and the law of the Land/statutory law.

      So, the next time someone asks you to attend a ceremony to honor public school teachers... pass it up... they don't deserve our adoration... they are responsible for the product produced by public education.

    • Col. You open your mouth too much. 

      You really need to think before you speak. 

    • Christoh... So. you support what the teachers have produced?  If these public servants were working in a private system most of them would either have to completely change the way and the curriculum they teach or be fired... and if they did not change and were not fired... the private school they taught for would find itself without any students.  I say give parents vouchers for education... vouchers for the full amount now paid to the school districts per child.  See what happens to Public Schools.  Why do you think teachers' unions are so against free-market schools and vouchers?

    • Sorry COL...You have this all wrong. ALL teachers are not Marxist believers...ALL School boards (where the curriculum is established for any teacher)..are not supervising/requiring/ordering our teachers to destroy our culture/nation. Guess you don't have any contact with a good American educations system, as I in NW FL...Our county is always no 1 or 2 in State (of 67 counties) in our student success rates, annually...based on the State and Federal DOE's requirements for K-12. Are there terrible schools with bad teachers in some county's/cities/states? Of course. We read about them every day...can you imagine what kind of teaching goes on in much of Chicago, now the murder capital of the WORLD...Think we would find some bad teachers/teaching there...School not safe...the good teachers leave. Bad teachers not canned...good teachers leave. Teachers get no support (like Cops), from their community the good ones quit and move on. Your comment really surprised me....sorry I had to read/deal with it...could not be more wrong! 

    • Problem is that is one out of a thousand school districts across the country. Imagine your district multiplied all over the country. The voucher system would have to be tailored to prevent governments agencies from imposing political agendas and placing mandates for accepting a voucher. They can still force their Communist ideas because it is gov money so it would have to be crafted in a way that vests the money in the parents and they decide not State, local and Fed governments.

    • OF course, any voucher system must place parents in the driver's seat... able to choose where their child is educated as long as the educational institute is accredited by a recognized private non-profit Educational Accreditation Association... there are several.  see:

      In fact, public schools that are not accredited need to undergo accreditation or be barred from receiving vouchers... For example, the Kansas City Public Schools are not accredited having failed to meet the minimum standards for accreditation by the State and many of the private institutes that are used by Universities and Colleges to establish admittance standards.  So, not only would private schools be required to meet minimum standards before receiving a voucher; public systems would also be required to meet that standard... all ships rise with a universal rising tide.

      Educational accreditation
      Educational accreditation is a quality assurance process under which services and operations of educational institutions or programs are evaluated an…
    • I didn't say all teachers are Marxist... I said they all teach Marist doctrines and cultural ethics.... there is a difference.  Many teachers are simply DUPES ... however, that doesn't excuse them for what they instinctively know is wrong.  Remember, teachers are supposed to be above average intelligence.  Anyone familiar with the modern destruction of public education knows that the US has steadily declined in its rank as a world leader in p[ublic education while spending much more than any other nation on education.

      According to Pearson, the United States has a “cognitive skills and educational attainment” score of 0.39, which makes the United States rank fourteenth out of forty countries ranked in that category. The top ten countries (and their scores) are: South Korea (1.30) Japan (1.03)  We are rated 14th out of 40 nations... The fact that your district is always 1 or 2 in Florida still puts them in the middle of the pack when compared with the world's rankings.

      I would also advise you that many public school districts in America are reporting RIGGED ... fixed test results... it has been a bit of a national scandal and one of the reasons the teacher's unions claim testing should be banned... The facts remain teachers run the public schools... they are responsible for the product produced.  Just like GM is responsible for bad cars and poor sales... not the consumer or stockholders. 

      Pearson PLC - Bing
    • I teach. I do NOT teach or regurgitate marxist anything. I teach from a biblical world view and have talked about God and the biblical world view in a faculty workshop. I drop seed into the atmosphere in every class I teach. I have given christian books to students. It may seem all is lost and I am pretty sure that I am in the minority, as there are many faculty and admins who consider themselves Christian, but they have, as you say, bought into the marxist lies of diveristy, equity and equal outcomes. Just letting you know. And I am not the only one, just the minority who knows the source of these doctrines of man and says NO to all of it, no matter the color of the spirit behind it. 

    • JeA9 ...

      If you teach COMMON CORE curriculum... you are teaching Marxist ideology.   Diversity, multiculturalism, race relations, sex education (if you can call it education) revised history,  and a host of other curriculum is rooted in Cultural Marxism.  It is unavoidable, being buried in the textual sources and rewarded in testing bias...  Teachers are the problem as they all know this and do nothing significant to correct the problem.  

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