
  • We speak out loud and clear we Will Not Be Silenced

    Take to the streets in thousands with our flags and banners and Don't  Be Intimidated If good people stand up unified, evil

    will lose


  • Dems tactics and how they can be used by the right

    1. form a Gestapo group like Antifa to swarm all representatives homes, capitol buildings and get attention through violence 
    2. create a 'hate brand name' like the word 'Racist' and label everyone who doesn't do what you want them to do. 
    3. Insist all members buy, read and breath: Sal Alinsky's "Rules For Radicals" 

    Do this and the right takes power again by the end of the year.  

    • Encourage the GOP Leadership to: focus on shutting down and resisting this government... Call on the parliamentarian: demand Quarum Counts several times daily ... Motion to adjourn hourly, demand in-person votes in both Houses. Filibuster every bill while the filibuster exists.  File law suites on hundreds of actions (legislation, regulation, EO's, etc,) Encourage and assist states to draft and pass NULLIFICATION legislation, (provide the states with boilerplate examples of such bills). Hold meetings and conferences to organize widespread acts of nullification, For every bill passed by the Democrats, each Red State should pass a nullification act.  Make the Marxist defend all their acts in a court and keep them tied up...

      Don't worry about shutting down the government ... Which is better: a government destroying America or a government shut down?  Besides, the critical functions of government are never shut down by law they must function.  Think outside the Box and organize Labor Strikes to shut down much of the revenue streams to government and big corporations.  Put pressure on big corporations to persuade members of Congress to reform government, returning it to its Constitutional roots.

      Stop drinking the kool-aide... refuse to accept the rhetoric of the GOP/RNC claiming they can do nothing to stop the train wreck. They most certainly can, but obviously don't desire to do so. I would counsel the use of Lech Walesa's Polish Solidarity Movement as a model to have government acquiesce to our legislative demands. Demand the GOP/RNC leadership get off the fence and come down on the side of Constitutional government... of the People, FOR THE PEOPLE, and by the People.

      Draft and submit a 'Recall and Term Limits Amendment' to be proposed in Congress and every State Legislature in an Article 5 Convention...  Use the Amendment process to Recall all sitting elected and appointed members of the government including judges, SUBJECT to new elections and appointments. Term limit all offices, elected and appointed, to one term: ONE TERM ONLY... 6yrs with 1/3rd standing for election and appointment every 2 years.  End the professional political class, the power of incumbency, and political parties.  I would also encourage returning to a conscripted military and ending the all-volunteer PROFESSIONAL MILITARY... It has proven to be corruptible and our founding fathers warned against having a professional standing army.

    • ADMIN

      Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky - used by Democrats to attack  conservatives - Fiscal Rangers

  • In 1776 we get rid of the British, the DemoNcRATs are way worse than the British and we can get rid of them also along with the RINO's

  • Encourage the GOP Leadership to: focus on shutting down and resiting this government with every step they take... Call on the parliamentarian, call for Quarum counts daily ... Motion to adjourn hourly, demand in-person votes... Filibuster every bill while the filibuster exists.  File law suites on hundreds of actions (legislation, regulation, EO's, etc,) Encourage and assist states to pass NULLIFICATION legislation, (provide them with examples and hold meetings to organize widespread acts of nullification,) For every bill passed by the Dem's, each Red State should pass a nullification act.  Make the Marxist defend all their acts in a court and keep them tied up...

    Don't worry about shutting down the government it needs to shut down... What is better, a government destroying America or a government shut down?  Besides the critical functions of government never shut down by law they must function

    Finally, stop drinking the kool-aide... that the GOP/RNC can not do a thing to stop the train wreck.. they can, but obviously don't desire to do so. I would also counsel to use the Lech Walesa model to get the Democrats to acquiesce to our legislative demands... A Recall and Term Limits Amendment... Recall all sitting elected and appointed members of the government including judges SUBJECT to new elections and appointments. Term limit all offices elected and appointed to one term... ONE TERM ONLY... 6yrs with 1/3rd standing for election and appointment every 2 years.  End the professional political class and the power of incumbency and political parties.  I would also encourage returning to a Draft and ending the all-volunteer PROFESSIONAL MILITARY... it has proven to be corruptible and our founding fathers warned against having a professional standing army.

  • Defend the constitution regardless of cost. Biden want to override Florida Governor regarding the mask mandate. He cannot unless it's federal lands.

    Tenth Amendment

    Tenth Amendment Annotated


    The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

  • We need to be praying everyday for the fourth "Great Awakening" in America and Europe!  and be prepared to take up the fight (spiritual and political).  Perhaps it is time to let America know that we are back and our fight for freedom for all is as strong if not stronger than ever before.  

    It is time we put a stop to the Luciferian global socialist attack on the Christian church and our constitutionally free and sovereign Republic of the United States of America.  If need be to fight even die for God and our Nation! 

  • Their was a movie a long time ago. It was filimed in NYC if my memory is still right. It was a guy who opened his window ( it was filmed before AC in buildings) and Yeld "I am so fed up and I am not going to take this any more!" It went from house to house and street to street untill the whole city was yelling it. I for one am at this same point and am fed up with the Damaorats steeling an election from a duley elected Presedent. How I intend to exspell this frustration is still an unknown at this point! I do use Paler, I do not use FB or Twiter, I have a Reagan email account. I watch OANN, and News Max tv, To hell with the rest of the so called Lame streem media. Fox has gone the way of CNN and is a revalent as the dodo bird!

    I encurage every one to drop face book and create a Parler account. It is an open network with no hidden sensers!

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