
    • The English is poor.  The vocabulasry is basic and profane.  BUT,  the point is well made.  Listen carefully to Lorenzo.  Ask Admin Dee what you can do to help her!  MLM, not BLM.  My Life Matters.

    • George ... time you've heard from the rest of us ... please don't burn this house down! When its gone, you'll go on to something else ... thanks for nothing!

    • Obviously, your brain is dead.  I was not correcting Lorenzo.  I was underlining the importance of his thought.  And, I am not your pal.  I am surprised that Dee allows you to write herein.

    • Nor am I your "dear!"  And, yes, it is.

  • Go to The American Conservative and read David Hines article, Nivember 4, 2020,

    " How The Right Can Organize Like The Left".

    We as Conservatives have to strategize and implement Real Loses to the left and its  power base. Rallies are powerful but not nearly enough....removing them and their influences from our givernment is essential

     ......To Preserving Our American Constitution and Our Founding Principles and Values. 🇺🇸



    • Thank-you, Kristine!  Admins Melanie and Dee, did you read Kristine Kessler's post?  There is a tremendously helpful resource for you and your goals.  Read, conceptualize, organize, and make it occur with the help of your Tea Party Patriots.  

  • An acquaintance of mine said start the Tea Party again. Because the Tea Party had uncivil elements to it, (I do believe in peaceful, informed, and Christian approaches to righting wrongs, the ends do not justify the means in God's eyes, we still must not engage the 7 passions, and we must still Love Our Enemy, and not do unto others what we wouldn't want done to ourselves), having said all that, the Republican party on the ground level is moribund and one needs to do work around of it to get the voice of the people heard.  So start Tea Party wards in each district in each state. And focus on working on the ground game, rather than the national game.   

    • Zenia, know this, that the bully needs to be confronted.  The Christians have the responsibility and the right to be the "David" in the face of Goliath."  David did not wait.  He acted promptly in the face of evil.

      If they right hand offendeth thee, cut it off!  Matthew 5:.30

      Jesus told the disciples to take two swords!  Luke 22, 36 and 38

      Love your enemy and hate his sin!  Psalms 5: 5 and 6

      Now is the appointed hour!

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    • Funny.  MLM ----- My Life Matters!

    • Mike, from what Ive read that BLM is everything, and they are all well funded, and very well organized.

      We waited way too long now... We were Too nice!

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