
    • You don't believe in that nice day shit? No kidding? Illusion?..........You mean attitude. Sucks to be you,huh?


    • That's what you think you're doing?  Try harder.


    • So!  qwe know this, Jeff! Offer to call millionaires for Admin Melanie.  She'll have a list and will need the help!  Her time is precious!

    • We're now just a satellite of the C.C.P. and the idiots celebrating are cluless to the fate they/ve doomed themselves AND OUR COUNTRY to. Fair elections from here on in?.................Forget about it!

        U.S.A. R.I.P.  Our Representative Republic has been replaced by a Kleptocratic Kakistocracy.



  • start arresting the traitors and corrupt politicians. Start with Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Biden clan, corrupt FBI, CIA, NSA. That would be a good start, then once arrested try and prosecute for crimes against America and any and all other crimes.

    • Good!  Read Admin Melanie's response!!!

    • Kenneth, I couldn't agree more.  If I was able I would volunteer to help but I am partially paralyzed from a severe stroke in 2014.

    • Can you use a phone?  I bet that Admin Melanie could use your help if you can!

  • Decisive action with Extreme prejudice. They won't let me say what I really mean on here.

    • Write it as you like it on something.  Set it aside for one day.  Next day, re-write using appropriate words. set it aside for a couple of hours.  Readjust as needed and post.  Let the admin worry about it then.

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