What’s happening in some of our schools!!

With everything going on I had decided to step back and not watch the news, visit social media sites, etc because I wanted to enjoy my day. THEN I spoke to my son and found out what’s being discussed at my 8 year old granddaughters school. I’m copying and pasting the email he that received from the school department.  I am so #&@$ off!!!!! Please make sure to check out the 3rd link - this is our education system!  Because of this, I joined the Tea Party this morning. I’m trying to figure out what’s going on and what CAN I DO to protect my grandchildren’s future.......

Dear Birch Meadow Community,

Last night we saw acts of violence committed against the United States Congress by people who are unhappy with the election results. This was a scary event for all of us to view and many adults are frightened and worried about what these actions indicate about the safety of our country and our democracy. Regardless of your feelings about the outcome of the 2020 election, the process and results have been certified by all states and by Congress.

Children have a variety of understandings and levels of knowledge about the events yesterday. Children with smartphones or other devices know more about this than adults believe they know. Younger children who do not have smartphones or devices will know what their families have shared with them or what they've overheard. At school our approach to these events will be factual and designed to support children's emotions around these events.

If this situation is discussed in meetings in classrooms, the factual talking points are:

  • Joe Biden won the recent election. States have certified the results. Some people are unhappy with those results and attacked the US Capitol yesterday to interfere with that process.
  • It is ok to disagree, but not ok to do so in a violent way.
  • It was against the law and not how we make decisions in this country.

Teachers will approach any discussion of these events in a developmentally appropriate and caring manner with their students. While we do not share political view points, educators have a responsibility to teach facts and respond to the emotional states of our students.

Below are some links to documents and resources for talking with your children about violence and the events of January 6th. These resources have also been shared with the teachers. Additionally your child's teacher may send home resources for you to use.

As always, please reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns.

Julia Hendrix

This list of resources will help you in discussions about violence and the current events in the United States. These resources have also been shared with teachers.

General information about discussing violent and unsafe events with children:

Teaching Tolerance: When Bad Things are Happening

National Association of School Psychologists: Talking to Children about Violence


Resources that are specific to yesterday's events and are more targeted about discussing the events:

Beyond the Stoplight: Resources for Teachers on the Day after the Attack on the US Capitol


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  • Nat.Ass of School Phycs are just some more of the Communist properganda spreaders.

  • The reeducation camps are certainly operating in full mode. Indoctrination of the young is nessary to the revolution. Ask Mao. Pretty soon they will be turning in us parents to the work camps.or worse, Twitter Nazis.


  • They are taking over the role of parent, right in line with the UN Child Rights Treaty. This has got to be stopped a d real education rebirthed.

  • This is a PERFICT EXAMPLE! Of the NEA/DOA BrainWashing Propragandizing of ALL our young population through our "PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM" and colleges. For over 50 years now the socialist/communist NEA Union has taken control of the DOE and brainwashed our children. They took all God out of school and stopped teaching Civics classes that teach young students what REALLY  makes up and develops a healthy civilized society.  ...so now look what we end up with. The NEA has won and the young people of today are total VICTEMS of Public Schools. Most parental control has also been taken away and can now be reported and go to jail for diaplining your children.

    We need to get out REAL civil right back.

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