
    • Standing without leadership or a discernable and capable organization will end badly...  the private citizen does not have the order of battle, Chain of command, functioning communications, or strategic and tactical controls (CCC) needed to engage a modern military.  The Peasant with his pitchfork (AR15) will soon find there is more than hay to be moved.  If they want to commit suicide there are better ways. 

  • the Day of ‘The Great Reset’ should coincide with the ‘Day of the Great Revolution’. I am a feeble 75 year old Vietnam Grunt. The V.A. doesn't allow me weapons because of my PTSD...but I still have my K-Bar and on that date I plan to get close enough to a target to use it on. Targets include, but not limite d to: ANTIFA, BLM, George Soros minions, or any U.N Advocate.

    On that day you should dig up your war gear, build your bombs and initiate the proper carnage. Remember ‘Concord Green’.


  • This is the first baby steps to 666 by the antichrist. Jesus said that this generation shall not pass until all is fulfilled. The generation he referred to was the one that would return to Jerusalem. They returned in 1948. A generation according to scripture is 100 years. They have been back for 73 years minus the 7-years tribulation makes it 80 years which is 20 years are left. The first to happen is the catching away of the church then the revealing of the false messiah which Jesus said the Jews would accept in his own name when he comes to them to make a peace agreement for seven years. No one will be able to buy or sell without his number or name on their right hand or on their head... are you ready?

    • Man is promised 3 score and 10 years of life... one generation would be 70 yrs... 1948 plus 70yrs is 2018... starting the clock on the beginning of the last days... with the first 31/2 yrs or 2021 ending in the summer of 2021... a time when everyone will be told universal peace has arrived. When every nation is at peace, beware, and pray that it is not winter when sudden destruction overtakes mankind... plagues and pestilence and every evil work... with great tribulation as never before every man will cry out for the rocks to hide them and the earth to conceal their sins... the COVID pandemic is just the beginning of sorrows.  Note: 70 is the number of perfection or fulness/completeness, the sins of man shall be full and the winepress of judgment made ready. 

      No one knows for certain when God will catch away the Church, not even Christ knows... the Father in Heaven alone knows of that day and hour.... so, prepare ye the way of the Lord and make straight thy paths that ye may not be caught sleeping or unprepared to receive the Lord... it could happen at any time.

    • The next thing to happen is the Rapture of the Church. When those who are dead in Christ and those who remain meet Him in the air. Mark of the beast takes place during the 7 year Tribulation.

    • Amen!

  • The American people are armed to the teeth. With the help of vets and oathkeepers, we can fight off anything.

  • Malarkey!! These globalists Nazis like Klaus would love the USA as they're crowning jewel in they're globalists crown. Kick out the fascist UN out of our country. We ain't buying what they're selling. Build back better my ass. We need Trump more than ever.

    • And since 1945 the UN has been the covert problem.  However, not until George HW did it really start to show it's true Lucerfian self, HW is the first one to tell the General Assembly that the United States would pledge our allegence to "that sacred document of the UN Charter ... the brainchild of the Socialist FDR. then Clinton with his ungodly Luciferian agenda, then George W. who was sidetracked by 911 and Iraq ... then the Soros superstar Obama for the launching of the "civilian army" and the Coup against the Sovereign Free Republic of the United States of America. 

      Since Trump the Democrat party has been exposed as the Luciferian Global Socialist Party.  It has been exposed as being in covert operation since 1945 and coming of age in the 60s then the slow but positive move forward, even with its failures until the Obama administration with many failures the "civilian Army" has been established the splintering damage to Christianity ... the devastation to the Economy and National Security the Obama congress headway to radicalize the Luciferian Socialists. the removal of the moral values and the integrity of the people; the liberal radicalizing of our education system and the rewriting of our history.  During the first term of President Trump they have committed full-blown treason and made their historical assault against the people of the United States, to include the Chinese Bio-Weapon COVID19 attack against the west with the target being the USA. planed and exicuted.  now the total takeover of the election.  If this is not serious enough, then what is?   The Christians Need to get as close to Jesus as they can, it will be the only safe harbor when God's justice comes down like water, His judgement on the Luciferian Socialist takeover will be swift and mighty, and We The People will be the Nemesis of God. 

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