What if it’s NOT a supply chain problem?

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    • The Government doesn't need to seize the goods... they simply give the welfare population increased government assistance/welfare... And, the race is on.  The capitalist raises the cost of their goods and services and the Government increases welfare payments.  Hyperinflation follows and the MIDDLE CLASS joins the poor, as the government prints more bogus debt-based currency to purchase inflated food, energy, and consumer goods. 

      The Capitalist is snared in a loop of greed at both ends of the economic scales of commerce... with the capitalist wanting to maintain high profits under adverse economic conditions and the Marxists working to fund the free stuff and welfare programs of the federal and state governments...buying the votes of the poor.

    • And what do you think the Globalist are, they are Communist!!! Just a wave ahead of ya!!

  • The Rochefeller Foundation created project "LOCKSTEP" in 2010,  full report that details everything that needs to happen in order for the "great reset" to take place. Inside that report it details supply chain disruptions, restricted food supplies, lockdowns, covid, forced vaccines. It's all there in black and white, it's part of the globalist plan to bring down America!

  • Ships not docked can not be unloaded... nothing keeps a ship from docking other than the PORT AUTHORITY or ITS OWNERS...  Longshoreman's Union's refusing to unload critical cargo can be ORDERED by the Federal Courts to return to work, as a national security problem.  This embargo is all contrived and may be the work of China, which owns most of the container ships in the world.  It may be an illegal embargo to coerce the US into backing off support for Taiwan.

    We are likely experiencing another act of asymmetrical warfare by China...  the Pandemic, and now a cargo embargo?  When will the people rise up and demand the Biden Administration resign?

  • I drove over the bridge in Jacksonville the other day and there was no ships at the docks. Something I have never seen before. 

  • In the past such embargos or civil strikes were broken using the US Military to deliver the mail and run air traffic control... let the logistical elements of the US Military unload the embargoed Shipping... or send them to ports in Canada and Mexico for unloading and further transshipping to US Markets.

    This backlog is another phony crisis ordered by the Biden Administration... it controls the ports and permission to enter... just like they are shutting down the return of US Citizens who have escaped from Afghanistan.  Make no mistake the backlog is contrived and the work of the Biden Administration.  When will the People finally suffer enough to rise and demand the RECALL of the entire Federal GOvernment subject to new elections and appointments?  The backlog in unloading is a self-inflicted injury.

    • P/S Who owns the majority of the container ships?  Is China imposing an embargo by directing the bulk of its container ships to sit off sore as leverage, pending a favorable solution to the Taiwan problem? Is that possibly what is happening?  Is China engaging in another asymmetrical act of war... first the pandemic, now a shipping embargo?

    • If China is keeping their ships purposely off shore then why has no one on the American mention this fact? 

    • Evidently, You don't follow the national news... The MSM has reported a growing backlog of ships in the Pacific ocean.. reporting fewer ships than actually waiting to unload... multiples of hundreds, not 76 as reported on one newscast.

    • Makes sense.

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