
The daily spectacle of angry mobs pulling down statues, taunting police, attacking passersby, and taking over entire city blocks makes it seem like Black Lives Matter is a mass movement, that pretty much everyone except knuckle-dragging Trump supporters is on board with its radical agenda, and that the new national consensus is that you’re either anti-racist or racist.

Under these conditions, many ordinary Americans feel disoriented and discouraged. Confusion abounds. When did it become racist to like the national anthem and Mount Rushmore? At what point did we decide George Washington and Abraham Lincoln were moral monsters, or that all police are racist thugs? Why are rioters and looters allowed to terrorize people and destroy property with impunity? Why aren’t local elected leaders enforcing the law?

If you think what’s happening in America right now is crazy, you’re not alone. It’s true that something’s changed, that we’re in the middle of a crisis, that a cultural civil war is underway and escalating.

But it’s not true that this is a majoritarian movement. It’s not true that America fundamentally changed overnight. The hordes of protesters, impressive as them seem, don’t represent the country at large. According to Pew, only about 6 percent of U.S. adults have participated in a rally or protest in the past month, and they skew young, urban, and Democratic. That’s less than 20 million people—a lot, to be sure, but nothing close to a majority.

In some sense this is entirely psychological. A relatively small group of radical left-wing activists is using classic cult psychology to wage psychological war against the rest of us. They are the vanguard of what can only be described as a religious movement in America.

Indeed, Black Lives Matter and its attendant ideology contain all the elements of a religion: it promulgates doctrines that are explicitly normative, it has a cosmology and a morality, its claims are not subject to or consistent with scientific proofs. James Lindsay has gone further and described it as a cult, with recognizable and well-established features of a cult such as initiation, indoctrination, and cult reprogramming.

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    • The enforcement of law depends on the support of the general public.  These barbarians are playing totally by a political agenda aimed at convincing a plebiscite of the public that their cause is right.  They have done such a good job that the California Bishops Conference will not invoke the call to defend the statues of Junipero Serra, but have withdrawn into a defensive posture of speaking of how Junipero Serra would have pleased our new political masters in BLM.  As long as they are doing this, their clergy follows obediently.  What Col. Nelson speaks of depends on a public that is informed in the principles of Christianity.  Unfortunately, the vast percentage of Americans are appallingly ignorant of the Gospel, thanks to 50 years of vague and diluted Catholic catechesis.  If the Catholics can't find a backbone in their conscience, the only other bastion are the Evangelicals who, though small in number, often defend the Gospel far more convincingly that their Catholic colleagues.  We can see, from the cathartic words of Justice Gorsuch just how totally devoid of a moral backbone are the Episcopalians these days.  In any event, it falls upon all of us with the conviction of faith to do everything possible to wake our sleeping church comrades before the whole society is undermined by barbarians.   Can they do it with the mighty President who eloquently speaks?  They must fight against an enormous "fear" factor spead among Americans by Dr. Fauci and others that is totally without any foundation in the Gospel.  Victory will come  with courageous Americans everywhere fighting with the hands and mind enabled by Jesus Christ, and if I may say, His Blessed Mother.  We can expect victory for Law and Order on that basis!

    • Charles, I also know that God is on our side. That's why I am not worried about November. With God's help Trump will pull off another miracle with a landslide victory just like he did in 2016. Don't believe the polls! Trump is in the midst of making America great again, of getting God back into American life, of putting the right kind of judges who fear God on the bench, of being fiscally responsible. There is no way voters won't reward him for all these accomplishments.

    • You have all good points, Paul.  Nevertheless, those of us who are faithful Christians must direct their efforts against the phobias that Democrats are constantly building.  The most effective means of doing that are the virtues of faith, especially hope and trust in God. That is what I have enjoyed most about your comments.It is a screaming scandal that the California Bishops have failed to show that kind of virtue.  Just check out the words of Taylor Marshall and Tim Gordon.  No more intimidation of our voices.  No more ignorance of the principles of faith.  No more failure to raise our concerns to God on high!  May God raise up on high to battle the barbarians to the end, and let us have confidence that He will win!!

    • You are right, Ronald. Trump indeed has to assume total authority over the US to save it from the thugs who are trying to destroy us and our great history. That's the only way he can preserve our freedom and liberty. 

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