
  • Know why the Democrats flip out when you call Jan. 6 their Reichstag fire? BECAUSE IT'S THE TRUTH!!!!

  • Looks like part of the Nasty Pelosi family/gang! I'm sure Hunter was helping his dady "Unite" America, too!

  • Who are they? They are communist agitators; that's what commies do to destabilize and destroy countries.

  • I just seant an e-mail to the DHS concerning the lies form the FBI and the news media. On January 7 the Washington times reported thsat the FBI had facial recognition pictures of know ANTIFA leaders infiltrating the caoitol. In fact they were the leaders. There is also videos of the capitol police guiding the ANTIFA where to go into the capitol. There is also videos of the capitol police handing out weapons to ANTIFA members inside the capitol. Tis info needs to be shared far and wide. So far 40 ANTIFA that were caught on January 6, have been let loose without bail and no trial, while in the mean time over 400 supposed Trump supporters are being detained with no bail and no court date. When are we going to grow a pair and march on DC??

  • Who brings gas masks and clubs to a Trump rally? Antifa thugs and FBI infiltrators that's who!!!!!!! President Trump was set up again folks.

    • Yes, I knew it had to be Antifa people smashing the windows etc. Trump rallies had always been peaceful. In December, there was a Stop the Steal protest, and there was no violence.

  • Well what do you know, told you it was an inside job

  • Maybe the FBI agents who were embedded with the supposed protestors, Pelosi or any other de"mock"rat.

  • On Pelosi $$$$$$$$ most likely

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