
  • Most people seem to be as "Egg Chickens". Raised in back to back cages their entire lives just laying eggs. Food and Water on one of the four sides. Take the chicken out of the cage and place it in the cage behind it and it will starve, unable to find food nor water. As a Civilization, the American People appear to have desended to this " Brainless Fowl."

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

  • So hope this expose will sweep the nation!!!

  • "The Emperor has No Clothes!" Where is the Child to tell us all when we need him?

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

  • Shirley,

    I fail to see any viable correlation between 40,000 Combined Deaths between the United States and Great Britain when their Combined Population exceeds 400,000,000! This is nothing when compared to "Heart Disease, Obesity, Diabetes, Cancer, and currently in the United States Combined Rate of Suicide/Murder/Incidental Deaths by Illegal Gun Possession Shootings!" As children in Grade School it was not uncommon for one group to make others "Ill" just by continually telling them in Class "You look Sick!" The same is happening today.

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

  • 9,000 New Illegals just from Haiti now living under an "Overpass", and when the " Talking Head Woman" was asked "Why they were not inoculated?", she said " Yes."

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

  • Sounds like The "ONE WORLD ORDER"- they want you to "BOW DOWN TO THEM"- Who takes the vaccine, who takes the booster, who closes their business, who pays their employee's for vaccine. who will get The Mark Of The Vaccine, and on and on and on etc.....Just Take A Look At The Southern Border.... Shortly they will have the "WOKE MILITIARY" FOR FIGHTING FOR THIS BATTLE AGAINST THOSE THAT DON'T BOW DOWN-!!! BE PREPARED- You will have to chose The BATTLE OF TODAY or THE BATTLE OF 2000 Yrs. AGO, which has already been Fought-!!!

  • Where is the GOP leadership on these unconstitutional EO's and Mandates... awol?  Where are the GOP governors and their NULLIFICATION LEGISLATION... State legislation to make it a crime to require medical treatment or vaccines as a condition of employment... make it criminal and impose mandatory prison time and a huge fine for any executive or manager in a company that operates within the State...

    Executive Orders and Medical mandates ARE NOT LAW...  legally, they don't have the force of law behind them.  They do not Constitutionally apply as instruments of government outside of the Executive Branch, where they are intended to be used by the President to clarify policy on the law or regulations that are not clear or have more than one interpretation.

    The States can stop the Fed from mandating businesses within a State's jurisdiction from wrongful termination ... for refusing a vaccine or any other medical therapy or treatment.

  • The "Kool Aid" was no solution for the Reverend Jimmy Jones People and it is no solution for anyone!

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

    • I had the same thought a few days ago!

  • It's a Death Jab. Do not take it


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