
  • Classify it for what it is....mental illness!

  • This is a plague of mental illness on the part of the school! This has to stop!

  • If it has a penis the proper pronoun is "HE", if it has a vagina the proper pronoun is "SHE".  They and them are plurals.  NO singile individual is a "they" or "them".  Therfore proper ENGLISH says those terms CANNOT be used for an indivual.

  • Sick people are all around us

  • Only one way to end this.

  • No one can tell anyone else what to say.  Sounds like the queer kids just want to cause trouble.  Some metal health needed here.

  • No, Shirley they need a heart check, and a non-biasd read of I & 2 Corinthians, these two books will tell you how to live. 

  • Boys have penises and girls have vaginas---prove me wrong 

    • Boys = he: girls = she.  Nuff said!


  • These people are truly SICK and need a mental check quick. Idiots

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