
  • Great news, let's reverse the fraud in Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Nevada, etc...

  • Two more wins for America. Keep them coming.

  • More to come!

  • Media blackout!

    I looked it up and only Mad World News and Epoch Times are reporting Trump's win, as of now.

  • I read from Epoch Times that Trump won N.C. then I tuned into Fox to see how they would respond and Bret Beir said Thom Tillis had been declared the winner in N.C. but Trump wasn't.

  • Hooray!!!!!!!

    The way the media has called the election for Biden- even the New York Post- is terrible. This will create further division if (hopefully) Trump wins. The Democrats will take to the streets- thinking the election was stolen from them!  If only they would realize that they were lied to!


  • Everyone know that the election was stolen from the President the only thing they forgot he is not Nixon who's presidential election was stolen from him and he did nothing .

  • Another state in the bag for the best president in our lifetimes. Let's keep them coming! 

  • he will win a lot more states when the FRAUD is done away with and only legal votes counted!!!!!

    • Yes, she is awesome. It shows that she upholds her pledge of allegiance to Trump and that she is totally loyal to him as every patriotic American needs to be. 

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