
    • I believe it, it reinforces the quote "once a slave always a slave", and a savior doesn't come by often at all... and due to the weapons now available to governments, he may not show at all. Revival, in time, is of the essence : )

    • Skeptical, the last pastoral community has been recorded in the Bible, no such place on earth, only temporary clumps of such communities in most nations.  Our founders created a working system for permanent liberty from tyranny, not necessarily a pastoral nation, although possible when all unite, and yes as usual banksters get in the way.  India is an old nation with its own long list of extremely serious flaws, lots of India people immigrate to this country along with many other nationals, some see liberty here, but most see money. Either way still a shining light on the hill from all perspectives.  In no way would I compare this country to any other, but if we don't take our country back to its original foundings we just may find ourselves in a country not unique from from any other, and during our lifetimes.  Last time I checked Mr. Ghandi had no effect on the caste sysem, too bad, all he had to do was look at the American history.

    • You have no quibbling with me on the need for an American political revival being needed. We are due, and I suspect that the catalyst for this is the turmoil of our present times prompting (compelling really) interest.

      Ghandi did try rid the society of the caste system. They didn't listen. You can lead a Brahma to water, but not make him think. No bull!

    • We seem to differ here. The British Crown occupying India, may have called its presence colonial, but its actions show possessive exploitation (enslavement) of a native population. That sure sounds NWO to me, minus the genocidal feature. Yes, the NWO is not compassionate. It has preferences as to how it intends 'its planet' to be ceded into its hands. Being banksters, they do not value devestating wastes of assets. Otherwise, one good nuclear or bioweapons attack saturating all major population centers would do the trick, then the very messy clean up.  In hopes of gaining eventual total control,  implementation, and conclusion of its process, they would prefer we self-terminate in an orderly fashion. "You will own nothing, and you will be happy". Do you sense the personal risk in being so? So not mercy, but practicality in intent.

      This Nation has never had a pastoral political tranquility throughout its existance. The malcontents have always been amongst us, having migrated from Europe in discontent. Their lunatic progeny can be seen in the rogues gallery of: political organizations, federal, and state leadership. We the Nation prospered anyway. As for Donald Trumps methodology for addressing the reckless administering of immigration and border defense, I have noted he is capable of adapting as an executive. I would leave that to him as a selected government leader,  to discover the best means possible. Perhaps you would not.

      Honestly Oleg, I suspect you are as rambunctious as the Colonel, getting me all serious and all.

    • Needless to say, it was LEADERSHIPS Failure... to resolve a massive history of Constitutional abuses that has brought us to this state of calamity... Going as far back as Marbury vs. Madison and the so-called statutory review doctrine off the Federal Courts... an unconstitutional ruling that should have resulted in the immediate removal of all those justices who sided with the majority opinion in that case.

      Then there is the misdirected opinion on the 'Supremecy Clause' basically relegating all power to the federal government when it was originally intended to BE LIMITED SUPREMACY IN THE AREAS GRANTED TO THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT BY THE STATES IN THE US CONSTITUTION... The Federal government was to have supremacy in law for the 18 powers and areas of common interests assigned to it by the States. SEE Article 1, Sections 8, 9, and 10 for a more detailed understanding of the divisions of soverign power assigned to the Federal government, States, and the People.

      Due to the disingenuous and often deleterious acts of disloyal and despotic political agency... the US Constitution has been distorted, twisted, misrepresented, and ultimately maligned in its purpose and functions.... Thus, destroying the very foundation of our Constitutional Republic.  It is time to hit the reset button, using an Article 5 Convention to submit Amendments to the US Constitution that will correct the past abuse.  We need Pres. Trump, and others of his caliber, to call on the State Governors and Legislatures to call for a Constitutional Convention, to restore Constitutional Government AS INTENDED BY OUR FOUNDING FATHERS.  This is the most direct, lawful, and peaceful way to return our Nation to its Constitutional roots.

    • Wholeheartedly agreed Col. Nelson, but I wouldn't count on anything "lawful" to dislodge the unlawful in charge of the fed and nearly every state. Sometimes it takes "outlaws" (to unlawful laws) to return to lawful laws, and history attests to that. Just my opinion...

    • An insistance to support truth, and our ideals.

      Refusal to accept farce, despair, and resignation.

      An unwilligness to settle for second best, or table scraps. 

      A denial of self-enslavement.

      I was hoping those were commonly held too.

      But in summarizing, Donald Trump is the man in the ring. His actions in his perspective have bonifide credential, because it was his skin in the game and he risked it. All other viewpoints are made by spectators seated comfortably expressing in pedestrian value.

    • You are a completely clueless idiot to think we don't need a businessman to lead this country.  Who would you prefer?  Maybe a 35 year old second grade educated individual fresh out of prison?

    • Well you must be clueless not to see where this country is heading now.  But god willing whoever is the next real president could appoint Donald czar to an art of a dealership.

    • President Trump made the MOST of his chances. This country was headed in the best direction possible. He has been a Magnificat leader & still is. The democrats destroy everything they touch & like it that way. America will not survive this democrat regeim. 

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