
    • Yup..! Bush, Obama, Clinton, Soros, Biden and More Are Behind All Of This Insanity..! This Is Way More Than A Two Sided Division..!

  • In reality you (Trump) were the president and had opportunities to keep our country safe, what's worse you allowed it to be stolen and by the same people who haunted you, a president of what was a country full of patriots having your back!

    • I think YOU allowed it to be stolen.  Did You go out there and protest at the Capitol from November 3rd until the end of January?  I DID!.  Have YOU signed petitions, written to Senators and the Board of Directors?  I DID!  Did you do anything but complain and tell us what Trump should be doing? 

      Maybe if YOU had, You and ten thousand others like you, we wouldn't be in the fix we are today.  We don't need 100 Patriots like me standing out there in front of the Capitol ..... WE NEED 10,000.   Where ARE all you complainers ......................... ABSENT! ............ THE TRUE GOVERNMENT OF THE U.S. IS ABSENT!  Trump did and is doing his best ... what are YOU doing?


    • some of us don't have the physical ability or financial means to go hang out in washington for 3 or 4 months!!!!!!!!!!

    • I wasn't talking about the Washington D.C. Capitol.  Every State has a Capitol.  I was talking about the Arizona Capitol.  What are you looking for an excuse?  You must not love your grandchildren. I don't accept BS or excuses any more from cowards.


    • Thank you JC ... perfectly well said. Oleg is what we New Yorkers call a fair weather friend. Is he a REAL member of TPO or a lefty here to harass us?

    • "fair wather friend" is an appropriate projection by a loyalist of a city that experienced 911 and blamed America BHO style. Now they're like frogs in boiling water thx to the swampers of their choice

    • Thank you


    • JC, if you saw burglars and thieves coming to your home, and to prove it they were already breaking into your home and all you had to do was call the residence security, who were a blink of an eye away and fully at your service!  Then you find yourself and family on the street, the security is no longer at your service, and a family member said you gave the house and and possibly destroyed our home, would you call him a complainer?

    • Stay home inside your four walls.  We don't need you.


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