
  • I am so thrilled to see this.  We must fight for freedom, here and worldwide. Communism cannot win against truth and freedom.  

  • I am there already, mentally.  I will see you there physically!  Let's Roll!

  • I plan being there!  I sent out letters to all Repersentives and Sentors.  I don't have Twitter or Facebook.  Can you guys get the messsage please.  We all need to be there!

  • Sadly, the President may have more supporters willing to take to the streets in foreign countries than in the US... The President needs to organize and solicit massive demonstrations to take place on January 6th, 2021... he needs to be sure that the public is aware and that he organizes the assembly in ways that are constructive to support the actions of the US Senate in decertifying the fraudulent electors...

  • Wonderful video. Poor Joe can't even get 20 people to a "rally".

  • I love it! Thank you!

  • Go America!

  • We the people support Trump no matter what since he made America great again. He speaks the truth and he is the truth. He is the only leader who tells us and the world with unvarnished honesty that the USA is a banana republic in 2020, in which you can't trust the election, the courts, and basically any government agency or department. We must be eternally grateful to this straight talking man, this fresh breath of air. Thank you, Mr President! 

    • Well said, Paul!

  • Let's Roll!

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