
  • Thank You Don Jr. We need to get orginized in Every LOCAL and STATE "ELECTIONS" Supervisor, Board! The Elected Officals NEED TO HAVE PRESSURE ON THEM to have Correct Approved Voting Machines and Ballots- IT ALL STARTS AT STATE LEVELS-!!! We Need To $UPPORT Canidates With The America First Agenda-!!! 75+million STRONG and GROWING- WE HAVE TO MAKE OUR VOICES and VOTES HEARD-!!!

  • Thanks for posting this!  We love you Don JR!

  • What about mass voter fraud??? how are traitors going to be dealt with??? when the people cant vote their candidate???  where is the military? given trillions, now in the hands of monsters!! Why have they not caused justice??? Many have lost the true value of freedom, and have supported these traitors. How are people going to follow laws, when their is no justice system??? And the mass infiltration and corruption of power does not follow any law! Taking back America requires more than talk, That is how this country was founded.


  • I pray we get a medium soon where President Trump can reach us on a daily basis and give us hope.

  • The thieves and fraudsters are attempting another impeachment of Trump because Trump IS the president... they just might hang themselves in the process

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