
  • The Democratic party is purely Demonic. 

  • Pelosi is a ———- !!

    • Pelosi is an avowed communist; I've know it for years and the FBI "finally" released a report on her communist roots this past January; people are beginning to wake up, it didn't take very long for the to become totally disenchanted with China joe and the harris camel and more are beginning to recognize the brazen commie that wields the gavel.

  • Want Justice?  Looking for the Deep State to be held criminally accountable for its treason and sedition?  Don't expect it to happen as long as we use the current system for obtaining indictments...

    We need to return to Standing People's Grand Juries..“The duty of the citizen grand jury is to separate fact from fiction, after a full and impartial examination of the evidence and then decide if the evidence supports the filing of criminal charges in a True Bill Indictment.”  In a Grand Jury system, the PEOPLE, Not politically appointed prosecutors or corrupt DA's, issue True Bills of Indictment.

    The basic purpose of the grand jury was to provide a fair method for instituting criminal proceedings against persons believed to have committed crimes. Grand jurors were selected from the body of the people and their work was not hampered by rigid procedural or evidential rules. In fact, grand jurors could act on their own knowledge and were free to make their presentments or indictments on such information as they deemed satisfactory. Despite its broad power to institute criminal proceedings, the grand jury grew in popular favor over the years. It acquired independence in England free from control by the Crown or judges. Its adoption in our Constitution as the sole method for preferring charges in serious criminal cases shows the high place it held as an instrument of justice. And in this country as in England of old, the grand jury has convened as a body of laymen, free from technical rules, acting in secret, pledged to indict no one because of prejudice and to free no one because of special favor. 

    Return People's Grand Juries as the only source to indict felony offenses... per the 5th Amendment of the US Constitution...

  • As usual anymore- I am just sitting here shaking my head at the INSANITY..! There is NOT a damned thing wrong with President Trump..! The man has done ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG..! The LEFTIST BASTARDS are simply trying to Impose Communism on the People by Completely Destroying EVERYONE Except for the Elite Globalist LEFTISTS..! The Left is making EVERYTHING Cost so much that they average person from lower class to upper class people and families Can't Afford To Live and CAN'T even afford their Mortages or Rent not to mention EAT or before to long a gallon of gasoline will be $7 to $10.00 a gallon..!!! People are already being thrown out of their homes..! MILLIONS More Will Soon Default and be on the streets with No Way To Climb and Their Cridit Score down to Virtually Zeroed Out..! Only Way To Have A Roof Over Your Head and To Eat - You WILL be put in a Government Facility and that will be like a Re-Education Camp and Prison With No Way Out..!!!  IT IS NOT A JOKE..! 

    • Trump said they want We the People, he was just in the way.  very true statement, they want us subjugated under their tyranny!!!!!!!!!!

  • Hold a CONVENTION OF THE STATES !  First order of business should be term limites imposed on congress and drain the swamp from that point.

  • Trump is the man of the hour, a true American patriot, who loves his country and the US Constitution. We the people are the same, we follow and support him come what may.

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