
  • Marxist never admit to lying... the bigger the lie the more they insist it is true... Remind you of any particular political party and the MSM?  If the Marxist narrative was that the world is flat ... they'd take that narrative to the grave rather than admit it was false. So, don't be surprised at how boldly and without embarrassment they manage to continue the False Narrative on Russian Collusion and other obvious lies.

  • If we can take out the world's top terrorists, then, surely, we can remove a few left wing terrorists here in the States.

    • there is a terrorist in our midst he still walking around.


  • The Legendary President Donald J. Trump is taking on the so called conspiracy theory deep state led by the pos obama, pos soros, u.n., leftist and their media cesspool bottom scum sucking anti-America chinese cronies.

    Time to make America Safe Again, by Making America Americans' Again. Federalize the police until we have the cesspool drained. 

    • As long as Obama and his administration is alive we're going to face terrorist here in America.


  • Donald Trump is the man for the hour.

  • The level of attacks by the rabid democrat/progressive/socialists is growing as the seasons move closer to Nov.  Every left wing pundit, newspaper, TV, letter writer is following the Alinsky/fascist concept of "bombard" the public repeatedly with propaganda .  The crap they are spewing is full of lies and b.s. and anybody that keeps up with history and current events PICKS UP ON THE FRAUD immediately.  Meanwhile the slugs like Pelosi, Biden, Schumer pop up every couple of weeks and rant some incoherent garbage, like Trump isnt doing his job, the never ending..."he's giving to Putin" blah, blah. Biden's LITTLE NEWS CONFERENCE WAS PATHETIC.  About 20 reporters posed questions......BUT IN A CERTAIN ORDER SO JOE WOULDN'T MIX UP HIS ANSWERS.  The rehersed/planned questions to Biden was so pitiful.......and this is the best the dems are going to present ??? Well we know why.......BIDEN IS TO BE THE PUPPET FOR THE SOCIALIST/MARXISTS , they don't care if he's incompetent, they'll just use him to push their agenda..........GOD HELP SAVE US FROM THESE ROTTEN, FILTY, CORRUPT LEFTISTS. 

    • Rich:  Hello.  The 3 names mentioned, I refer to as:  pelousy, bite-me, and schmuckmer.    the bite-me:   incompetent, dumb-like-a-fox, puppet-on-a-string, sold to the highest bidders, epitome of the swamp.

    • In his first term Trump put the right kind of judges on the bench. In his second term Trump will eliminate the leftist opposition and the fake news, and he will assume total authority over the country. No more left wing or rino commies who hate the USA. Trump is playing 4 dimensional chess and he is winning big time. 

  • Never before in America has there been a POTUS like President Trump, he never lets a disparaging remark from the Liberal alphabet FAKE NEWS MEDIA controlled by the Liberal anarchist Democrats go unanswered! President Trump is always one step ahead of the Demon-crats and quick to call a skunk a skunk! If you think the first four years have been great, wait and see what President Trump will do in his next four years!

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