
  • Constitutional Amendment XXVIII

    Voter rights and procedure

    Section 1.  Only registered voters may vote. A register voter must prove citizenship in the United State of America, the person must be alive in the local, city, county, state, and USA of an election. Exception: military personal who will be automatically registered at time of service. These registered voter lists must be updated every 30 days. (This should be easy to set up by contact with vital statistics and utility companies, etc...) At election time all who vote must match the voter list and get one vote each.

     Section 2. All election procedures, equipment, software, etc. Must be approved by referendum vote of the registered voters of the local, city, county and state held on July 1 every 2 years.

    Section 3. When 5% of the registered voters request a referendum vote on any government legislation, any part of any legislation or any executive order, it must be brought up on the ballot of the next local, city, county, state, and federal election to which that legislation or executive order applies too.

    Section 3.5 When 5% of the registered voters create legislation the bill must be brought before that legislative body for debate.

    Section 4. When 20% of the registered voters sign a petition to recall any elected official there must be a recall election setup immediately.

    Section 5. Any violation of this Amendment is punishable by five years in prison or $250,000 fine or both. Any deliberate violation is treason and in this case is punishable by death.

    This amendment will give the American people the power to control Congress. If congressmen don’t do as the American people want, we can get rid of them!!

  • Lock and load America...we cannot trust the gov't to protect us and with 400 million firearms at hand (which makes us the largest army on earth) we can take care of the invaders and the rogue government if need be.

  • You are right. The GOP might want to grow some spine and take some action. As near as I can tell, the only thing they do well is beg for money. I've been very generous in the past, but I'm done!

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