
    • The further Americans move away from God the worse our culture will degenerate and ultimately destroy US.  VIVA CHRISTUS REY!

    • I pray daily for a move towards God to  solve the problem!!!!!


    • Good. So do I. It's the only thing that will eventually work.


    • God didn't cause this problem.....people did. People need to fix it!

    • Satan caused this problem through his demons on this earth... Remember, Satan rules this earth until Christ returns and throws him into the fiery pit... Pray that comes soon!

    • Don't expect God to jump in and fix it, he gave us free will and a brain, he doesn't control how we use it and he will let us fall, suffer, if we are stupid!

    • ilona, you are correct that people caused the problem but fixing it is beyond us so we need God to fix it but We the People MUST do our part, repent and chnge our evil ways!!!!!!!!!!


    • He is not our fixer. We allowed this to happen, don't expect him to jump in and save us. Correct your mistakes, He gave you plenty of opportunities, so go do the right thing!

    • No, it is not beyond us, we are equipped to fight evil through our faith..

    • Paul, that is exactly what I have been saying.  We the People can't fix it except by repenting and praying as this fight can only be won by God but we must do our part and I do it every day!!!!!


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