
  • Now that elections are clearly the product of fraud... and Communist Insurrectionists are in charge of law enforcement and the Courts... Look for the persecution of conservative dissidents to get worse...  The question becomes:  Why has the Corporate power in this country bowed to such corruption and open hostility toward those who make our nation function... law-abiding taxpayers.  Why are the idiots promoting their own demise?  Don't they understand that the left is using them and as soon as they no longer need them, that they will PURGE these DUPES ...  stripping them of all their wealth and security?

    Due process is being stripped from the conservative dissident... by the agents of Marxist insurrection under the auspices of Official Federal and State Government power.  It is time that the right understand war has been declared.  Civil war is happening under the auspices of government officials this must stop or there is the very real possibility it will develop into open civil war with both sides resorting to violence and unlawful conduct.

    • You are correct Col Ron, we are already at war.............Mark Levin has discussed this "soft" tyranny for many it is being amplified.  Do you think that this is an intentional move to foment or precipitate  a true violent  uprising in order to use much more agressive forces against Trump supporters now that the dems have the big stick?  If so they must be thinking that their "window" of opportunity  may be small. I would not be surprised to see the taunting magnify. We must remain disciplined. but ruthless in our tactics(mimic them).

    • Sheep Dog...

      You asked: Do you think that this is an intentional move to foment or precipitate a true violent uprising to use much more aggressive forces against Trump supporters...?  The short answer is YES a resounding YES... History is replete with examples of how Marxist internal insurgencies move from isolated terrorist events to full-blown civil war... revolution.  It is a Marxist Maxim (doctrinal law) that the Targeted State's old guard, culture, and laws be thoroughly discredited... unleashing chaos and the calls for revolutionary action to restore order.... only the new order will be a Marxist State and massive purges of counter-revolutionary forces... you and I.  

      Anticipate greater abuses of due process and outright detention without arraignment or trial... gulags and death camps are just over the horizon if we continue on our present course.  Look for local commissars to suddenly appear at the city and county-level... with activist Democrat operatives administering the law (under the guise of police reforms).  Look for property confiscations starting with our weapons and then our finances and businesses... either thru tax policy or forfeiture for supposed domestic terrorist activities or treason.  

      The next big milestone will be reparations and a subsequent economic crash... throwing most of America out of work.  Expect more covid hype and martial law, to follow, as the government uses the violence and confusion they create to purge all dissident resistance. 

      I fear America may not recover from its present calamity... as conservative leadership is near non-existent and the resources, funding, and organization needed to reverse our descent into Marxism are absent and apparently not coming.

    • Very well said... and those holding what little power and wealth available for our cause need to organize and actively fund a counter-revolution using lawful means... such as anti-commandeering and Nulificaiton tactics at the State, County (sheriff), and CIty levels of power.  We must look to State officials and our COnstditutional Sheriff's to defend what remains of our Constitutional RIghts to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. 

  • Socialism for thee, not for me!!  Yes, its a two tiered system where justice is spelled JUST-US.....

  • Do these idiots not know that we can see how the murdering DEM protestors get away with everything. No Consequences.They are turning many sane Dems against them. 

  • Loose lips joe needs to be in an elderly folks home.   Dummie !!!

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