

    Look it up.

    • Please explain what you mean by that post, so people can be clear as to exactly what you mean and when it supposedly happened.

    • Google it, read his words..

  • Is the Vatican going to calapse? The Nazis stole all of Germany's wealth, a lot went to the Vatican..

  • This Pope is illegitimte period.

    This guy Ben is Inspector Clouseau II.

  • This is difficult for a Catholic But IF they are guilty of any crimes, throw them in jail. Another perspective as to why 'a church" would have or need $300 million? The organization has been around for almost 2,000 years and is in almost every country, feeds more,clothess more and educates more people then any other organization on earth. Those in leadership in this church will be held accountable on earth and after by Jesus Christ.

    Matthew in Tucson

    • Remember, Jesus said, If you come to me and say, lord, lord, look what I have done in your name. I will tell you that I know you not. For works without faith is nothing.


    • $300 million for the Catholic Church is like breakfast at McDonald's. That is the wealthiest kingdom that ever existed on earth. They are as corrupt as any organization, but always protected because they are a church. Look what they have done with all the molestation cases throughout time, they just move their priests around so they can molest so where else. This church caused more death, torture, destruction than any other outside of Islam, they have the most powerful telescope on earth....what is up with that? Why do all our presidents have to go kiss his ring, regardless what faith they are? We are not a Catholic country, we are a Christian country........yes, there is a huge difference, part of the reason we are a country is because of the church's grip on the people. 
      This Pope is a communist, he cannot be trusted, his church is as broken and corrupted as out government is.
      I'm not sure they will be held accountable, the Catholic church always smooths over and covers up their dirt, as does our government!  Just in case you might think I'm against the Catholic Church........NO, I simply  see a good thing destroyed by bad people, just like in our government!. It's not the Catholics, as it isn't the Americans......but the crooked, manipulative, greedy leadership.

  • I have not trusted him since he was appointed. Has turned me away from the Catholic Church. His background before he was appointed shoul have negated him from ever being a Pope. I loved the one before him. What do we have left that we can trust. I cannot find anything,

    • Jesus! trust in him.


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