What Happened in Texas?


Earlier this week, we noted that renewable energy sources, specifically wind, bore a signifiant role in the power outages Texans have endured throughout this once-in-a-century deep freeze. That fact remains true, though as more after-action details become known, it’s also important to note that both coal and nuclear power suffered energy-output downturns due to the subfreezing conditions. Neither failed as significantly as wind energy, which endured a 40% power-output decrease that initiated a cascading effect across the state’s power grid.

As PJ Media’s Bryan Preston, who lives in Texas,  explained, “Piecing known information together, the wind turbines in Western Texas froze up starting Friday before the icy snowstorm hit, on Sunday night to Monday morning. This destabilized the Texas grid ahead of the worst of the storm. The storm produced the temperatures and precipitation the forecasts expected, but with weakened power generation and demand skyrocketing to heat millions of homes, homes which for the most part are not insulated against the current level of cold temperatures, the grid was set up to suffer mightily as it’s not hardened against extreme cold such as this once-in-a-century storm series is delivering.”

Leftist politicians like Representative commie/liar-Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez have rushed to defend her indefensible “Green New Deal” by erroneously asserting, “The infrastructure failures in Texas are quite literally what happens when you don’t pursue a Green New Deal.” Quite literally, that’s false.

White House Press Secretary liar-Jen Psaki also sought to deflect blame from the failure of renewables by heaping the lion’s share of the blame on coal and natural gas. She cited the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (whose head board members don’t even live in the state) and claimed “that failures in wind and solar were the least signifiant factors in the blackout.” Well, the actual data proves otherwise.

The biggest factor here is that a record-breaking deep freeze has hit a state that rarely sees such severe cold for such a sustained amount of time. The primary factor going forward was said well by Governor Greg Abbott: “As a human being, we want to alleviate the struggles that [citizens] are going through — most immediately. But from a longer-term perspective as Governor of Texas, I want to ensure this never happens again.” And for that to happen, the truth and not political ideology must direct those fixes.   ~The Patriot Post



Ted's Not-So-Excellent Adventure

Ted Cruz did something monumentally stupid. Full stop.

Packing up and heading off to sunny Cancun while 500,000 of his fellow Texans were without power in the bitter cold was about as optically idiotic a thing as a brilliant senator could do.

But let’s be clear: Ted Cruz’s sin wasn’t in “abandoning” his fellow Texans. No, his sin was in woefully underestimating Big Media’s bloodlust for him. If there’s one thing it hates above all else besides Donald Trump himself, it’s a smart, sharp-elbowed, Ivy League-educated, Trump-supporting Texan with a Hispanic surname. And Ted Cruz happens to be all those things.

Back in December, our Thomas Gallatin covered the rank hypocrisy of elected liar-Democrats flouting their own COVID-19 travel restrictions. But did any of those excursions get the front-page coverage that Cruz now enjoys? The question itself is ridiculous.

“Heidi [his wife] and me, we lost power for two days,” Cruz told Fox News. “Our house was dark. We had no heat. We were all huddled around the fireplace because it was the only heat in the house, and after a couple of days [of] the girls being really cold and [temperatures] being in the teens or the 20s outside, our girls said, ‘Look, school has been canceled for the week. Can we take a trip and go somewhere warm?’ And Heidi and I, as parents, we said, ‘OK, sure.’”

“When I arrived,” he said, “and I saw the initial firestorm, what had started with second thoughts that I had as soon as we left grew even greater.” He added that he regrets his trip has become “such a distraction when so many Texans are hurting and angry and mad.”

Does he regret what he did? Yes. “Look, it was obviously a mistake, and in hindsight I wouldn’t have done it,” he said, adding, “I was trying to be a dad.”

Who, as a parent, can blame Cruz for wanting to take care of his family? And yet who, as a thoughtful person in a highly polarized political environment, can help but feel a wave of Chris Farley coming on?

Let’s face it: Short of hanging out back home and building a neighborhood bonfire, there’s nothing he could’ve done — either from Washington or from his home in Texas — that he couldn’t have done via phone or Zoom. We suspect he’d already told those in charge to turn the power back on most ricky-tick. We suspect he’d already done that.

As Paul Mirengoff at Power Line put it, “Those who suggest that he was derelict in his duty as a senator should explain what Cruz could have done to help his state, beyond having his staff in constant contact with officials, during the brief time he was on this trip. Photo ops might have helped him, but not Texans. As one emailer put it: ‘What the heck was Cruz supposed to be doing, taking a gas-powered hair dryer to every frozen windmill in west Texas?’”

And where were Cruz’s fellow congressional Texans? There are 13 liar-Democrats in the state’s congressional delegation, and we can’t help but wonder if all of them had headed home dutifully to suffer with their constituents. Sheila Jackson Lee, were you back home in Houston, or nice and warm back in the Beltway? Joaquin Castro, how about you?

In the end, perhaps The Babylon Bee said it best: “Ted Cruz is really ignorant of how to be a politician. The guy traveled during a crisis in his state, and he isn’t even a liar-Democrat. What an idiot!”   ~The Patriot Post



Fact-Checking the Leftmedia 'Fact-Checkers'

The Patriot Post is often the target of unfounded social media “fact-checks” and “missing context” claims. In every case, we are deemed “guilty until proven innocent,” and it’s almost impossible to get redress from any of the social media outlets. There is another “missing context” claim to tell you about, but first…

Let me tell you about how the so-called “fact-checkers” have been checking on the  socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden/ lowlife/liar-Harris regime. You may have heard that the mass media and Big Tech First Amendment suppressors have a slight leftist bias, so brace yourself.

This week, socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden repeated a litany of ludicrous ChiCom Virus pandemic lies in a CNN “town hall” event. mong them he declared, “We didn’t have [the vaccine] when we came into office.” Now, for us mere mortals, this would have resulted in a strike, but in socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s case, WaPo’s head fake fact-checker, Glenn Kessler, ran interference for socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden. He claimed the comment was a “verbal stumble, a typical socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden gaffe,” adding, “People screw up on live television. Biden with his stutter especially does so.”

Apparently it was the same “gaffe” script of lies that  lowlife/liar- Kamala Harris used a few days earlier when she declared, “There was no national strategy or plan for vaccinations.” And she added this gaffe: “In many ways, we’re starting from scratch on something that’s been raging for almost an entire year.”

Before the White House arbiters of truth could intervene on lowlife/liar-Harris’s behalf, some lowly fact-checkers had rated her comments what they were: False. Even the left-leaning crew at PolitiFact declared it was wrong. But mysteriously, the fact-checks were deleted almost as quickly as they were posted.

Must be nice!

Again, these are not just factual errors; these are outright lies. More to the point, hearing lowlife/liar-Harris repeat the lie again, former Trump administration economic adviser Larry Kudlow was caught on a hot mic with this assessment: “Bulls—t! Bulls—t! Bulls—t!”

Of course, the Trump administration left the socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration a vaccine already in distribution and a robust plan to continue production and distribution. Anthony Fauci, the COVID Godfather, had already debunked the socialist/scumbag/ liar-Biden administration assertion the day after the inauguration: “We certainly are not starting from scratch.” In fact, this week the daily average for vaccine doses administered has now ramped up to 1.7 million per day. That is not a “socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden/lowlife/liar-Harris” success story.

So, what was the latest hit against our Patriot Post social media pages?

As you may know, last June, after scumbag/liar-Nancy Pelosi and Chuck scumbag/liar-Schumer staged a theatrical kneeling for George Floyd in the Capitol rotunda — which added accelerant to their constituents’ burn, loot, and murder “summer of rage” — I started posting tributes to police officers murdered in the line of duty and asking Pelosi and Schumer why they have not taken a knee for them. Of course, George Floyd was just a Capitol prop for scumbag/liar-Pelosi and scumbag/liar-Schumer.

Last week, we created a meme image asking that question about Officer Brian Sicknick, but removed it soon after posting to Facebook because, while scumbag/liar-Pelosi and scumbag/liar-Schumer did not take a knee for him, I believe they disgracefully used his Capitol rotunda funeral as political fodder, timed as it was to coincide with their Trump impeachment inquisition.

However, on 09 February, after removing the image, USA Today’s fact-checker found it on a personal social media page and declared the image was, you guessed it, “missing context.” Under the title, “liar-Democratic leaders honored officer Brian Sicknick,” she asserted that Pelosi and Schumer did honor him. Our social media director, Andrew Culper, recently wrote that the ubiquitous “missing context” label is now the Big Tech censorship catch-all to hit conservative social media pages.

Notably, USA Today’s “missing context” claim asserted up top, “[Officer Sicknick] was struck in the head by a fire extinguisher during the riots and died from his injuries the following day.” The writer then asserts, “Misinformation surrounding the Capitol riot has been rampant on social media.”

Indeed it has.

Responding to the “fact-checker,” we asked for her facts: “A week before you posted your assertion about [Officer Sicknick’s] death as fact, CNN reported in their article, ‘Investigators struggle to build murder case in death of US Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick,’ that despite the oft-repeated claim about his injuries, ‘investigators believe that early reports that he was fatally struck by a fire extinguisher are not true.’” Even The New York Times quietly corrected its 08 January post making the “fire extinguisher” assertion — but not until after the Demos’ closing impeachment arguments — which relied, in part, on the Times’s false narrative. (I am sure the timing of the Times’s correction was just coincidental…)

We asked the “fact-checker” to back up her facts. No response.

We also asked the fact-checker, for the sake of transparency, to disclose whom she supported for president in 2016 and 2020. No response.

Finally, we inquired about a note at the bottom of this article: “Our fact check work is supported in part by a grant from Facebook.” We asked, “By way of full disclosure, please advise how much funding or other support you and your organization receive from Facebook.” No response.

As of this writing, the factual errors in the USA Today “fact-check” have not been corrected.  ~The Patriot Post



Saving Civics From Racism

For decades the Left has flocked to education as a vocation, taking the open opportunity to pass on a heaping helping of their anti-American and immoral propaganda as part of their lesson plans. As a result, generations of children beginning with the Baby Boomers received a subtle but one-sided message that our nation had flaws and character wasn’t important. (Neither was capitalism, an aspect we covered a year ago.) More recently, the message has gone out via the New York Times’s 1619 Project that our nation wasn’t founded on the concept of Liberty at all but was instead conceived as a means to exploit one race for the benefit of another. Sadly, hundreds of school districts around the country have adopted the 1619 Project as a basis for teaching history despite its numerous and verified flaws.

All that background leads us to the latest development on the educational front — the battle for civics.

The state of Illinois recently proposed new regulations for teaching civics in the state. It amounts to a sweeping change that creates “culturally responsive teachers and leaders” who, in part, “understand that there are systems in our society that create and reinforce inequities, thereby creating oppressive conditions.” Therefore, “Educators work actively against these systems in their everyday roles in educational institutions.” They also should “understand how the system of inequity has impacted them as an educator.” If adopted, the rules will take effect just after the beginning of the 2021-22 school year.

“Illinois is literally about to mandate that every one of its licensed teachers adopt progressive political orthodoxy and impart that ideology to students,” writes an exasperated Stanley Kurtz in National Review. Kurtz, who wrote a longer treatise on the subject for the Claremont Institute, has also proposed model legislation called The Partisanship Out Of Civics Act.

“Instead of inciting students to protest or engage in lobbying based on unexamined prejudices, teachers ought to be cultivating an appreciation for the complexities, unintended consequences, and trade-offs inherent in any policy position, and conveying the importance of tempering advocacy with respect for the rights of others,” explains Kurtz. “Political positions are for students to determine themselves, as free individuals, in the fullness of time. Protest and lobbying are for students to practice outside of formal schooling.”

Kurtz would seem to be a one-man band given his passion on the civics subject, but his battle is being joined by other important allies. Paul Mirengoff at Power Line has also been writing regularly on the subject, but more importantly Bill Jacobson — the mind behind the Legal Insurrection website — has created a clearinghouse website devoted to sharing the truth behind Critical Race Theory (CRT).

In announcing the new website, Jacobson wrote, “The impact [of CRT] on education has been enormous, and destructive. What started on college campuses has moved to primary and secondary education, and into the broader culture. Government agencies and private corporations now are some of the worst offenders of the obsessive focus on race.” He added, “CriticalRace.org is a resource for parents and students concerned about how Critical Race Theory, and implementation of Critical Race Training, impacts education. We have compiled the most comprehensive database to empower parents and students.” One eventual plan for the website is to determine the 10 worst schools for indoctrination into CRT.

Yet while Kurtz, Jacobson, and others are doing yeoman’s work on the subject, they could use all hands on deck. Most of us pay taxes to support our local schools, so it’s worth finding out just how much these anti-American values have permeated your local classrooms. If you have kids (or grandkids), it’s worth remembering the Proverbs admonition to train up your children in the way they should go. That includes critical thinking as part of a well-rounded civics education.   ~The Patriot Post



Is It Finally Time for a Real Third Party?

When the U.S. Senate acquitted Donald Trump for the second time last week, Minority Leader Mitch McConnell just about broke his leg rushing to the podium to bash the former president. Never one to back down, Trump fired back with his usual zeal.

Even when Republicans win, they lose.

In a moment when McConnell could have brought the party together, he drove it apart. And his message was crystal clear to the 74 million people who voted for Donald Trump: We’re taking the party back.

(Admittedly, Mark Alexander had the opposite take on this spat yesterday — that Trump is the one who betrayed his voters.)

McConnell’s might have been the shot heard ‘round the world for Trump fans, and now there’s something of a civil war within the Grand Old Party. In fact, there are already rumblings about creating a third political party in response to establishment Republicans who’ll do whatever it takes to keep diehard Trump supporters out of the Republican tent.

But Republicans aren’t alone in their frustration with party leaders.

A recent Gallup poll revealed that 62% of Americans support a third party, the highest number since Gallup began surveying the question since 2003. An even more surprising discovery in the poll is that half of those surveyed identified as independents.

It should be noted that millions of people could answer “yes” to the question of a third party but mean very different things. Tea Party? Communist Party? Something in the middle?

But the larger point is that it makes sense that Americans are clamoring for a third party. There’s a widespread impression that both Republicans and liar-Democrats have turned their backs on Middle America for far too long, and that they’ll pay lip service during a campaign and then kowtow to China, Big Tech, or just about any other group willing to sell out their country.

No wonder Donald Trump was a magnet for millions of Americans. And at least for the foreseeable future, just about any candidate that’s willing to put American interests first will get the support of millions.

As Stacey Lennox writes at PJ Media, “Our politics would be less toxic if our party leaders and the corporate media understood that we are a vast nation with varying perspectives on many policy issues.”

The inability of leaders on both sides of the aisle to grasp this point has kindled third-party interest among both conservatives and liberals. And, not surprisingly, even anti-Trump Republicans are thinking about a third-party option.

Lennox adds, “It is not abundantly clear what the terms 'liberal’ and ‘conservative’ mean anymore. However, since the election, I have been asserting that if the country’s vast economic middle could settle on critical priorities, they could form an overwhelming coalition in electoral politics.”

The problem is that Americans are so entrenched in either of two political camps that the likelihood of a left-right third-party alliance seems slim.

A conservative, pro-America party is certainly appealing, but we need to be realistic. George W. Bush in 2004 was the only Republican presidential candidate to win the popular vote since 1988, and demographic trends are making it less likely the GOP can win the popular vote any time soon. A truly conservative party might generate millions of votes, but it won’t be enough to win.

In the near term, we can expect a fierce battle within the Republican Party leading up to the 2022 midterms, with the Trump wing vying to win seats in the face of an emboldened establishment pushback. Only by broadening the conservative base within Congress and across the country can we move to the next step of electing a viable national candidate.

Should we lose this battle to the establishment Republicans, then and only then will it be time to start seriously talking about a third party.

For now, though, any short-term satisfaction derived by creating a third party that punishes the Republican Party would soon be overshadowed by another losing presidential campaign in 2024.   ~The Patriot Post



scumbag/liar-Nancy Pelosi Rigs an Investigation

scumbag/liar-Nancy Pelosi must really not want to get to the bottom of what happened at the Capitol building on January 6.

More specifically, she must really want a one-sided investigation with a predetermined outcome that says supporters of former President Donald Trump are entirely to blame. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have chosen Russel Honoré to lead the investigation.

If we had to guess, we’d say we’re in for a dose of Frank Drebin: Nothing to see here!

Many of you will remember the colorful Honoré, a retired Army lieutenant general, from his work in 2005 in the wake of Category 5 Hurricane Katrina, which devastated New Orleans and numerous neighboring communities along the Gulf Coast. In his role as commander of the joint task force, Honoré supervised military relief efforts for the area and once memorably told a reporter not to get “stuck on stupid” in response to a question about the government’s relief response.

More recently, though, the general has taken to running his soup cooler about Donald Trump and his fellow Republicans.

In 2017, after Hurricane Maria pummeled Puerto Rico, Honoré told CNN’s Erin Burnett, “The president has shown again he don’t give a damn about poor people. He doesn’t give a damn about people of color.”

And just last month, Honoré tweeted out this semi-coherent rant about Senators Josh Hawley and Ted Cruz: “This little peace [sic] of s—t with his Yale law degree should be run out of DC and Disbarred ASAP.” Not entirely satisfied, he tagged both senators, called them “a—hats,” adding, “these Yale and Harvard law grads is [sic] high order white privilege.”

But wait. There’s more. A brief spin through the general’s Twitter account indicates he’s an ultra-partisan Trump hater. You might also check out Tucker Carlson’s recent take on Honoréhttps://www.mrctv.org/videos/tucker-slams-unhinged-retired-general-pelosi-picked-review-capitol-riot

Carlson says Honoré has already made up his mind about the riot and who’s responsible. “ scumbag/liar-Nancy Pelosi says General Russel Honoré has been, quote, ‘assessing our security needs by reviewing what happened on January 6, and how we must ensure that it does not happen again,’” Carlson said. “But that’s not right. General Honoré already has come to conclusions about what happened on January 6. He’s been very public about that. And you should know what those conclusions are and what kind of person he is. Just because his title is ‘general’ doesn’t mean that he’s sane or not a wild-eyed partisan. On the day after the Capitol riot, Honoré suggested it was an inside job, and that the sergeant-in-arms might be implicated in the plot.”

And he said all this without offering any evidence. Honoré’s Wikipedia page has more of the same unhinged conspiratorial vibe: “On January 7, 2021 Honoré speculated that those in charge of security at the Capitol could have been ‘complicit’ in the attack: ‘By a percentage, 30 to 40 percent of the officers are Trumpsters. That’s a fact Jack.’ On the same day he called for a boycott of companies advertising on Fox News, claiming that Sean Hannity is a Russian asset: "These are Sean Hannity’s leading advertisers. PLEASE stop buying their s—t stocks Sean Hannity speaks #Russian iNFO OPERATIONS TO SUCK UP TO #45.”

Do these sound like the thoughtful musings of a man capable of leading a balanced and thorough investigation into the events of January 6? Wisconsin Republican Senator Ron Johnson doesn’t think so. “General Honoré,” he tweeted, “is an extreme partisan and should be the LAST person to head up an investigation of what happened at the Capitol on Jan 6th.”

As for scumbag/liar-Nancy Pelosi, who as scumbag/liar-House speaker is responsible for all operational decisions made within the House, what did she know about security provisions at the Capitol building and when did she know it? In a letter sent to scumbag/liar-Pelosi on Monday by House Republicans Jim Jordan, Devin Nunes, Rodney Davis, and scumbag/liar-James Comer, they asked some interesting questions. Such as: “When then-[Capitol Police] Chief Sund made a request for National Guard support on January 4th, why was that request denied?” And: “Why are your House Officers refusing to comply with preservation and production requests to turn over request materials relevant to the events of January 6th?”

We’re not sure what scumbag/liar-Pelosi is trying to hide, but we do know that she’s engaged in political theater. And if we’re ever to learn the whole truth about last month’s Capitol riot, it’ll be in spite of her, not because of her.   ~The Patriot Post



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The $15 Minimum Wage Would Most Hurt the People
It's Intended To Help

As someone who grew up in poverty and worked much of her career to help others out of it, I know the importance of having a good job with a good income. It’s a way out of poverty for many. It allows people to provide for their families. And we all know the sense of dignity that comes from being able to support oneself.

However, both economics and experience show us that Congress’ newest proposal to more than double the minimum wage from $7.25 to $15 an hour won’t create good incomes but would instead hurt the very people it’s intended to help. There are better ways to increase people’s wages that don’t create destruction in the process.

For starters, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office reports that a $15-an-hour minimum wage increase would cost 1.4 million to 2.7 million jobs.

The report shows that while some employees would certainly make more money, many of their colleagues would pay for it with cuts to their work hours and even the loss of their jobs.

That’s because when businesses are forced to pay employees more with no corresponding increase in revenues to help pay for it, they have to resort to some combination of cutting employees’ hours, laying off employees, replacing employees with automation, shipping jobs overseas, permanently closing their doors or passing the costs on to customers. We’ve already seen this happen when states and localities have raised the minimum wage on their own.

Most of the time, the cost of a higher minimum wage can’t be entirely passed on to customers, as many customers refuse to pay — or aren’t able to afford — higher prices and end up buying less of what the business is selling. That leads to more hours cut, more layoffs and more employers — especially small businesses—shutting their doors for good.

Betsy LeRoy, a Delaware restaurant owner and supporter of President socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden, recently told The Heritage Foundation about the real-world consequences businesses face. She said that if she had to pay every entry-level worker $15, their incomes would be too close to people who had been working for her for three or four years and had more experience. As a result, she would have to raise her current employees’ wages even more to make it fair.

But where would that money come from? Especially now during COVID-19 with dining restrictions and fewer customers, it’s hard for restaurants to pay the people they already have.

Government-imposed minimum wage increases are a bad idea to begin with, and they’re made worse when businesses are already struggling with COVID-19’s economic devastation. A minimum wage increase could push many hard-hit businesses out of business — then you’ll have a lot of former employees making $0 an hour.

Heritage Foundation Research Fellow Rachel Greszler recently pointed out another unintended consequence of a minimum wage increase. She analyzed the effect on child care costs and found that a $15 minimum wage would force many child care providers to pass on the costs to parents, increasing prices by an average of 21%, or $3,728 a year for families with two children. That would make child care entirely unaffordable for many. In some states, parents could see increases of up to 43% — or more than $6,000 a year.

While we know how beneficial it is for children to have one parent at home until they’re school-aged, the reality is that staying home is not an option for many poor and working-class folks and single parents, and raising the cost of child care only makes an already difficult situation even harder.

Rather than creating destructive consequences like these with a $15 minimum wage, politicians should look at policies that help create real income gains. They include expanding education and job training so people can gain more valuable skills that they can use to work their way up the ladder and eventually make more than the minimum wage.

Such policies also include reducing unnecessary government regulations that cost businesses considerable money to follow, freeing up that money so they can pay their employees more or invest in growing their businesses, ultimately creating more jobs and higher wages.

And they include reforming onerous occupational licensing requirements to make it easier for people to get jobs as landscapers, barbers, cosmetologists and other skilled occupations. While licensing can offer some protections for consumers, it often requires unnecessary training, lengthy delays and high fees that prevent people from starting a new career.

Having a good-paying job is an important part of the formula for achieving the American dream. But good pay can’t be artificially created by government. It results in unintended consequences, and the people who should be most helped are often the most harmed. Instead of imposing more heavy-handed government mandates, our leaders should focus their efforts on removing government-created barriers to work and higher wages.   ~The Patriot Post



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Where's the Beef?

What is it about people who are successful in one field and believe that gives them credence to serve as an expert in a totally unrelated field?

Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft and reportedly the fourth richest person on the planet, now self-identifies as a climate expert, and not only an expert, but a fervent disciple of the latest religion for the non-religious, which would be “climate change.”

In a new book, “How to Avoid a Climate Disaster,” Gates takes the rhetoric to a new and hysterical level when he claims the battle against changing climate is “an all-out effort, like a world war, but it’s us against greenhouse gases.”

As all statists do, he urges “regulation to force people to eat synthetic meat.”

Gates invests in a synthetic meat company called Beyond Burgers. Anyone else see a potential conflict of interest? He’s not alone. scumbag-Al Gore, the original “Chicken Little” of climate panic, has lobbied for climate policies that limit meat while his firm invests $200 million in meat substitutes.

Bill Gates also believes cow flatulence contributes to climate change but told a CNN interviewer he doesn’t know how to control it. Since there are more humans on Earth than cows, I wonder why he doesn’t go after human gas emissions?

Like most people of a certain worldview, Gates tries to have it both ways. He says, “It’s true that my carbon footprint is absurdly high. For a long time I have felt guilty about this.” The message? You can continue to live like a plutocrat, as long as you feel guilty about it and donate money to organizations and causes favored by your ideological fellow travelers. Gates adds, “I am aware that I’m an imperfect messenger on climate change …so who am I to lecture anyone on the environment?

Who, indeed?

Even The Guardian newspaper expresses skepticism about Gates’ goal of "carbon neutrality” in a decade, calling it “a fairytale.”

Are we seeing a pattern? Government and “experts” have already robbed us of some of our liberties, using the pandemic as their excuse. The socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration wants more gun laws, which will only be obeyed by people who obey laws, but not by criminals who are, by definition, lawbreakers. Now comes Bill Gates proposing restrictions on our food choices and lifestyles while he continues to fly around the world on his private jet (like socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s “climate envoy” hanoi-John Kerry) and presumably eats whatever he wants.

Liberty is fragile. When it is lost to the state and regulators, it is difficult to get back. Like the frog in the kettle story, the heat is being slowly turned up on us. If we continue to willingly bow to the state, it will think it has permission to further erode liberties until they are either gone, or so rare we won’t recognize the country we once loved.

In the film “The Matrix,” the character Cypher says to the agent known as Mr. Smith: “I know this steak doesn’t exist. I know when I put it in my mouth the Matrix is telling my brain that it is juicy and delicious.” In a sense, Cypher is eating fake meat.

The World Economic Forum is also promoting fake meat. It says a printer can print up to six kilograms of the stuff in an hour. They expect we will get used to it, as we do over time with many lies that become accepted truth.

Wendy’s, the fast-food chain, used to run a TV ad that promoted their hamburgers. It ended with an old woman shouting, “Where’s the beef?”

It could be a shout by meat lovers everywhere unless we tell our “masters” we have had enough. Isn’t that at least part of the explanation for the rise of Donald Trump and why so many still support him?   ~The Patriot Post


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