
    • Sitting Presidents must first be Impeached... removed from office before they are indicted... It is part of the Constitutional separations of powers doctrine that keeps a sitting President from indictment by the DOJ...

  • I rest my case.

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

  • the Devil is in Charge and their cronies.

  • It is written that God created Everything out of "Chaos." Now we know "Who Created the Chaos!"

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

    • No, God created those things seen with things not seen... His Word.  In the beginning, was the Word and the Word was God and nothing that was made was created without the Word of God...

      Chaos is the tool of Satan and it was Chaos that Adam was to subdue in the Garden of Eden... when God made Adam His Steward over the Earth and the fullness therein.  Your interpretation is precisely backward... 180 degrees out of cycle.

  • Bastard Biden tore up Trump's plan which would have worked. But because it was Trumps plan of course they wouldn't use it. And no I don't believe ANY of the so called left turning on him.

    • Biden had 7 months to create his own plan if he disliked Trump's... Biden owns the fiasco in Afghanistan.

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  • When is someone in Congress going to do something about this man before our whole country is brought down to there knees?? Doesn't anyone there understand the damage he is doing and with no one doing anything about, there are just a quilty. I got a feeling they are all bouth and paid for.

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