The Great Society Has Failed

The Failure of LBJ's Great Society and What It Means for the 21st ...

The old folks down south had a saying when I was growing up that went something like this: “That fella is just whistling past the graveyard.”

As with many of those wise sayings and metaphors, such as “an empty wagon makes the most noise,” you never learn the true meaning until later in life.

An empty wagon refers to someone who does not have anything in their head, therefore, they are the ones who make the most noise to cover their incompetence. Whistling past the graveyard referred to a person who fails to see the real issues they are facing.

And so here we are today in America, and both sayings have relevance, the former more so than the latter. Everyone is screaming, shouting, rioting, looting, and committing acts of violence in the name of combatting “systemic racism.” Truly, there are many folks, empty wagons, making a lot of noise, while so many others are whistling past the graveyard, not grasping the real issue in America.

The bottom line is simple:  The Great Society – the grand endeavor of the progressive, racist President Lyndon Baines Johnson, has failed. Fifty-five years later, we are witnessing the -- shall I say it --“chickens coming home to roost.”

The Great Society, also known as the infamous War on Poverty was launched as every other government top-down solution is, with great promise and “noble” intention. It was an updated version of Roosevelt’s “chicken in every pot” solution.

What Johnson and his ilk believed was that they could manipulate the outcomes in the lives of individuals and create equality. They embraced the notion that the government could “level the playing field,” and with a plethora of government subsistence programs, all would be well.

In reflection, we should all agree, and stop whistling past the graveyard, that this was a program intended to do one thing -- create economic enslavement, dependency.

The Great Society blunder has resulted in the modern-day 21st century economic plantation in which American inner-cities have absolutely cratered.

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  • it is gone forever.

  • The author is correct. This is what happens when socialists (aka demonrats) are allowed to foist their leftist experiments on innocent people, especially when most of those people refuse to do their civil and moral homework and remain ignorant of what the socialists' ideals are. We are now reaping what they have sown

  • Racism systemic or otherwise DOES NOT EXIST!!  America is more integrated than it was 50 or 60 years ago!  It's obvious the Africans don't like living in America so they scream systemic racism!!!  Since their happiness is important they must be shipped back to Africa so they can run wild and free!!

    • With respect, I believe your statements are not factual.

      Racism, within a small number, of White, Black, Latino and other minoritys exists in America today. To say otherwise is to close your eyes to the reality of our society.

      Systemic racism exists and has existed in this country for decades. It has existed and been perpetuated by the Democrat party, the socialist and the new world order eletists (the Bush clan etc.)  It has existed in the affirmative action and other buy vote programs that they have used to make the poor dependent upon the goverment. (a more incidious form of slavery).

      There of millions of black Americans who love this country and many who have died defending it. To even suggest they should be "shipped" back to Africa is wrong and detrimental to our country. 

  • I completely agree with Mr. Thornton

  • If we desire a "Great Society" focus on:

    Welcoming God back into our homes, schools, businesses and government

    Rebuilding stable the family units 

    Providing every youngster with a quality education focused on math, reading and the sciences. Rewarding achievement and excellence not participation.

    Building America. Let others fight their wars, fund their social programs and be accountable for their actions or lack there of.

    Becoming a moral leader in the world by our actions not by politicians delivering  meaningless speeches

    • A quality education can ONLY be had when Common Core is removed from the schools.

  • Excellent post. thank you.

    Several clarifications: 

    "everyone is screaming, shouting, rioting, looting and committing acts of violence" --- in fact, a relatively small number of paid anarchists and domestic and foreign terrorists, surrounded by mindless liberal apologists, are committing these acts.

    "the infamous War on Poverty was launched ....... with great promise and noble intent --- in fact, this political posturing had little promise and was instituted with ill intent. It was done to placate black activism and resulted in tremendous economic, social and psychological harm to minorities. It destined people to fail and created more dependency upon an ever expanding government. It empowered no one.

    "this was a program intended to do one thing --- create economic enslavement, dependency. --- ABSOLUTELY CORRECY



  • Are we going to stand or hide like cowards Tea party use to rally all the time in DC against Obama, 4th July   BOOGALOO join  march on all Capitals in every state

    • I agree.

      All Americans (Black, Hispanic, Asia and White)  need to stand up (in the streets and at the ballot box) and express our dissatisfaction with the status quo.

      Most Americans feel as we do. We have more in common than we realize. We need to open the lines of communication and then let the government know that we will no longer tolerate their incompetence and corruption.


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