So called “Journalist” wants to ban free speech » Musings of the ...

Almost everywhere you turn today, politicians are telling the public to “get used to the new normal” after the pandemic. For some, this means public health precautions from social distancing to banning handshakes. Others have quickly added long standing dreams for everything from the guaranteed income advocated by Representative Ocasio Cortez, and also raised by House Speaker Pelosi, to mailed voting elections advocated by many Democrats.

The most chilling suggestion comes from politicians and academics who have called for the censorship of social media and the internet. The only thing spreading faster than the virus has been censorship and the calls for greater restrictions on free speech. The Atlantic published an article last week by Harvard Law School professor Jack Goldsmith and University of Arizona law professor Andrew Keane Woods calling for Chinese style censorship of the internet.

They declared that “in the great debate of the past two decades about freedom versus control of the network, China was largely right and the United States was largely wrong.”

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  • Then Sir, you either did not read or failed to comprehend. I have never even hinted at remaining "Status Quo." I continue to call upon all to stop listening to any who talk of this Corovavirus as anything more dangerous than our Annual Flu ! I have demanded the Complete Return to Work, with all Stores, Manufacturing, Businesses, Schools, et al, and none of this PPE or Safety Zones! What has been promoted from both Parties is "One Great Lie!" On this I believe we agree. 

     I disagree with your particular Stance against President Trump on everything else. He is not a Socialist or a Progressive, or a Democrat, or even a Republican. He is a Businessman. I, like you, know the weight of decision with Men's lives dependent on me from Second to Second, Minute to Minute, Your to Hour, and Day to Day. I also know that same burden in Business where it is not only the Company, and Projects, but the Suppliers, Shippers, and Retailers.

    I am one who Stands completely against this, "One World" concept, no matter what it is called. And I do know from History there are and have always been the "Chicken Littles" yelling that the Sky is falling. I believe in God and Country, and in that order. Seems to be the only order in which it works. 

    I do suggest time is becoming in short supply. Solutions and not arguments would perhaps serve us better at this time.

    Lynn Bryant DeSpai

    • Asking others to give the AG more time to indict when he has had 14 months to review several years' worth of offenses, only to do nothing is to support more DO NOTHING... or the status quo.

      Next, I have never suggested the President was a socialist or progressive... I do believe something more than the normal pursuit of politics is keeping his hands tied, and that he needs to simply cast off whatever it is and get on with the business of draining the swamp.   Any political interference is never going to go away... It is likely to become worse, as the evidence and passage of time bring the fog of recall, for the argument to prosecute.

      I have provided many solutions and suggestions on how the President can do end runs around the Deep State and various obstacles to prosecuting the criminals in government...  in the DOJ and FBI.  I have been at this for over 10yrs... if you will simply review many of my posts you will see that I am a pro-Trump supporter... but that doesn't mean I am a YES MAN or unable to think outside the box and ask questions that many may not like... 

      I would finally say this... if there ever were a time for CHICKEN LITTLE to shout the sky is falling it is now... as there certainly is reason to be alarmed... greatly alarmed.

  • Well Col. One thing History has made us very aware of is that we can never allow the Military to lead any Nation. I also propose to each and every response I have witnessed from you, that you consider "That nothing, absolutely nothing in history has ever been created out of pessimism!" You Sir, lack the Good Grace, Common Sense, and Even Temperament to consider for a moment anyone's Solutions. You have none of your own, yet play the All Mighty in stomping on the attempts of Courageous Others Willing to try something other than " Whine like some bitter old woman! " 

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

    • it's interesting to say the least


    • Well, Lynn... forgive this errant soul for his desire to see progress in draining the swamp...

      However, I don't recall your solution to the problem other than to endure the STATUS QUO... which frankly is unacceptable. The American People deserve a government capable of enforcing the law no matter who has violated it. I have had it with the excuses, delays, promised indictments that never appear, endless investigations, that surface direct evidence of criminal wrongdoing without prosecutions.

      If that is pessimism so be it... I am a man of action and have always been... if I had managed a military engagement in such a manner, I would have been relieved posthaste. I appologize for upsetting you... but the hard fact is the President has failed to effectively engage the swamp, let alone drain it.

    • "I appologize for upsetting you... but the hard fact is the President has failed to effectively engage the swamp, let alone drain it."?..........Rethink that statement, critically.

    • right now what we need to do is to wait and see the outcome of this will be.

  • "Beware of Parties, lest they be as a fire untended, will consume." G. Washington , or words to that effect. For far too long we have all been fooled, cheated, and swindled, by Political Parties. The Fatal Flaw in our Republican Form of Government, electing "Volunteer Citizens" to represent the Voice and Opinion of those they Represent, is those self same "Volunteers" finding the Funds to be Heard Equally against their Opponents , without "Selling their Representation." 

     Someone wants to run for any Office, gotta choose a Party, Republican of Democrat if you want any Financial Backing. Once done, the Soul is Sold. Fact of Life. However, it is still the Responsibility of the Citizens to Know Absolutely they are the Rulers of this Nation, not those they elected! With this knowledge comes the Duty to uphold the Declaration of Independence, especially the "Charges of Crimes Against the People." With responsibility come the Duty to " Risk All" to preserve our Nation and it's Liberty. 

    The blame is laid upon us for we allowed the Actions of the Governments in Deeds and Costs.

    • Betrayal... is a most devious and dastardly deed...the people put their trust in those they elected only to be betrayed.   Over time it has become evident that neither party has the interest of the common man in mind... they are playing us like a fiddle...

      However, our election laws are being used to keep the people from removing the incumbent... from identifying and then voting them out of office.  How.. by carefully controlling who can run for office with the support of the, the incumbent becomes the favored candidate through the use of misdirection, misinformation, and a  general contempt and deceit for the voter. In short the voter doesn't have a valid choice... the election process in Amrerica is riged. . 

    • Trump broke that sham,remember?


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