
  • Eternal, internal chaos of dismantling and constructing Our Legal Systems to lead to some form of militant perfection, would permit and guarantee the assured permanent destruction of Our Nation. 

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

    • Excuse me but the nation is currently being destroyed... Hello?  The left is fundamentally transforming the Nation and much of that transformation is taking place with the help of a corrupt judicial system.   Rewriting the Federal Judiciary Act and removing Activist Judges doesn't constitute the DISMANTLING of our system of justice. It will, however, purge the Judiciary and limit the jurisdiction of the Courts, cutting out the cancer eating at the heart of our judicial system. Judicial Activism and the practice of legislating from the bench must end.

    • Ron, once again you are right on the button!!!!!


  • I expect Courts to administer Justice as prescribed within the boundaries of Our Constitution. I expect failures in Our Justice Systems, as I do in Our Congressional and Administrative Systems as they consist of "Human Frailties!" Our Constitution is a Perfect Foundation of Laws upon which Sovereign Citizens build a Free Nation. The Weakness in Our Systems is the dependency of relying on the Fallible Qualities of Human Nature the expectations of perfection without consistent and constant monitoring! Our pun Histories have proven time and again, errors created in any or all Three Branches. of Our Governments are always corrected in time.

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

    • THE COURT'S ACTIVISM is not the result of ERRORS... the misguided and excessive abuses of the Courts are deliberate. As such, they are not subject to the benevolent oversight and correction of the public.  Malefactors in Black Robes do not respond well to the chiding of their victims.

      Any legal system that becomes arbitrary and biased… the tool of the political class needs to be scraped … reworked from the ground up… not cajoled or politely excused while it continues to fundamentally undermine the very rule of law it was created to administer.

  • The Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi...
    NEEDS TO PROVIDE ANSWERS to We The People, ... as to...
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    • Effective leadership does not originate in Hell... you may want to reaccess the source of good leadership,  It is obvious that you have never led anyone in a life and death engagement... Good leaders identify the obstacles to a successful campaign and then create a plan to deal with them. Ignoring the facts, delusional analysis, and over-optimistic assessments are dangerous...they frequently lead to mission failure. 

      The 2020 Election is an example of failing to properly prepare... for the Massive Election and Voter Fraud that occurred.  Massive fraud was anticipated and initiated well before November. Yet, Trump's Team failed to properly prepare for it. There should have been a state of emergency declared and limited martial law declared with the Military directed to immediately cease and secure all the ballots and electronics used to tabulate the vote... with arrests quickly following for an attempted coup by those involved. (federal crimes).  The lack of proper planning, preparation, and stagging, complicated the Trump Teams response to the massive amounts of fraud that took place.  This must not happen again! 

  • Having served as a "Ballot Observer" on several occasions, with each occasion entailing a complete review of duties, Powers and boundaries by the State Attorney General's Office, Ronald, do not ever bring my veracity into question again! Each time I was assisted throughout the entire process at the direction of Wayne Brady, now deceased, Former Head of the Oregon Republican Chapter, and Retired NASA Engineer/Scientist. I am not now, nor have ever been your subordinate. None of us are under your Command, so get over your previous rank you officious fool!

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

    • First, every state has its own laws... and most don't allow ballot observers to disqualify a ballot... that is usually the duty of an election judge... if that challenges your veracity so be it.  As for your qualifications they remain to be seen... what state and precinct do you have such a position in?  I would like to review their laws and the rules of your precinct as they also can very.

      The idea that observers will change election fraud has been proven ineffective... haven't you been paying attention to the investigations and audits?

    • Then the laws need changed and all election sites need armed, qualified guards.


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