

  • USA citizens, and common people. Mostly think there are NO conditions for ANYTHING anymore. All they have to do is think, text, or say it: And they are good to go forever. There are CONDITIONS for EVERYTHING in heaven and on earth!!!

  • How dare they put restrictions on voter cheating?  This will make it more challenging to elect incompetent puppets to institute a Marxist government.

  • They don't need any help with that.  Biden is especially overt about his prejudice.

  • It is a bit of a stretch to believe that the de"mock"rats are spooked.  They knew it was happening all along (heck they planned it).  Or is it that they thought they wouldn't get caught?  It is fun to watch it unfold through!  I keep hoping (as forlorn hope as it is) that someone (more like several someones) will pay a steep price for the cheating!

  • Payday  is coming.   Who is going to take the lead in showing enough initiative to correct this crap?

  • The Democratic Party are Marxist and we all know it.

  • Personally, I sincerely hope it destroys the Democrat party. They are truly America's public enemy #1.

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