The Atlantic Rolls out the Next Anti-Trump Hoax

Democrats Are Recycling Russian Anti-Fracking Propaganda to Weaken America  - Granite Grok

As the election approaches, we’re back to the system of media outlets taking turns rolling out stories supporting the various Democrat narratives. Yesterday, the news-fakers at ABC turned out this little ditty:

"Joe Biden Isn't Senile; That's What The Russians Want You To Think"

Yes, friends, this rehash of the Democrat/Media “it’s all Russia all the time” narrative is that you should not believe your lyin’ eyes and ears when it comes to Joe Biden’s obvious advancing dementia, because it’s all just the Russians. Or something. Honestly, I don’t even know what it is – the headline was so utterly absurd and without any merit at all that I refused to even click on the link.

You go read it if you want to.

Then there’s the despicable news-fakers at The Atlantic, the dying magazine’s editor-in-chief Jeffrey Goldberg no less, who rolled out a classic pathetic hit piece Thursday. This one alleges that President Donald Trump hates the military – especially soldiers who are dead or wounded – and goes around every day finding excuses to make disparaging remarks about them.

For this obvious hoax, the Atlantic expects to you suspend disbelief, ignore what you see and hear from the President every day, and believe the “unnamed sources” upon whose alleged word the entire story is based. These “sources” may or may not exist – you have no way of really knowing. The Atlantic, which has repeatedly been caught spreading the most heinous fake news over the last five years, expects you to trust its “journalistic ethics”, which is akin to a shark telling you to trust it not to eat you.

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  • So when they lie about mr. Trump why can they not be sued by mr. Trump or his family for defamation libel and slander..

    then there's the question of criminal fraud where they are attempting to make money selling their magazine by issuing fraudulent stories...

    Unless they declared themselves to be a publisher of fiction they can be sued ... Get them mr. Trump .... hurt them! 

  • We NEED Rapid Response Teams to immediately call these people OUT! WE need Media attention, and these teams can take it away from BLM, Antifa, and Social Media, by forming and ACTING, EVERY time, and EVERYwhere!   Read: THE 5 STEPS, at, OR on Facebook at: Rapid Response Teams of NY, at top of page. Beef it up, make it your own, but DO IT!

    • We need media attention? The fake news will never cover the honorable acts of patriots; they will definitely not cover it the right way and will tell lies about it.

  • My sources, shall remain unknown of course, tell me that we can run all these crazy marxist liars off the back edge of the world

  • Get used to it. These gutless socialist will pull out every stop to defeat our president. I was at a Trump rally yesterday in Latrobe and the the turn out was bigger than a Rock concert. Not one word from the local matter how bad they slam him. He will be victorious.

    • We all know that. Every American can see how great Trump has made America already. No more chaos and fiscal disarray that we suffered under obummer. Americans don't want to go back to these days, they want more of Trump. He will win with a huge landslide in November. 

  •  This is the biggest hoax ever! No one has done more for we Vets than President Trump. These democrats are not only desperate they are pathetic!...TRUMP 2020

  • I believe they are nervous, but only because they dont think they can cheat big enough to win. 

  • The Democratic Party think we are stupid President Trump made our military strong again,  it was the Obama Biden team that was destroying our military,and they want us to believe their lies Idiots you been lying since day one Trump announced he was running for president. Time for you to accept that Trump is the peoples president not a Washington politician 


  • Nobody has been tougher on Russia and China than Trump has been. Trump is also a strong, cunning, and decisive leader on par with Putin. Most importantly, Russia along with everyone else can see that Trump has made America great again. Russis knows all that and definitely doesn't want Trump to stay in the White House. It won't matter what Russia wants anyway because Americans can see how much better the US is today than it was during the terrible obummer years when riots and chaos rules the streets. They will give Trump a huge landslide victory in November.

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