
  • We should stop paying federal taxes for this stupid programs from the socialist 

  • NOoooooo !!!!!!!

  • I for one strongly support Sen. Ted Cruz and I suspect many here do likewise. Question: how best should we let Ted know about us at TPO? Ideas?

  • Birds of a feather flock to together. Why wouldn’t Democrats take care of their own? Simply, thieves sharing the bounty.

  • Thery stole the election and now they're stealing our country,AND FREEDOM!!!!

  • Democrat job promotion. Democrat's new slogan, Crime Pays!

  • Why not, after all the left allows them to vote from prison!  This is insane and this administration needs to be put out to pasture and the sooner the better!

  • Pure instanity. 

  • “When the people find that they can vote themselves money that will herald the end of the republic.”

    ― Benjamin Franklin

    • Whoa!

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