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    • Socializm is what these communist countries base their government on. Take from the working class, and give equally to all after the politicans take their share.

  • Whatever Ted Cruz.....Cruz is ok but nothing more than that.

    • Ted's a great orator and debater... however oratory dalliances and debate don't make for action on their own... they inspire hope but hope that is never realized soon leads to defeatism and despondency.   The people need effective reforms and they need them NOW not later... hope on a rope always promises later.  Later never arrives, and the people soon find another empty speech... filling the void where their hope was to stand.

    • Empty rhetoric Ron ... empty. Please don't burn OUR house down.

      Why don't you run for office? What do you want from Ted? Concrete please!!!

    • I would like Ted and all of the GOP Leadership to: call for the RED States to unite and engage in a massive anti-commandeering and nullification campaign. These legislative tactics will attack the Left's attempts to use their power unconstitutionally. The GOP and RNC need to provide draft legislation to be used by ALL Red States to defend their Citizens Constitutional rights and privileges.  This legislation will take the form of State law and referendum designed to reign in Federal Power. Below are some suggested actions:

      1. Let every Red State pass a resolution declaring the 2020 Federal Election FRAUDULENT... and demand that all those elected officials either resign or that Congress impeach, expel, or pass a Constitutional Amendment voiding the election.

      2. Let the States pass a resolution declaring Artice 4, Section 4 of the Constitution in breach by the Federal Government... Let the resolution demand the federal government defend the State's borders against invasion by mass migration or declare the State's constitutional right to do so until properly relieved. The State resolution must also declare all illegal aliens found within their state in breach of law... as a felony. As 'FELONS' they can be targeted for immediate deportation (no hearings), as the State deems appropriate. The State will need to pass separate criminal statutes as needed to ensure those illegal aliens as classified as felons.

      3. Pass a state Statute for the 'Protection and Defense of the Second Amendment'... One, that makes all parties (state and federal) who attempt to deny the right of its citizens to keep and bear Arms' including ammunition and supporting items, guilty of a felony criminal State statute. Prosecute all federal and state officials who attempt to deny any state citizen their civil and Constitutional rights as a separate state offense.

      4. Have the RNC and state GOP organizations lobby for an Article V Convention... to consider Amendments that limit the terms of all elected and appointed federal officers, and recalls all those elected in the 2020 federal election, subject to new elections.

      5. By State Referendum demand a Federal Balanced Budget Act or Amendment... One, that may not be voided or bypassed, except in times of war or a national emergency, as declared by 3/4ths of the States Legislatures, not congress or the President. Pu the power to exceed a balanced budget in the hands of the States.

      6. Public Education Reform... Mandate the full dollar amount provided for a child's education be provided in voucher form to Parents... for use in educating their Children as parents choose. Allow the vouchers to be used for private, parochial, and accredited vocational training centers, where education leads to a high school diploma, journeyman certification, or other state accredited vocational licensing and certification.

      7. Pass a State Resolution and statute requiring voter Picture ID and proof of Citizenship to register and vote... Inform the SCOTUS that any ruling otherwise will be ignored. That it will be considered a breach of contract (Constitution) between the several states and the Federal Government. The resolution must reserve the right of any state to secede until the said breach is repaired. The Constitution is clear, the states establish and administer elections, as found in Article 1 of the Constitution. Federal Statutory law may not violate the US Constitution by requiring the states to conform to federal statutory law and regulation. The Constitution is supreme.

      8. Pass a state resolution demanding that all State officers, elected, and appointed officials, support the State Constitution or be immediately subject to impeachment or expulsion. Require the State's Attorney General to support and prosecute all anti-commandeering and nullification laws or be impeached and barred from practicing law in the State. Require the immediate resignation of any State Law enforcement official, an officer of the State Courts, or local election board if they violate any election law... no appeal. Let all state and local officials face a criminal penalty (a felony) for failing to support anti-commandeering and nullification legislation. The State Will need to pass a supporting criminal code.

      9. Get the States to notify the BLM and Department of Interior that they have 90 days from the date of notice to cease management of all state lands, that were not ceded by the legislature to the Federal Government, for PURPOSES OF CONSTITUTIONAL USE.. arsenals, shipyards, Forts, magazines docks and needful buildings. Also, notify all leaseholders of said lands for grazing, mining, oil, gas, and lumber, and other licensed or leased uses, to send all fees to the State Treasury along with copies of any current existing leases or licenses issued by the Federal Government... for review and re-issue by the State.

      EVICT the Federal Government from all State lands in 90 Days. The only Constitutional land the federal government may exercise jurisdiction over is federal property/buildings and territories or possessions, not under the jurisdiction of Statehood. Once a Territory becomes a State all the lands not ceded or constitutionally granted to the federal government become the property of the State. The RED States need to become seriously concerned over the many federal breaches in the constitutional power reserved for the States and People. It must end NOW!

      Tyranny sits in the seats of power... Civil War may be our only recourse... as the law and the Constitutional rights of the States and the People mean nothing to the Federal Courts and those in federal office, including many in the GOP. Look at GA. The GOP controls the Governor, Secretary of State, Attorney General, and both houses of the State Legislature. Yet, the GOP did nothing to enforce the state's election laws, in the face of corruption in the courts, and the local election boards. The State AG and Secretary of State officers did nothing. Thus turning Pres. Trump out of office and giving control to the US Senate to the Democrats. WHY? Why, did the GOP allow this to happen? Were they in on the Fraud? Are they part of the fundamental transformation of our Republic? This and other instances of such betrayal scream YES. The GOP is part of the DEEP STATE and NEW WORLD ORDER. They are not the friend of the Constitution or our heritage and Republic.

  • Just not a fan of Ted. 

  • Hope springs eternal. 

    • Hope without action is empty of its promise... hope on a rope keeps popping up in the genre of political theater... give the people hope and a little time (rope) and they will most certainly end up hanging themselves. We need much more than hope we need substance, effective action, not merely window dressing.  We need major reforms beginning with getting rid of most of the current leadership in both Political Parties.  We certainly don't need Mit Romney's daughter as the Chairperson of the RNC or Sen. McConnell as the Leader of the GOP Party in Congress...

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