
  • A young recruit died during "Hell Week" of Seal Training, not from the Training but as a result of the removal of All Physical Education in our Public School Systems. Bodies must condition from birth to meet the challenges of adulthood. The less required of young minds and bodies the less capable they become as adults for anything but mindless jobs and mingling with herds.

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

  • This idot needds to be sent to a "reeducation center" to learn about symbols...

  • The Parents need to remove their children from the Public Schools... and then completely DEFUND THEM... give parents vouchers for the FULL AMOUNT OF STATE AID for education.  Allow the parents to choose where to educate their children... as long as the source meets the minimum standards for education by broad category.  The State should not be permitted to set specific curriculum requirements, only the hours of education by subject category, English, Math, Science, History, Health, Physical Ed, etc.  Give parents the power to educate their children within wide guidelines...  Allow vocational training to substitute for college prep courses or other electives.

    • When the children are removed from public school and given vouchers, the parents should not have to pay taxes to the schools anymore. And they need to deduct those same taxes from the teachers, and school board instead.

    • Mike the vouchers given to parents are funded with the dollars normally sent to the Public Schools... By giving vouchers to parents public schools lose those funds unless the parent decides to send their child to a public school. 

      Education vouchers will follow the children, not the public school.  Children's education will be supervised by their parents, not the NEA.  Parents could choose to spend their voucher by sending their child to a public school... it would be their choice.  However, I believe that sufficient funds would be removed from most public schools to require them to downsize considerably.

    • They shouldn't be in school, they are illegal! They don't belong here, why are we spending our money on them? Illegal kids ead to illegal parents......get rid of them all!

    • I will add these to your list.

      PE through grade and high school for obvious reasons. It builds physical skills, coordination and defes racism and classism.

      Music, helps math ability, intervals, tempo, breathing.

      Art, builds intregrated learning within both hemispheres of the brajn.  Researchers have described art as "teaching tbe brain to learn."

    • Also reading classics via books.

    • I thoroughly agree... what we just defined is called a CLASSICAL EDUCATION... not the modern hoopla and woke indoctrination being sold and packaged as education in most public schools Art, Music, English literature, foreign languages, vocational training, and Physical Education are all important to a child's education, emotional and physical training/conditioning.   We also need to encourage the classical extra school's activities and clubs including Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, and civic institutions such as FFA, Rotary, and other fraternal organizations.

      In other words we need to turn the clock back to embrace the classical education of the 50s and early 60s... anything after that is woefully inadequate.

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    • She should be sentenced to the "Dunkin Stool" and dipped until she can no longer talk!

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