
  • I'm trying to start a local chapter of Tea Party patriots here in Oswego.  Can anyone give me advice?


  • Romney is a damned hypocrite. When he ran for president he said many of the things he condemns Trump for. Romney makes me sick to my stomach. I voted for this disgrace of a subhuman when he ran for president.. He is a traitor to his country.

    • Francis, everyone who goes against President Trump is a traitor to this country. Unforunately, there are way too many traitors in the US these days.

    • Romney is a norman what do you expect?

    • "Romney is a norman what do you expect?"

      Oh I don't know. He could be Anglo-Saxon. 

      But Romney is definitely a Utah Mormon.

    • What's new?

  • I am so ashamed I voted for Romney when he ran for President. Thank the Lord he never got it.

    • Don't be because he did not win now we are seeing what Obama is up to and it's not good at all

    • Carline, I did too but only because I wrongly thought he would be better than the ineligible usurper on the other side.  It is now VERY clear that mitty the poo would have been just as bad!!!!!!!!!!

  • He thought he could be President, you know.

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