
  • NOOOOOOOOOO way anyone is THAT stupid, to make a confession on Social Media. Even Democrat Citiots aren't that dumb, are they? I don't think I'll be re-posting or sharing this until I know she actually wrote this.

    • In DEMOCRATS, pride and arrogance outweigh intellect and logic EVERY TIME!!!

    • isn't that the truth

    • She thinks she is a hero and she wants her fellow communists to know it.

    • the Democrats are dumb


    • If the Democrats are dumb what does that make us for putting up with their crap?  Think about that awhile.

  • There is no proof any of this is true... be careful how you judge as with what measure ye judge it shall be returned unto thee... judge righteously and receive rightousness.

    • Agree


    • ADMIN

      What proof do you need?? I am not judging anybody. This lady has posted all kinds of videos on her now deleted FB page. I don't have InstaGram where this was originally posted. I don't have instagram so I can  go there, But it was confirmed by various people. 

    • How about corroboration that this woman actually posted what is reported...  Maybe a snapshot of her Instagram or Facebook comments before they were taken down would be proof.  Otherwise, this criminal confession appears to be highly doubtful... hard to believe anyone would be so foolish as to admit to a crime on social media.  I will reserve my judgment until there is actual evidence that the woman in question actually posted such comments for all the world to see, including law enforcement.

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