
  • With those who lean towards the Progressive Socialist MEDIA/Political Manipulation, the information lived with determines their beliefs. Either through laziness or failure of direction/education they know not how to seek information in determining "Truths." Available to all are the FBI and CDC statistics which reveal interesting facts including: Oregon Total Covid Deaths 5,356. Oregon ranking #45 in Homicides for 2021, 12,383.  Washington D.C. ranking #1 in Homicides for 2021 was 20,700, and a Covid Two Year Death Total of 1,162. Now what made the "Headlines?" Only "We" can change the Headlines by informing the ignorant.

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain 

  • Why do the young people believe the media that hates Trump. Can't they understand the truth???

    • They are hearing the truth in the fake news, in their socialist/communist run schools and in social media. I just recently performed a Google search on the facts about the toxic vaccine. My search in Google neted a whole page of links that said it wasn't true. I rest my case.

  • The Gen-Z Americans have been indoctrinated with stupidity.  I wish they would wake up to reality!!  Wokeness has consumed their minds and what a loss to humanity.

    • They've been robbed of themelves by the "Gatekeepers". FUBAR.


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