
  • How do I see this ending... Given the lack of leadership to counter the corruption and insurgency underway in America... I see it ending very badly...\

    It will end any pretense of Constitutional government... It will end with the collapse of society and our economy.  The advent of Hyperinflation and a worthless Dollar will create widespread panic and violence will ravage our major cities. The Marxists in the White House and Congress will declare Martial Law and any further pretense that America is a Constitutional Republic will end. It will end with civil chaos and an economic depression that will make the Great Depression a joke

    It will end very badly for the middle class and poor... the wealthy will claim the right to most real property and the means of production ... making surfs of most individuals.  It will end with the advent of a new age Feudal economy and Aristocracy.

  • We all know everytime the democrats replace a bad person, another POS replaces them and this is a prime example of POS. Did she make a commercial in the 60's with maple syrup?

  • Just another example that debating a Leftist-Communist-Demoncrat is a fool's errand!  You cannot debate or reason with idiots!!!  Remember, never wrestle with a pig, the pig likes it and all you get is dirty!

  • We all want to hear from the bimbo that replaced the bimbo 

  • We need strong Republicans leaders time to get rid of the McConnell Romney and all those spineless cowards Rinos 

    • Lorenzo, I agree they need to go but they aren't "spineless", they are COMPLICIT IN TREASON!!!!!!!!!!


  • Liar!!!

  • I believe the PENDULUM is swinging OUR way and the PEOPLE are going to say Buh-Bye vermin demoCRAPS!!! Can't wait for the GREAT FUMIGATION of November!

    • They will fight it tooth and nail,we all know that.( FOUL FOUL,FOUL, wa wa)

    • I think you are correct

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