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  • DO SOMETHING CONSTRUCTIVE ABOUT THE BORDER PROBLEMS... All of America already understands we have a horrible crisis on the border.  America needs no convincing that it exists... It is now up to Congress to act to solve the problem and if they won't act ... LET THE SOVEREIGN STATES act to defend our borders, national security, and the Citizens of the United States from the criminals and disease being permitted unlawful access to our interior cites. 

    It is time to inform Sen. Cruz and others in Congress who so eloquently define the border crisis... to act.  Talk is cheap.  It is time for a legislative solution to our border problems.  It is past time that Ted and Company do more than TALK.  Congress needs to draft legislation to solve the situation, and if necessary Ted and Company (the GOP) must SHUT DOWN CONGRESS until it is passed.  We are being invaded. A state of undeclared war exists on our Southern border and frankly within our institutions of government.


    The STATES need to convene an emergency Article 5 convention... and immediately pass an Amendment that RECALLS THE CURRENT FEDERAL GOVERNMENT,  The recall should be subject to new elections and appointment.  Said elections to be held 120 days from the date the recall amendment is ratified. The Recall Amendment must also deny the current elected, appointed, and SES bureaucrats from participating as candidates.  

    It is time that the Government stops messing around... the problems are known and Constitutional solutions are available.  Apparently, neither party is willing to do what it will take to solve the problem.  Sen Cruz, please introduce the needed legislation to solve this crisis and demand Congress act immediately or shut the GOVERNMENT DOWN.  Then focus the GOP/RNC on calling an Article 5 Convention to recall the entire government, subject to new elections. Send a clear and unified signal that  ENOUGH is ENOUGH.

    • congress won't do anything to help Sen. Cruz, they hate him for doing his job as he should!!!!!!!!!!


    • Cruz doesn't need Congress to offer his own Bill to fix the border... where is it.  One US Senator can shut down the US Senate by demanding a Quoram be present on the floor before any business is conducted and they can do it every time a quarum is not present... which is most of the time.

      The good Senator can also work to call on an Article 5 convention and offer a RECALL AMENDMENT for the States to adopt... recalling all of the sitting government subject to new elections.  HE HAS DONE NOTHING OTHER THAN telling us of the problem we have known about for decades.... he is s dupe or a ruse... whose RHETORIC doesn't line up with positive action to correct the problem.

      There are no good members of Congress or in government... and it is questionable if there are any in State Government... we may be permanently lost as the Constitutional Republic our founding fathers created.

  • I actually got nauseous while watching this. I don't know words bad enough to call Pelosi/Biden, et al. They are foul beyond belief.

  • Bidens in the basement playing video games with his grandkids, Harris who's supposidly in charge of this crisis just giggles and laughs when asked about it and Pelosi... Well she's got her freezers restocked with gourmet ice cream! Jus sayin...

  • And yet the Biden [mis]administration keeps telling us there is no crisis. 

    • The "administration" - aka - communist dictatorship - WANTS this, so that they and their commie minions can have perpetual illegal alien "voters" to keep themelves in power forever. That's why they stole the election and lie, lie, lie about it. And the fools in our gelding government are too scared of them to do their job. We're in for it.


    • It isn't just the Current Administration that wants this crisis... it is those who hold the solution at bay and allow this constitutional crisis to continue that is at fault.  We don't have a border crisis we have a political leadership crisis in BOTH PARTIES.  There are Constitutional Solutions available.  The problem is not having solutions, it is men like TED CRUZ and JOE BIDEN, neither of them has displayed the needed leadership to solve the border crisis.  The crisis IS NOT NEW... it has been going on for DECADES while both parties claim to be working to solve it.

      The current GOP leadership is a lost cause.. they know what to do and have the workable solutions. They simply agree with the 'open border' policy and the end of America as we know it.  The border problem is the symptom of a much larger cancer in our midst. Progressive and Marxist politics are eating away at our Republic, rendering it unrecognizable. Soon it will no longer exist. Do not think men like Sen. Cruz are not aware of the seriousness of our crisis? They have the solutions needed, they simply don't agree with the solutions, but they also need our support. So, they pander to us with their RHETORIC, playing their part on the stage of corruption, while the Nation crumbles all around us.

      What can we do... we can begin by co-opting the local and state GOP.  We can take the GOP over from within.  We can actively engage the Party, voting out their management until we control a majority of the State's GOP chartered counties. We can then throw out the RNC managers and retake the Party. Once we have the GOP in the Conservative camp, we can wage legislative war: shut down Congress if necessary, and demand the states recall every current sitting member of the government, replacing them with true conservative Patriots. who will then take the necessary actions to save the Union and our Constitutional Republic.  

      Doing what is necessary to save America is not ROCKET SCIENCE... we need to rid ourselves of the BAD APPLES in the barrel and restore government of the people, for the people, with the PEOPLE.  We need citizen politicians who serve one term and then return to their homes and businesses.   We need to retake our government and civil institutions, restore GODLY ORDER by throwing out the bad and retaining the good in leadership roles.

    • That's who I meant, along with Harris-Biden. Our REAL President started the necessary work on this horrible problem, but the commie minions did their damndest to steal the election to stop him from saving our country. Now it's even worse than before.


    • Sir, First,  thank you for your service to our country. Second, you speak clearly and I think you have a good idea. My question is, how do you motivate the states to move forward? It will take quite a few, won't it?

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