
    • Hear, hear!!!


  • Sen Kaine indeed is a graduate of Harvard University.... the product of a liberal institution and revisionist history.   Anyone with a Harvard or Ivy League Education must be considered lost to the liberal indoctrination of the Socialist International... beware of hiring, promoting, or electing such misguided individuals to high office or authority in one's business.

  • Perhaps he is right in that the democrats have created the current policies that have turned minorities into subservient welfare slaves.

  • He is right. It was the Democrat Party who created slavery and their enforcers became known as the KKK. 

  • I was thinking about running against him in the next primary but when the Democrat hiarchy found out my IQ was 36 they disqualified me.

    • I know, I know with an IQ of 36 you were overqualified to hold office in the Democrat Party... The  DNC is fearful that you may overshadow Biden and Pelosi.

  • !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GODDAMN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IS HE STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

  • Another one who is totally ignorant of Christianity. Slaves are mentioned in the Bible and God was obviously good with it.

  • He is historically ignorant.

  • America did not invent slavery. We ended it. Except for the country that started it. And continues it. Period. 

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