
  • Why all the uproar? Did you expect anything less from a Democrat "Dude" named Dick?

  • Democrats want to be able to have schools teach your five year old daughter how to give BJ's and your six year old son to take it where the sun don't shine. They promote pedofillia and perversion. They need to be stopped by whatever means necessary.

  • He is another worthless peace  of  human  trash  that need to go to Jail  and so on .

  • Worthless pervert

  • Because the past is not correcting the problem.  Or, maybe, you lean that way too.  


  • ALL communist democrats are engaged in child pronography . Thats why they voted for Bidens Supreme Court nominee.

    Tey know how easy she is on perverts,rapist and child molesters.

  • He probably has a large collection 

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