Whenever insanity becomes the driving force in government... it is time to consider seceding from such a government. The several States of the Union are not permanently joined at the hip... secession is not prohibited by the Constitution. 

The US Constitution is a contract between the consenting SOVERIGN States of the Union, known as the United States of America...  As such, when serious disagreements arise and mutual consent is unable to settle such disagreements, the contract may be dissolved by similar agreement or consent... and if need be... by force of the soverign will of the participating States or State. 

America and its several States being the product of the People's consent have arrived at an impasse in governance... such that the continued consent to be governed has been broached by the criminal conduct of major parties to the contract.  The resulting rift between the States and the Public is now critical.  There exist FUNDAMENTAL disagreements in the Constitution and its application in law. So great are the differences that no peaceful resolution is possible. As one party resorted to Electoral Fraud, usurping the consent of the people to be governed.  This breach of the law will not be tolerated, by several of the member States, and after seeking recourse in the courts the offended party finds them corrupt and unable to properly address the facts and the law. Hence, there is a call to secede echoing loudly in the halls of several State Legislatures.

It is time for the offended and oppressed States to form a 'Secession Caucus' in both houses of the Congress of the United States... to formally examine their secession from the Union and the formation of new governments based on the principals and needs of their citizens. It is time for the States to separate themselves from the criminal cabal operating as the federal government of the United States.  It is with great trepidation such an undertaking is needed, but we must all request our State Legislatures to formally announce their exit from the Union... by peaceful and lawful, negotiated means, if possible, and by their soverign will if not.

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    • P/S Dale:

      A free people may choose how they govern themselves and protect their liberty...  Governments are instituted among Men, to secure the rights of those governed, they derive their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed.  Whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of those ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.  Thus the Declaration of Independence ESTABLISHES THE RIGHT OF SECESSION... Wake up, Dale.

      "WHEN in the Course of human Events, it becomes necessary for one People to dissolve the Political Bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the Powers of the Earth, the separate and equal Station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent Respect to the Opinions of Mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the Separation."  Quote The Declaration of Independence.

      It is time that the soverign Red States respond to their Citizens... and take up the matter of lawful secession... within the halls of Congress... divining a path to universal liberty and security that serve the interest of the People and not the tyranny of the Federal Government.

    • Col. Nelson. Why is it that if I disagree with you and take the time to explain why I do so you state that I need to "wake up"?

      You misconstrue  much with your know it all attitude.  You don't. You are wrong. Trying to say it is the will of God to secede is not true at all. It is absurd.

      Yes, It is true that the Declaration of Independence  does in fact declare the reasons why Independence from Britian was considered necessary. Everybody knows that. Be that as it may, there is no such thing as lawful secession.  The problem is NOT AMERICA and OUR FORM OF GOVERNMENT.  It is the people in it who govern ignorantly, lawlessly, and twist the Constitution into  a justification document allowing them to do as they damned well please.

      I waste my time conversing with you.  I am sorry I posted  anything at all. I won't do it again, I can assure you of that.  Have a nice day.

    • FORGET ELECTIONS... WE HAVE LOST THE BALLOT BOX... it is more than delusional to believe we can repair or restore government thru the electoral process it has been totally compromised.  As one member here said... forget the ballot box, exchange it for the Bullet Box.

    • Lookit. If we make the first year of a Joke Biden Presidency, then in 2022, elections create greater difficulties for trouble-making. The chinese puppet is walking into a dark saw mill as it is. As it is now, the idiot California Governor has stationed National Guard in Sacramento in his own fear. People are living in apprehension, but are certain they are under attack. 

      How much tyranny will a people be subjected to?

      As much as they will tolerate.

      How is your leadership feeling?

    • The 9th and 10th Amendments reserve all rights not enumerated or restricted to the States and or the People... as natural rights, born out by natural lawful, precedent, and history...  It then, follows, that any lawful secession should seek mutual consent and agreement by the parties concerned.  Seceedting should be negotiated in Congress, between the parties looking to secede and the Congress.  

      However, if after reasonable attempts to negotiate the terms of secession fail... and no agreement is possible, then by natural and our Creators law those looking to form a new government by CONSENT of the People should do so, and prepare to defend their choice as any soverign among the nations ... as declared by Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence. 

      A Free People... are a soverign people capable of determining the form of government they decide bests provide for their security and happiness.  Whenever, the State abuses or usurps those powers reserved for the people creating an unbearable tyranny the People have the right, nay the duty to throw off such despotism and to establish new governments capable of delivering the security and happiness sought by the People.  The right to succeed is God-given and lawful... under the 9th and 10th Amendments.

    • I did not say it is the will of God to secede... I said it was the God-given right to secede... too, determine the form of government a people will consent.  The Declaration of Independence was a FUNDAMENTAL SECESSION DOCUMENT... the Colonies seceded from their colonial relationship and government with England... and yes.. wake up... our Nation was founded by seceding from Great Britains Empire.

      The fundamentals of human relationships and government remain the same as they were in the days of King George... we now face new tyrants, who under the color of law assume to RULE over us... making us their SUBJECTS AND SERFS... If we are not able to vote them out, then we must 'move them out'... setting them aside, we must create new governments, which govern by the consent of the people, and conform to their purposes and security.

      I never said the problem was America or our form of Government... I said our problem was government by tyrants.... it is the administration of our Constitutional Government that has BETRAYED the People and the Constitution.  Our supposed elected officials and their abuse and usurpations are the problem.  Re-read what I posted as your representation is totally skewed...

      Retiring from the debate is no way for a man of your intelligence and reason to respond... to my overt bravado and forthright attitude... consider it a fault of mine... the result of years of military training and communication practices... too much regimentation, for that, I apologize.

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