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  • Secretary of State Blinkens lack of forthrightness does bear the lovely bouquet of road apples, doesn't it?

    Imagine, having to disclose information about his duties as a public official!

    Its not like he has a private server chocked full of classified information ( a felony)

    with an internet access for the paying customers, right?

    Oh that would never happen.

    (Blinken did seem taken aback)

  • This is not about indictments... If it were, the Biden family would have been indicted years ago. This is about blackmail, coercion, and the manipulation of the President by external sources who have the 'goods' on the President and his family members.  This is about the CONTROL of key government officials whose lives are sullied with massive criminal conduct.  It is about persuading key officials to murder millions, instead of going to prison... it's about suborning treason and other crimes.

    Character matters... in fact, it is about all that matters...  Without 'character' all the education, common sense, and ability to lead, become twisted and perverted... in the pursuit of anti-social behavior and criminal conduct.

    • Unfortunately it appears the last thing that matters to the demockrats is Character!  All that matters to them is what they can cover up and with what they can get away.


    • Time waits for no one... it is the bold who grasp the urgency of the day... too, reach out for the stars in hope that their ACTIONS will turn the tide and with it our future... Where are the bold in the GOP... where are the stars of liberty who are willing to cast their bread upon the waters of strife and to wage war with the enemies of liberty?  They no longer appear in our defense, they have long faded in the memory of the righteous as they hide from the adversity of the times... 

      It takes the bold to lead in desperate times... 

    • I certainly did not tie the word BOLD with the GOP... please refrain from misapplication of my words; it is difficult enough to communicate without the intentional misquotes or misrepresentation of one's points.  Violence or suggesting the use of force, to accomplish one's goals, under the current scenario in America would likely result in civil war.  So, without having the benefit of reviewing the post you refer to in its context, I doubt that my statement mischaracterized what appears to be a call for physical confrontation over constitutional means for redressing our grievances...

      Anyone aware of my politics knows I am not a sycophant of the GOP... Albeit, the Patriot must have major party representation if they are to have any influence in government. Perhaps we should identify more with democrats or the Communists, NOT.  There are only two viable political parties, capable of reforming our Government.  Your self-aggrandizing comments are a bit irritating. I call your attention to your own words: " mWell, Trump never had the good sense, luck, or wherewithal to talk with me"... If he had what then?  We all need to be a little more humble and tolerant of others, especially, those who are in leadership roles, doing the best they can to save our Republic.  The Enemy is not Pres. Trump or me.

    • Its 3:42am guys! 

      Let me guess, insommnia induced by: uncertain times, lousy government, weather change, no good reruns on, ....?

  • Seems time for Republicans always expires at the most opportune time.

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