
  • Maybe it is time to revisit.  A lot of people are dying because of Putin.  His life sure as hell is no more important than the children he is killing.   Right or wrong, I don't know.  Should take another look.  

    • What is the source of your information? Did you get it from Hillary, CNN, or maybe George Soros filled you in with all the gruesome details? If you watch MSNBC, Joe & Mika will give you a play-by-play commentary of the all the horrendous atrocities committed by Putin himself. Whichever of these sources you’ve used, you can be certain it’s accurate, truthful, and totally unbiased.

      Russia and Ukraine

  • Not a fan of Hannity. Blowhard.

  • Hannity what makes you think the next leader would be any better?

    • Sometimes Hannity just runs off at the mouth!

  • Haw about just lining up fighter jets in all the bordering countries, have the Ukrainian pilots go to these countries and start flying east!

    They are soldiers, I'm sure they can manage to get tho the western borders when a million of their people have. Parachute them into the bordering countries if they have to. These bordering countries are next in line for Putin if he succeeds in Ukraine, and the spineless west will do nothing for them either, they will give them up as they did in WWII!

  • Puton is the one that violated the "Laws of Humanity" FIRST which over rides ALL OTHER LAWS. He now needs to pay for his violations.

    • Ukraine is Bidens excuse to try and take our eye off the ball.

      Fact Remains, Falchi, Gates and Biden violated the Nuremberg Code and should be charged with Genocide / Crimes against Humanity. Clintons with treason / Epionaige. 

      Zuckenburg for funding the Rigging an election, as wells as, funding for Mules and illegial vote stealingAll crimes should be felonies and treason

    • When in the hell do you think any of these inbred liberal dems or rinos are going to going to convicted of ANYTHING? I don't see it happening anytime soon!!!

  • In the early 2000's the go to radio talk show host for me were Rush Limbaugh, Neal Boortz, Laura Ingraham and Sean Hannity. I listened to the first two until one passed away and one retired. The last one was good on the radio and has a show on Fox that I've never watched and Hannity's still on the radio along with his Fox show.  Long story short Hannity to me has gotten too big for his britches and I no longer listen to him and barely watch his show. Now since he's said this I know for a fact that I've made the right decision to only watch Tucker full time.

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